Balance Changes in Path of Exile: Betrayal

glad they fixed stat sticks. they were way out of control with literally no down side. 100% extra damage was just ridiculous. There was no other way to keep them in game in their current state beside adding stupidly ridiculous mods to shields like +500 life or 200% crit and even then they were still proly worse than a good double ele stat stick with chaos damage.
IGN: DabrixRN
Last edited by Thomasmgp on Dec 4, 2018, 1:32:04 AM
Ground Slam, lightning strike, glacial hammer and some of the skills of old need to be buffed in terms of damage to come to par to EQ or sunder, so we get some variety
So, unless there's more stuff for melee yet to be revealed it's looking pretty grim, melee skill weapon lock-ins, main-hand based melee skill removals, and all of that while BV and GC seems to still stay the same with the same stat-sticks?

Yea...if there are no buffs to melee in the patch notes then why roll a melee at all at this point? Projectiles and spells are like 5 steps in front, why even gimp yourself with a melee char...
LowBudget780 wrote:
Thomasmgp wrote:
glad they fixed stat sticks. they were way out of control with literally no down side. 100% extra damage was just ridiculous.

All that extra damage and you were still never even able to kill Shaper lol

so u think stat sticks were perfectly fine in their current state?
IGN: DabrixRN
Well, at least we know no matter how much the game changes, how many great (and not so great) leagues we have, how much Tencent money has been pocketed, that melee will still get the shaft. Consistency is a virtue, right?
Lord_Izanagi wrote:
xweezyfbaby3x wrote:
Lordsidro wrote:
Nerf stat sticks not DW
"Phys added as x" mods

This was literally all that was needed.
How lazy of them!

They did the same thing long ago with Mjolnir and COC.

When something is overpowered, nerf it don't obliterate it.


It wasn't about nerfing stat sticks, the change was intended to remove an unhealthy game mechanic, which stat sticks were, regardless of any opinions.

You are spinning an opinion as objective truth here. The pattern of releasing op new stuff to lure people with great new rewards and then killing it into the ground is a unhealthy meachanic if you asked me.

Last edited by saragart on Dec 4, 2018, 1:37:13 AM
Thomasmgp wrote:
LowBudget780 wrote:
Thomasmgp wrote:
glad they fixed stat sticks. they were way out of control with literally no down side. 100% extra damage was just ridiculous.

All that extra damage and you were still never even able to kill Shaper lol

so u think stat sticks were perfectly fine in their current state?

For melee? Yes? Like you have no experience literally in end game you really shouldn't have an opinion.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Dec 4, 2018, 1:38:04 AM
So those changes to uniq items will affect Oni Goroshi in any way?
I was hoping after reading this manifesto I would have a better idea of what to play for next luck. Bring on the patch notes!

First want to see the patchnotes.
Last edited by IamLoco on Dec 4, 2018, 1:46:40 AM

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