
so many people say it is too bad at low level. i made video of low level gameplay.
This skill is a plain joke and a middle finger answer for fire witch problem.

This skill is just bullshit for a CI or/and energy shield using. The mana cost is a middle finger right at their face. Not a single CI user or energy shield user will be able to sustain such mana/sec cost.

Basically, for this skill, you need to be:
- armor tank witch on life, with resist and co
- transfer all shield to mana (passive node)
- use a mana leech gem

F*ck that sh*t, I'm just going to refund all my fire nodes and change them to freeze since fire is still so bad ... and freeze so OP.

This skill "supposed" to help fire witch and CI been all shitty (yay \o/), we can feel the dev love for fire witch running on energy shield.

Most of my friends stopped or nearly stopped playing, maybe I'll just stop too, since things don't really evolve/change quickly in this game. I'm just gonna stop wasting my time.

And don't tell me re-roll usual bullshit => Fire witch / Energy shield + CI should be viable and not just at end game with the best "you never gonna see" gear ingame.
Caimath wrote:
imr1212 wrote:

Yeah, I'm gonna have to wait to get to ledge to test it out with my totem build. I don't think ledge is a good place to determine whether things are map viable or not though. I think the problem with the mobility with this skill will def present itself when you have more aoe elemental based attacks and poison arrows coming at you while you're forced to stand still. I think it may be hard to make this map viable without using totems, but I hope I'm proved wrong.

The thing is, pretty much every single mob on The Ledge is resistant to fire, yet I still destroy them, this is with only 5 damage increasing talents..

Defense is a non issue as well, I can facetank Kuduku + every single mob around him and I can't even see my life move, because of the insane life leech.

I will see once I get to maps though.

One thing is for sure though, I love this skill right now. It's sparked my interest in the game right back up again, after having been away for a week or so. :D

Lol. Like I said, I don't think ledge is a good gauge of anything. Kuduku is just an elemental resist test. If you stand still and take some poison arrows to the face in a map, and leech your way through it, then I'll be convinced :P
Fire witch is fine.

But let me guess, you dont use crit and you use chance to ignite.

And i don't see where is the probleme to use mana leech for this skill.
mastahfr wrote:
This skill is a plain joke and a middle finger answer for fire witch problem.

This skill is just bullshit for a CI or/and energy shield using. The mana cost is a middle finger right at their face. Not a single CI user or energy shield user will be able to sustain such mana/sec cost.

Basically, for this skill, you need to be:
- armor tank witch on life, with resist and co
- transfer all shield to mana (passive node)
- use a mana leech gem

F*ck that sh*t, I'm just going to refund all my fire nodes and change them to freeze since fire is still so bad ... and freeze so OP.

This skill "supposed" to help fire witch and CI been all shitty (yay \o/), we can feel the dev love for fire witch running on energy shield.

Most of my friends stopped or nearly stopped playing, maybe I'll just stop too, since things don't really evolve/change quickly in this game. I'm just gonna stop wasting my time.

And don't tell me re-roll usual bullshit => Fire witch / Energy shield + CI should be viable and not just at end game with the best "you never gonna see" gear ingame.

other guy told you blood magic + this skill is OP. and CI isnt viable yet. i dont think most builds and most people do CI build.
Last edited by rsthrsdj on Mar 8, 2013, 4:28:51 PM
rsthrsdj wrote:
mastahfr wrote:
This skill is a plain joke and a middle finger answer for fire witch problem.

This skill is just bullshit for a CI or/and energy shield using. The mana cost is a middle finger right at their face. Not a single CI user or energy shield user will be able to sustain such mana/sec cost.

Basically, for this skill, you need to be:
- armor tank witch on life, with resist and co
- transfer all shield to mana (passive node)
- use a mana leech gem

F*ck that sh*t, I'm just going to refund all my fire nodes and change them to freeze since fire is still so bad ... and freeze so OP.

This skill "supposed" to help fire witch and CI been all shitty (yay \o/), we can feel the dev love for fire witch running on energy shield.

Most of my friends stopped or nearly stopped playing, maybe I'll just stop too, since things don't really evolve/change quickly in this game. I'm just gonna stop wasting my time.

And don't tell me re-roll usual bullshit => Fire witch / Energy shield + CI should be viable and not just at end game with the best "you never gonna see" gear ingame.

other guy told you blood magic + this skill is OP. and CI isnt viable yet. i dont think most builds and most people do CI build.

I know what they told. The problem is not that you can't use it, the problem is that only ONE SINGLE kind of build can use it and it's tanking on life using shield as mana pool or mana leech or blood magic (all of that CAN'T be done with energy shield build). And don't tell me, use it on totem, hell no, there is already a totem for that.

I'm sorry but witches (and especially fire witches) are so broken right now, that only ppl tanking on life can do shit properly. I want to been able to use energy shield and CI for fuck sake.
Last edited by mastahfr on Mar 8, 2013, 4:34:28 PM
this needs iron will + Culling strike to reduce casting speed becuz of mana cost. and don't level up gem of iron will and culling strike.
Last edited by rsthrsdj on Mar 8, 2013, 10:13:50 PM
How we can use this skill???

* It havent crit, most of witches have atleast 20% crit chance
* You cant use it with support gems, i dont know no1 that can handle the mana that it request
* 20% of effectiveness, LMAO

In the end it's just another cool animation and useless skill, fireball still a way better
So many people crying just don't know how to play the game it seems.
verts wrote:
So many people crying just don't know how to play the game it seems.


A thousand times this....

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