Balance Changes in Path of Exile: Betrayal

LowBudget780 wrote:
AoE all over again lol, just ruin a bunch of skills that were subpar to begin with instead of the two or three that were meta op.

Like who the fuck is going to use Reave without a statstick?

Plenty of builds did DW Reave and Reave with 1h+Shield before stat sticks became the meta, and those builds were strong enough for the intended purpose of Reave, which is AoE. Reave/BF with pure DW or even a shield will still do more than enough damage to clear all content without being over the top.
Killing stats stick = dont you have phones...........

DrDraids wrote:
The stat stick change is really ham fisted and is ruining more than it's fixing.

The only people hating on them are people who can't afford a good one or wouldn't use one anyway.

Baeclast isn't a good place to get a feel for your community guys, the only people who watch that garbage are ssf/hardcore purists aka less than 5% of the playerbase.

At the end of the day the AoE fuck up killed melee anyway so it's like we are really losing anything, just sucks for the people who do enjoy those subpar builds.

"The only people hating on them are people who can't afford a good one or wouldn't use one anyway."

^ This isn't true at all, and is a pretty naive way of thinking. Personally I dislike stat sticks just because it doesn't make any sense thematically, even if I can afford one I'd rather not use it. I'm sure there are many others who feel the same way. But yeah, as far as combat goes, it makes absolutely no sense for a guy to have a weapon in the offhand just to not use it whatsoever, and then still do more damage than someone who's actually using the offhand weapon or shield. It'd be like a Gladiator holding a sword or mace in his offhand and never actually using it, basically just weighing himself down.

Sure, maybe they could have done it differently, but regardless it's necessary. Stat sticks should never be stronger than pure dual wielding, and for the health of the game in the long run they shouldn't exist at all. Even for the people arguing "But casters still have stat sticks", at least that makes sense, because spells don't actually use a weapon, so thematically it works.

Personally, seeing as this is mostly a PvE solo experience game, I care more about everything making sense and fitting thematically than actually being "balanced". BV with conversion being OP doesn't matter much to me as long as I'm not *forced* to use a stat stick with my Gladiator themed DW build, or 99% of melee builds in general, which is what the current game is. Literally every build that's able to use a stat stick, does, which is horrible.
Thank you for the update GGG.

My thoughts:

1) I appreciate that although you did not make any changes for self-casting, you acknowledged the widespread interest in it and atleast we players know it is on your radar. This is more than can be said for most other devs in the industry and for that I thank you.

2) More ES on tree is only a good thing. Looks like Low Life builds will be happy.

3) Barring any nasty surprises in tomorrow's patchnotes, looks like my Scion Blade Vortex league starter has dodged nerfs to stat sticks and is good to go!
So is there any dual wielding melee build except Molten strike that remains good after this ?
xweezyfbaby3x wrote:
Lordsidro wrote:
Nerf stat sticks not DW
"Phys added as x" mods

This was literally all that was needed.
How lazy of them!

They did the same thing long ago with Mjolnir and COC.

When something is overpowered, nerf it don't obliterate it.


It wasn't about nerfing stat sticks, the change was intended to remove an unhealthy game mechanic, which stat sticks were, regardless of any opinions.
Lord_Izanagi wrote:
LowBudget780 wrote:
AoE all over again lol, just ruin a bunch of skills that were subpar to begin with instead of the two or three that were meta op.

Like who the fuck is going to use Reave without a statstick?

Plenty of builds did DW Reave and Reave with 1h+Shield before stat sticks became the meta, and those builds were strong enough for the intended purpose of Reave, which is AoE. Reave/BF with pure DW or even a shield will still do more than enough damage to clear all content without being over the top.

LOL Low tier garbage skill that can't even kill a t7 boss probably.

Without that stat stick

It's a trashcan

Speak with experience before you have an opinion eh?
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Dec 4, 2018, 12:55:10 AM
Only thing, I'm dissapointed about is that stat stick spellcasting was not removed. We'll see about the rest though.
Wow, statsticks killed for meele and untouched for the broken phys spells gc and bv, have you ever played a bv chieftain with statsticks? xD, also molten strike know that skill is unhealthy right?
Last edited by zsolti16 on Dec 4, 2018, 1:01:53 AM
I do hope they remember uniques like this - - when doing that unique item rebalance. These things whole purpose was to be used as a stat stick, before Shaper/Elder items completely overshadowed them, and they weren't overpowered.

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