[3.9][HC/SC] Soulrend Trickster - Fast mapper with great defenses (League starter/All content)

Is anyone using Queen of the Forest with the Life+MoM+EB build? If so I'd like to take a look at your build, I am a little confused about how we are supposed to manage getting so much evasion for the MS bonus of QOTF while also balancing around a bunch of life and ES. I really would like to run QOTF for the MS though. Would appreciate a Path of Building link if anyone is running it right now :) Thanks
MCRide wrote:
Is anyone using Queen of the Forest with the Life+MoM+EB build? If so I'd like to take a look at your build, I am a little confused about how we are supposed to manage getting so much evasion for the MS bonus of QOTF while also balancing around a bunch of life and ES. I really would like to run QOTF for the MS though. Would appreciate a Path of Building link if anyone is running it right now :) Thanks


Get some sweet evasion boosting flasks.
Been playing this build since day one, kinda took most of it over from Tarkecat.
Lvl 95, about 140 ex networth currently in bank.

Thought I would share my current build and setup with the group, before I go all crazy with fractured item crafting, and dumping all my cash in changing most of my gear.
85% spell dodge, is pretty great though, but lets see if we can do something sillier.


Pretty much most of the gear i use was also selffound and crafted, killed Uber multiple times for the watchers eye, Shaper for Flask etc.
PoB contains 2 builds, but thinking of maybe dualwielding instead, or doing a 5 aura (aspect of spider or crab) setup with Enlighten, but requires changes.
Any question, gimme a whisper, I might not immediately respond and read it here.

Last edited by Fluxje on Mar 26, 2019, 1:42:36 PM
How do you deal with boss fights? I am finding it hard to sustain HP whenever I get hit in those tougher fights like Guardians and Red Elder. Haven't tried Shaper/Uber yet. Do I just need to dodge better or is there a trick?
For our helm, should we be looking for the increased damage, or would a additional projectile work? I assume the damage
IGN: Delran
victorlee wrote:
How do you deal with boss fights? I am finding it hard to sustain HP whenever I get hit in those tougher fights like Guardians and Red Elder. Haven't tried Shaper/Uber yet. Do I just need to dodge better or is there a trick?

Just based on your gear looks like you're stacking for magic find. Not sure if you have a different belt and amulet for bossing but extra spaces for HP could help be a little beefier. Are your pantheons maxed out? I tend to use Lunaris and Shakari for general mapping and switch to Yugul for Elder/Shaper and Solaris if it's a solo/melee boss.

Your helmet would be better as a pure ES helm to make use of the Escape Artist node. Otherwise a lot of those big boss fights are very mechanical, once you get used to them, you know what to dodge, and have Vaal Grace as extra backup. It's nice as a ranged DOT character because you can also just drop Bane every few seconds, dodge mechanics and shoot Soulrend from across the boss map. Add phases then to refill and flask charges you may have burned.

Delran2 wrote:
For our helm, should we be looking for the increased damage, or would a additional projectile work? I assume the damage

I'd be more keen on getting additional projectile so you can combine that with a Dying Sun and swap GMP for Empower.
Yes, I'm stacking MF but will be buying some cheap amulet/belt with life for probably further tackling of Guardian maps, Shaper, and Elder. Hopefully this should bring me to around 6k life which will hopefully help as before I was sitting at 5k.

I was using minor God Ryslatha because I thought it would be decent sustain on bosses. What major God would you recommend for bossing in general, as well as Shaper/Uber? How's Brine King? I've been mapping with major Lunaris.

I thought the Bone Helmet implicit was worth it due to Spiritual Aid. I will probably buy a Devouring Diadem tonight to save points reaching EB, and maybe use those points to hit Sovereignty and run three auras adding in Discipline.
Fluxje wrote:
Been playing this build since day one, kinda took most of it over from Tarkecat.
Lvl 95, about 140 ex networth currently in bank.

Thought I would share my current build and setup with the group, before I go all crazy with fractured item crafting, and dumping all my cash in changing most of my gear.
85% spell dodge, is pretty great though, but lets see if we can do something sillier.


Pretty much most of the gear i use was also selffound and crafted, killed Uber multiple times for the watchers eye, Shaper for Flask etc.
PoB contains 2 builds, but thinking of maybe dualwielding instead, or doing a 5 aura (aspect of spider or crab) setup with Enlighten, but requires changes.
Any question, gimme a whisper, I might not immediately respond and read it here.

How can u use Malevolence+Zealotry+Grace together? Seems it takes 150% mana reservation?
victorlee wrote:
Yes, I'm stacking MF but will be buying some cheap amulet/belt with life for probably further tackling of Guardian maps, Shaper, and Elder. Hopefully this should bring me to around 6k life which will hopefully help as before I was sitting at 5k.

I was using minor God Ryslatha because I thought it would be decent sustain on bosses. What major God would you recommend for bossing in general, as well as Shaper/Uber? How's Brine King? I've been mapping with major Lunaris.

I thought the Bone Helmet implicit was worth it due to Spiritual Aid. I will probably buy a Devouring Diadem tonight to save points reaching EB, and maybe use those points to hit Sovereignty and run three auras adding in Discipline.

If it helps give you an idea, someone earlier said they cleared Uber Elder on 4k HP with a Diadem setup. I'm also running Diadem and Malevolence/Grace/Zealotry. I feel Zealotry is better as a 3rd aura because it grants more spell damage, and while Consecrated Ground isn't the primary feature for taking it, it helps when combined with Patient Reaper when you're doing add phases in tight boss arenas.

I'm not a big fan of Spiritual Aid, and a -Chaos Res fossil crafted should be better damage if you go the rare helm route.

For anything involving Elder and Shaper, Yugul for minor pantheon mostly for the reduced cold damage taken. Shakari any other time as the reduced chaos damage is important. Not sure if this is correct but I believe the ES won't take chaos portions of hits. Also you definitely want this against the Poison Elder Guardian.

Hydra, Uber Elder and Elder fights I would use Lunaris. Maybe Arakaali for Eradicator, then for Minotaur I like Solaris. Shaper, Chimera, Phoenix, and the other 3 Elder Guardians can be Lunaris or Solaris depending on what aspects of those fights give you the most trouble.
leszek234poe wrote:
How can u use Malevolence+Zealotry+Grace together? Seems it takes 150% mana reservation?

Devouring Diadem gives socketed gems reduced mana reservation and you take the reduced mana nodes leading to Sovereignty in the Templar area.

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