[3.9][HC/SC] Soulrend Trickster - Fast mapper with great defenses (League starter/All content)

mikkipl wrote:
I have 3 auras in helmet. I got gloves with aspect of the spider skill. How to make this all 4 auras active? Mana reservation just let me do 3 of them.

You need Charisma + Souvereignity
Very nice guide, thanks!

I'm thinking about make a new char with this build, but I'm afraid the performance against bosses is not so good, I'm wrong?
Killed shaper first time in my poe-time (about 1419 hours gameplay)


Enjoyed the fight, it was quite challenging if you don't know much about the fight :D
mikkipl wrote:
I have 3 auras in helmet. I got gloves with aspect of the spider skill. How to make this all 4 auras active? Mana reservation just let me do 3 of them.

Check my tree. I took more "%reduced mana reserved" nodes. Also I use an Enlighten lvl3

HoschiBro wrote:
mikkipl wrote:
I have 3 auras in helmet. I got gloves with aspect of the spider skill. How to make this all 4 auras active? Mana reservation just let me do 3 of them.

You need Charisma + Souvereignity

Thanks for the answers. Now i need to figure out, what passives i can get rid off, to take Charisma. Or is it even worth to change it. I killed shaper with my actual gear.
Last edited by mikkipl on May 7, 2019, 3:52:54 AM
mikkipl wrote:
mikkipl wrote:
I have 3 auras in helmet. I got gloves with aspect of the spider skill. How to make this all 4 auras active? Mana reservation just let me do 3 of them.

Check my tree. I took more "%reduced mana reserved" nodes. Also I use an Enlighten lvl3

HoschiBro wrote:
mikkipl wrote:
I have 3 auras in helmet. I got gloves with aspect of the spider skill. How to make this all 4 auras active? Mana reservation just let me do 3 of them.

You need Charisma + Souvereignity

Thanks for the answers. Now i need to figure out, what passives i can get rid off, to take Charisma. Or is it even worth to change it. I killed shaper with my actual gear.

I like to play with Aspect of the SPider. A bit extra damgage and the slow is quite nice too. I think, it's worth it.
which abyss jewel you guys prefer/optimal for the belt slot ? (MoM+EB build)
'+% increased damage if you've killed recently' or the resist penetration or any other ?

Also if anyone have time to look on my char and tell what to improve ? ( except SR 21/20 and Empower 4 those I am aware of )
Last edited by Dc-sewer on May 7, 2019, 8:42:04 AM
Anybody can help me make one skill tree for witch , example: level 30 skill tree, level 60 skill tree, etc... iam very gratefull if anyone help me iam newbie in this game.
Last edited by StarDustVendeta on May 7, 2019, 3:18:55 PM
There are several Bane/Soulrend builds in the Occultist forum that presumably have some leveling PoBs. Just be aware that the ones here and there are either CI or LL, which make them not so great for beginner builds. This is a nice hybrid build that will be easier to play as you won't have the CI transition to worry about, or the cost of LL.
planning to use a soulrend trickster for flashback. I noticed a lot of them are using bows. Whats the pros and cons using bows over wands?

I was using phase run and alchemist quicksilver flask of adrenaline for the first time. On my Winter Orb build. The movespeed is just crazy and seems hard to play without now. Why not fit it into this build? Or maybe with QoTF its not needed?
Last edited by Shock3r19711 on May 8, 2019, 6:43:51 AM
Shock3r19711 wrote:
planning to use a soulrend trickster for flashback. I noticed a lot of them are using bows. Whats the pros and cons using bows over wands?

I was using phase run and alchemist quicksilver flask of adrenaline for the first time. On my Winter Orb build. The movespeed is just crazy and seems hard to play without now. Why not fit it into this build? Or maybe with QoTF its not needed?

If you look at those bows, the insane ones allow upto lvl 32 Souldrend/Bane with Empower lvl 4 if memory serves correct. That's some seriously insane damage.
Also you get another 6 link along with your body armour and quiver can give you lots of other good stats too such as life, res, etc....

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