[3.9][HC/SC] Soulrend Trickster - Fast mapper with great defenses (League starter/All content)

Slowly progressing. Currently at level 85

Here are my gear, lvl 91 and all bosses down. Running 3 Curses and 3 Auras.

Syreith wrote:
Vale876 wrote:
i'm following your second build and i recently picked up prolonged pain dropping swift killer but i'm kinda regretting it, i miss the mobility and the damage doesn't seem so high compared to the power charges i lost.

What's your opinion on going swift killer over prolonged pain?

The Overcharged node that i got with the leap ain't giving me so much charge sustain, i can't get so many charges and i also end up losing em pretty quickly.
Use blood rage for mapping if you find the overcharged sustain too unpredictable. You are losing mobility because of the frenzy charges, not the power ones. Can't go with swift killer because you need patient reaper to go to prolonged pain.

Is Prolonged Pain that important? Are you sure power charges given from Swift killer don't give the same/more damage and also mobility?
Last edited by Vale876 on Mar 17, 2019, 12:26:51 PM
Kay guys, i was working on CI version for last days and i think i figured it out.

CI would be great if... soulrend didnt cost tree fiddy trucks of mana.


thx to vortex and cuting 2 links we get 29 mana cost instead of 100++. then we have 6l bane. with enlighten we can reserve Discipline, Clarity and Malevolence and we can spam our SR with no problems. if not we can always do -mana craft on our jews.

other idea is to get dying sun to still have SoulRend as main clear skill. and +1 enchant maybe ;)

Main reason i prefer ES based build for trickster is becouse with the new ascendancy our ES returns from Ghost Shrouds r sick as fk. much better than mom dmg reduction imo. since i switched to mom eb it happens to me to die, i really dont like it.

Ill post my later results after some testing. still need to buy some gear for ES.

If anyone have ideas pls share with me, i really want to make it work

Okay, changed gear a bit. Now need to farm currency for better shield and jewellery
Last edited by 3ryk on Mar 17, 2019, 3:12:41 PM
Level 77, around 4.7k with Belly, need to take Herbalist nodes so it will go around 5.2. 2k of mana. Clearing is amazing, with shield charge and flame dash it's a zoom-zoom. Unleash works wonders with clearing, DoT works wonders with bosses with stacked wither and blight, and Bane curses. It's pretty safe build because Soulrend can easy off-screen because projectiles targets another mob's like heat-seeking missiles. I will pick up more life nodes and go Uber Lab and Atziri normal. I dont think i need to respec into EB build, because playstyle is completely safe. I will try to do end-game content with only MoM version of the build.

PS. I sense huge nerfs in next leauge.
BurntTrees92 wrote:
There is no way to use ANh's Heritage with the set up you have listed...

If you want to use it, use your head and make adjustments....
For the EB version, how do you use Lioneye's Remorse? Your build gives ~85 strength, but needs ~160??
spachi wrote:
For the EB version, how do you use Lioneye's Remorse? Your build gives ~85 strength, but needs ~160??
Did you read the first five sentences of the guide or just grabbed the pob link?

3ryk wrote:
Kay guys, i was working on CI version for last days and i think i figured it out.

CI would be great if... soulrend didnt cost tree fiddy trucks of mana.


thx to vortex and cuting 2 links we get 29 mana cost instead of 100++. then we have 6l bane. with enlighten we can reserve Discipline, Clarity and Malevolence and we can spam our SR with no problems. if not we can always do -mana craft on our jews.

other idea is to get dying sun to still have SoulRend as main clear skill. and +1 enchant maybe ;)

Main reason i prefer ES based build for trickster is becouse with the new ascendancy our ES returns from Ghost Shrouds r sick as fk. much better than mom dmg reduction imo. since i switched to mom eb it happens to me to die, i really dont like it.

Ill post my later results after some testing. still need to buy some gear for ES.

If anyone have ideas pls share with me, i really want to make it work

Okay, changed gear a bit. Now need to farm currency for better shield and jewellery
Bane's clear is inferior and those gloves actually provide nothing besides the es and evasion, you can get better rare crafted gloves(essence of hysteria for example). Dying sun is ok, but I personally wouldn't waste a flask slot for small damage increase while clearing(you have more than enough damage at that point). The ES returns are the same for both builds, you will have around 45-50k evasion, which is ~2.5k es back. You feel tankier because you have one pool which is getting hit, while in the eb version you have two.
Last edited by Syreith on Mar 17, 2019, 3:47:35 PM
Good build, playing the eb version and its great fun. Just one question, why is no one using soulrend and essence drain together? If i got it right a cast of ed every 4~5 secs should increase your single target dps by a good amount. Or do i miss something?
Last edited by TheDoomsdayDevice on Mar 17, 2019, 4:05:55 PM
Good build, playing the eb version and its great fun. Just one question, why is no one using soulrend and essence drain together? If i got it right a cast of ed every 4~5 secs should increase your single target dps by a good amount. Or do i miss something?
The dots stack but it's clunky, put ed in a 4-link somewhere if you want.

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