[3.9][HC/SC] Soulrend Trickster - Fast mapper with great defenses (League starter/All content)

The second build isnt that much more expensive than the first, which is why i'm a bit confused.. if OP got this level in a day after league launch why not just have the "better" build only rather than two?

The first one still requires a huge amount of currency to fully gear, so i don't really see the point of having a whole guide dedicated to it,with a totally different set up and gear requirements/tree and ascendancies if the second and better version can be very easily specced into.

Can anyone elaborate on what i'm missing here please? There are items listed for the first build that cost currently 1.5 exa ( breath of the council for example) and if people have that kind of currency surely they would just use the second build where that isn't required?

It seems like a waste of time, and currency to completely respec a build, links, items, and ascendancies over 50 chaos or so?

i.e a QOTF, Cerberus and Lioneyes will come to like 40-50 chaos

I got a lucky exalt drop, is it in my best interests to spec into the second build in that case? (will an exa get me the gear required to start rocking the better one?)

Last edited by Nevzat on Mar 9, 2019, 8:44:03 PM

Gear is pretty bad but clearing everything at lvl 85 super easy
hi can u put more lvl trees like 20 40 60 80 100.
u have over 90 i cant adivine what follow thx:)
Ok so got a bit further with soulrend (still MoM). Going into yellow maps. Decided to do a small respec into bane on the 6 link instead of SR. Instantly felt a thousand times smoother. The problem with SR imo is the lack of instant damage. It just takes a lot longer to get out damage, resulting in a lot of deaths. Bane insta kills everything which is SUPER nice for those "oh shit" moments. I picked up a Cane of Unraveling and am speccing into hex master, the staff aoe node, as well as the two blast radius nodes. 6L setup is Bane-Despair-Temp Chains-Efficacy-Intensify-Inc AOE. I have 183% AOE at the moment with another 40% from the tree once I get the points. I plan on 6 linking the staff and running both a 6L Soulrend for single target as well as the 6L bane in my chest. Also will drop MoM once I do uber lab and go ghost dance as final point. The staff is very good.
Last edited by Seananigans_ on Mar 9, 2019, 9:35:20 PM
Hello, I'm following the guide and I got a question, I need some amulet with the corruption of "you can aplly 1 additional curse" or Doedre's Damning to apply temp. chains and despair, is that it is not clear to me how Bane works.
Last edited by Jeliponpon on Mar 9, 2019, 9:34:31 PM
Jeliponpon wrote:
Hello, I'm following the guide and I got a question, I need some amulet with the corruption of "you can aplly 1 additional curse" or Doedre's Damning to apply temp. chains and despair, is that it is not clear to me how Bane works.

You get an additional curse from your tree
Pr0pagandhi wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Bane and Souldrend feel lackluster compared to ED and Contagion. Not yet into maps, since this is my second char this league, so I hope Bane picks up and gets more satisfying. I kind of feel like people are overhyping Bane though.


SR kills everything on screen+ off screens
DotsandDashes wrote:
I've tried both Bane and Soulrend. both are excellent skills but provide different play styles. and since they essentially scale the same way you can freely swap between them.

Bane kills the enemies it hits faster and in general will require more skills casts per min to kill the same number of enemies soulrend will. Soulrend is "slower" with its animation but its range is so bonkers you're off screening enemies every time. Clear the same map with Bane and with Soulrend and I bet clear time is similar but your bane hotkey gets press 10 times more often than soulrend.

I'm going to consider respecting to this version of the build from the OP. The PoB are broken but i saw the post saying he's fixing it tomorrow. I have to assume I'm already kinda close to the same passive tree but I've been somewhat winging it so it would be nice to have a bit of an idea on where to go with gear and passives
I agree with the clear range of soulrend. It can clear so many packs before you even see them. I don't care for the argument that it takes longer to do the damage compared to Bane, cause bane is better for when they're right in your face, but still I prefer SR for sure.
Pr0pagandhi wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Bane and Souldrend feel lackluster compared to ED and Contagion. Not yet into maps, since this is my second char this league, so I hope Bane picks up and gets more satisfying. I kind of feel like people are overhyping Bane though.

Bane doesn't feel good until you get a huge amount of AOE stacked onto it. Then it's like the smoothest ability in the game. Soulrend is insane just with GMP but for later on I would mostly use it for bosses.
Last edited by Seananigans_ on Mar 9, 2019, 10:20:42 PM
Firstly thanks to the OP for the build guide and inspiration.

I am level 80 in SSF, running Soulrend in a 5l +2 chaos gem staff with a tiny ammount of dot damage. Bane in a 4l

SR- GMP, Effic, controlled des, SR,void manip
BAne - Bane, effic, controlled,

tooltip on SR with GMP is 84k and a .68 duration
Bane is 25k.

Im finding SR simply better than Bane, but reading through the comments i am in the minority.
Has anyone tried anything above a t12 with either skill?


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