Betrayal as a Core Game Mechanic

JOHN_RA wrote:

Even 3-5 nodes will not save the situation at this point with Delve.
Its too deep in the ass already.

They definitely not reading feedback.

No, they read, and deleted my comment
Dew_utbal wrote:
JOHN_RA wrote:

Even 3-5 nodes will not save the situation at this point with Delve.
Its too deep in the ass already.

They definitely not reading feedback.

No, they read, and deleted my comment

You know, bots can do that, based on even simple scripts. You might somehow triggered em.
Makivante wrote:
"Sulphite Scarabs are 60-70% less effective depending on tier."

I don't understand this :(

Let me explain it in more simple words: Delvers get it in the butt without lube because we can!
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
Falb wrote:
I really don't like the decisions regarding betrayal going core, it's simply lazy work. Especially the nerf to Sulphite Scarabs. Delve is an amazing mechanic, a true and rewarding alternative to maps and now it is even more locked behind the stupid sulphite wall... I don't get it. Please, reconsider your manifesto and let us play the game, in a way we appreciate it.

TBH, I wouldn't mind betrayal becoming a zana mod and NOT going core. For compensation, you can make Niko a more regular visitor in our maps. :-)

I like the idea of Betrayal as a Zana mod! ...don't like the idea of unavoidable Syndicate encounters at all.. Like many I kept Jun locked in research,wasn't real keen on getting oneshot by syndicate members with UberElder
dmg and HP's while being able to destroy bosses on maps many tiers higher.

Delve was a great addition,ppl loved it,but now it's even further gated with reduced scarabs and the unaddressed "one node" Nico spawns.
Seems like GGG used to pay a lot more attention to comments and posts from the playerbase,nowadays seems like it's "we know what you like,so we'll nerf it"
..very sad
Some mornings it's not worth chewing the straps off...
I sincerely cannot understand what GGG is thinking, understanding and processing out of all info available.

In case they (and you) missed it, Delve still is, de facto, the CORE MECHANIC. People focus on it because it's progressive, incremental and never-ending, which is a terrific recipe. So people mindlessly grind sulphite in groups so they can delve some more. The heroin of 3.5, basically.

Seeing this, I was hopin GGG acknowledges the "need for Delve" and either makes sulphite more available or, preferrably, includes a way in which you can CHOOSE what league-specific mechanics to have on a map, available for all. For exmaple, when you plot your course on the memories map, you could be able to go for sulphite islands or abyss islands or whatever_mechanic_you_like islands.

But no, GGG just nerf sulphite scarabs because Delve heroin is bad, mkay?
I think set betrayal as core mechanic is a BIG error GGG, please consider.
Also, nerfs on sulphite scarabs, no sense.
Man, betrayal is the first league content I've ever hated :(

Nevertheless, love GGG, hope they're making the right decisions.
Stay inquisitive.
so Delve, which is the best thing to happen to POE imo, is going to be even harder to play and more expensive to farm than last league. why... i thought delving was supposed to be an alternative to the boredom that has become endgame mapping.

not much of an alternative if i have to spend a ton of currency and do a ton of maps just for some low level delves.
vio wrote:

delve has been too rewarding. up to a point where you spoiled players so much they shitstorm every restriction you put on it.

What's the point in keeping stuff in the core of the game if it's so inaccessible that people won't even bother trying to do it?

It's like going to a bar and all the drinks are watered down.
It's just telling potential customers to fuck off, you're not wanted. Players in this case..

Personally I never bothered doing fossil farming, that is never what I liked about delve.
generally dangerous
zeldicx wrote:
I think set betrayal as core mechanic is a BIG error GGG, please consider.
Also, nerfs on sulphite scarabs, no sense.

So you don't want betrayal as a core mechanic =?, with betrayal gone, there are no Scarabs so why you even bother about thoose

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