[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

hegotgame wrote:
whatever happened to the enfeeble on hit gloves option that you talked about a few weeks ago? is that not a good option because you can only get a level 12 enfeeble on hit ?>
unless u run duel curse its pointless
Just a quick review about the build : insane damage - good survibility - good clear speed ( would be insane if cyclone dont slow us down ).
- U can literally burst down guardians or UE's guardians within seconds if u do it correctly. UE will change phase in like 3 or 4 secs. I did some lv 250-300 delve boss and again burst them down within couple seconds. ( I did't even use vaal RF because i'm lazy and don't feel like i need it )
- Good survibitity with enfeeble, aspect of the spider. Also more than 7k eHP and leech from gem and WE. Also the freeze and blind helps a lots. That a tons of defensive layer for a build.
- Good clear spd : everything is 1 shotted and u have good aoe with inc aoe gem.
- But the biggest issue with this build is the fact that we're slowed down by cyclone which makes it harder to fight UE. Even tho the dmg is insane but u're more likely to get hit by anything. It took me 4 set of UE to take them down but ... i'm noob at boss killing so i think that's acceptable. Also we can't facetank stuff so don't expect that to happen xD the best defense is a good offense so u should try to play smart ( burst them down at the suitable time not facetank them ). Sometime ice nova makes it very hard to see what the boss is doing so keep it in mind for delve boss fight. And the last is mana issue. I just fix it by using -# to mana cost WE ( u can check in my pro5 ) and a mana regen jewel. Other than that i noticed our mana drain much faster while using silver flask ( idk why tbh but i just my feeling ).
Overall it's the best build i've ever played and i will recommend it for those who seeking both fun and powerful build. Tks again for making this build guide and tks god i found this build XD
Finally ran Uber Elder. First time doing the fight, so the first set was a complete rip about half way through.
Second set ripped at last portal (after shaper died.)
Third set went really smooth but still died a couple times. All deaths were early on and mostly avoidable. With a little practice could do it deathless or 1 death. A Surgeon's basalt flask of heat really helps sustain the cold.

I do not use Watcher's eye, so life sustain is kind of crummy without LGoH.

I tried to favor crit chance (gifts from above is amazing). I dumped Blast Radius, Doom Cast, and Melding to go for Heart of Ice and Amplify. Going with Annihilation kept my spell crit capped at full power charges. Swapping in AOE gem for elemental focus if you need it, but even the frost bolts kill trash in T16 so I didn't find it necessary.

Spell crit chance is JUST at 95% without flask, with 430% multi.
Attack crit chance/lucky is 86.1%/98% which feels really smooth.
3.71 APS, 14% cooldown, triple balanced resists.

Most of my jewels are Life/multi/chance

Ice nova estimate in PoB is right under 300k with 6850 life.
Level 97 is now my highest toon, which is a testament to how defensive this build is and how fun it is; usually I quit around 93.


Cost breakdown for me:

Cospri's: Found, but ~1.5ex
Lyco: 1ex at the time, 0.5 now
Helm: 1ex I think for cyclone attack speed? Just freed up my tree a bit
Loreweave: This was my first one and it rolled amazing, and 6L on a few hundred fusings, probably worth 5ex?
Gloves: Base was 1ex, multi was 2ex, 1ex leech enchant, 4ex total
Belt: Crafted, super lucky T1 life and cooldown without divine, but 1-2ex for something.
Boots and Rings: 150c all together.
Jewels: All for under 1ex together
Pandemonius: 5ex at the time, 4ex now I think.
~Total is about 20ex

Thanks again!
Last edited by teslabear on Jan 23, 2019, 9:34:45 PM
Hello, so I'm currently playing this build. And just started doing Elder T16 Toxic Sewers, and I keep on getting randomly 1 Shot somehow with mods that aren't too crazy. DPS overall is super good, but is there a way that I can boost up my defensive stats to do T16's comfortably?

Here are my current Gears and Jewels:


At lvl92, missing 5 more life nodes but sitting at 6.7k HP atm. Had to grab Mind Drinker on the tree by Blood Drinker since I was having troubles with mana. For dps im at 96% Crit chance, and 435% Crit Multi.

Got around 50ex to tinker around with, what would you guys suggest for upgrades with my current gear. Thanks in advance.
For anyone curious, I made some quick modifications to CheeQu's PoB to make the god tier version, for both Assassin and Ass/Slayer Ascendant.

Assassin: https://pastebin.com/ruXmzjSr
Ascendant: https://pastebin.com/UWp0ZTgL

Ascendant gets a bunch of extra passive points to work with, but has lower attack speed (from loss of Harrier node) and crit chance. The attack speed was fixed by switching out chaos golem for a partially levelled, 0q blood rage (which also gives frenzy charges). The crit chance was fixed (actually higher than Assassin version) by swapping the curse immunity flask suffix with "of the Order", which gives up to 80% crit chance, and taking the remaining two power charges in the tree. Scion can also take the Throatseeker and Snowbound clusters for more crit chance and multi.

Both versions have culling strike and reflect immunity on crit from their ascendancies. Scion get's Slayer overleech, which is super useful, but loses out on extra damage when only one enemy is present (not very useful for most content, including Uber Elder), extra damage at full/low enemy health, and movespeed after killing recently.

Overall, the Ascendant version will have lower movespeed, better defense with overleech, and higher single target damage when flasks are up. It will have less consistent crits without flasks, though, and doesn't get curse immunity from flasks. Not really sure if either is definitively better, probably just a personal preference. I'm currently trying to decide between the two.
Last edited by Jarmanuel on Jan 24, 2019, 1:14:44 AM
Last edited by Seqqsy on Jan 24, 2019, 1:20:55 AM
Yolo vaaled this yestarday.


perma warlord & enfeeble/TempChain = OP

P.s I am playing a Vaal storm caller now, so I might auction my gear soon (huge discount for whomever buys the whole set) ! Stay tuned !
Let me know if anyone else have questions, I am here rn to answer some of them !
Last edited by Seqqsy on Jan 24, 2019, 1:21:52 AM
Seqqsy wrote:
Yolo vaaled this yestarday.


perma warlord & enfeeble/TempChain = OP

P.s I am playing a Vaal storm caller now, so I might auction my gear soon (huge discount for whomever buys the whole set) ! Stay tuned !

You yolo vaaled a 2 mirror item? Holy shit. That's gotta be the craziest thing I've seen in this thread, like a 0.0023% chance of happening or something.

I've lost 2 Pandemonius' and I just can't see myself wasting more currency.
Hohenheim_ wrote:
Seqqsy wrote:
Yolo vaaled this yestarday.


perma warlord & enfeeble/TempChain = OP

P.s I am playing a Vaal storm caller now, so I might auction my gear soon (huge discount for whomever buys the whole set) ! Stay tuned !

You yolo vaaled a 2 mirror item? Holy shit. That's gotta be the craziest thing I've seen in this thread, like a 0.0023% chance of happening or something.

I've lost 2 Pandemonius' and I just can't see myself wasting more currency.

Haha ye it is insane. After hosting & running about 50 breachstones last week, I had 4 of them in my inventory just chilling. I sold the two highest rolls %30 spell dmg each and this one 23% and another 21% vaaled it (bricked). Honestly wasn't even going for curse but when it happened screamed like a little girl in discord lol.

A lot of my guildies and friends were wondering if I am going to sell it and cash in but I can't get my self to do so. I think it's going to work in many frost builds so I am just going to let it transfer into standard for experiments and what not :)
Last edited by Seqqsy on Jan 24, 2019, 1:58:12 AM

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