
center of the Duelist starting area, because that would have really come in handy in its previous position.

i can use incinerate (12 mana cost) timelessly with 47.7 mana regen per sec.

You must be using Sadida's and Iron Will for that, because normally a 12 mana cost incinerate would use 75 mana per second, but it would come out to 45.75 with those.

just watch the video and shut up of mana cost. i dont even use iron will or sadida blah or mana leech.
Last edited by rsthrsdj on Mar 10, 2013, 5:56:42 PM
KoTao wrote:
Seems i forgot in my previous post that ignites cant stack. Whoops! Looks like ignites completely worthless on incinerate after all. Not much else to say about the spell for now.

I do think we need a fire spell similar to freezing pulse and spark, something with a direct attack + low cast time that allows quick kiting and fast paced gameplay but is generally less effective at longer range.

do you mean you want to use ignite gem? if you use curse, you can ignite.
No, i mean ignite is terrible on low damage fire spells. Spell that hits 10x per second for 30 damage per hit deals 300 dps, but an ignite from that spell will only add 10 dps. Little over 3% total damage increase from ignite, how useless is that?

I wish ignite didnt cause fleeing on so many monsters too, the effect is more of a bane than a boon for most builds.
IGN: KoTao
rsthrsdj wrote:

just watch the video and shut up of mana cost. i dont even use iron will or sadida blah or mana leech.

First of all, you are not @Melting@ anything in your videos. You can just as well with Fireball or firestorm, possibly even better. Second, if you tried to @Tank@ like that in cruel and especially merciless you'd be KO in seconds.

You can make incinerate work but the point many are trying to put forth is that it is simply Not better than Fireball or firestorm(and FAR lesser to skills like FP) and is much more dangerous without specifically built tank ish characters. Most of which I see here are bloodmagic marauders. I do Not think GGG's idea was for people to be re-rolling marauder/templar Bloodmagic casters to really take advantage of this skill.

No matter how many people come in and claim decent success with this skill the number would be far greater if we were talking about freeze pulse/spark/LA/etc. Regardless of what you do with this skill or fireball Or firestorm they will Never reach either freezing pulse nor sparks power and utility. Just not going to happen. It's a fun toy, it works pretty decent if you invest Heavily for it or very well geared for. But it still does not bring Fire up with the big boys @shrugs@
IGN - Dapper_The_Strapper
"Stripper with a strap-on"
Last edited by Teflondon1975 on Mar 10, 2013, 7:32:30 PM
Regardless of what you do with this skill or fireball Or firestorm they will Never reach either freezing pulse nor sparks power and utility

No, and honestly they shouldn't. FP and LA are simply overpowered, and the ridiculous strength of Shock makes Spark rather overpowered as well.
Vipermagi wrote:
Regardless of what you do with this skill or fireball Or firestorm they will Never reach either freezing pulse nor sparks power and utility

No, and honestly they shouldn't. FP and LA are simply overpowered, and the ridiculous strength of Shock makes Spark rather overpowered as well.

I can agree with you on this. But what do you do? Nerf several skills or bring a couple up so everybody can have a fun time? :P Hard to say really but in most instances it's better to boost a few than nerf a bunch. You have far less fall-out when boosting rather than nerfing do you not?

Edit: Personally I'd be fine with skills Not being as overtly powerful as FP/Spark/etc but I Would like to see fire spells having good synergy with their own status ailments. I'd be much less disappointed if it actually had some use with ignite etc.
IGN - Dapper_The_Strapper
"Stripper with a strap-on"
Last edited by Teflondon1975 on Mar 10, 2013, 8:27:15 PM
Teflondon1975 wrote:
rsthrsdj wrote:

just watch the video and shut up of mana cost. i dont even use iron will or sadida blah or mana leech.

First of all, you are not @Melting@ anything in your videos. You can just as well with Fireball or firestorm, possibly even better. Second, if you tried to @Tank@ like that in cruel and especially merciless you'd be KO in seconds.

did you even see i am playing on HC merciless? did you even try with perfect build with gears?
people cried it is too bad at low level so i made a video at low level. now people cry of high level. mobs can't even get close to me. how do they kill me? blind + knockback will be OP.
and how much strong must i be seriously? must i kill everything with one hit on HC merc?
and look at other people and most people. they were worse than me obviously.
Last edited by rsthrsdj on Mar 10, 2013, 8:46:15 PM
rsthrsdj wrote:

did you even see i am playing on HC merciless? did you even try with perfect build with gears?
people cried it is too bad at low level so i made a video at low level. now people cry of high level. mobs can't even get close to me. how do they kill me? blind + knockback will be OP.
and how much strong must i be seriously? must i kill everything with one hit on HC merc?
and look at other people and most people. they were worse than me obviously.

There is far to much in here to go looking through every reply, sorry if I missed something. No, I did not see you in HC merciless. But you are certainly not melting things in the lower levels. I easily did as well with FB or firestorm after having played several characters all fire builds. Did you read the rest of MY post? You likely didn't either, fair is fair. The skill has zero synergy with it's own status ailment. This completely voids any crit/burn nodes/burn% nodes which is, IMO, silly for a fire skill. I do not think the point is that it does not work at all but more that fire was the least of the three elements in effectiveness and it remains so.
IGN - Dapper_The_Strapper
"Stripper with a strap-on"
Last edited by Teflondon1975 on Mar 10, 2013, 8:55:26 PM
Maybe I'm missing something here but I looked through your youtube video list and could not find any merciless gameplay?
IGN - Dapper_The_Strapper
"Stripper with a strap-on"
Teflondon1975 wrote:
Maybe I'm missing something here but I looked through your youtube video list and could not find any merciless gameplay?

i mean.. did you even try it on HC merc with perfect gears and build?
i asked "did you even see i play on HC merc" because i was very surprised when you judged anything without real proof or gameplay. and you talk like everything will be impossible on HC merc without any proof or gameplay.
i asked a question. i didn't say i played HC merc.
you didnt even try incinerate at low level and you cry as hell.
stop crying like a faggot without any gameplay.
there are already some posts people say it is not bad.

isn't it enough to talk about same thing over and over again for 25 pages?
post the builds or strategies with this skill than crying.
i am low level yet.
why do you judge anything before it begins?

and i didn't say i am melting everything
and i ask you this.. how much strong must i be? must i melt everything with one hit on HC merc?????
Last edited by rsthrsdj on Mar 10, 2013, 10:31:43 PM

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