Balance Changes in Path of Exile: Betrayal

Rip all my builds :(
Was already thinking of new ice skills and brands the new impale stuff doesnt look interesting to me though
Welcome to "Betrayal" mods-:)))))))

I'm curious to see which Build is next to be slaughtered

It's going to be fun
I was dual-wielding wrong my whole life. 👀

Lifebloom wrote:
WTF i don't want brands on my Heiro , -1 totem and forced new brand mechanics?
3% more damage instead of one more totem? is this a joke?!

philosoaper wrote:
so.. for those of us who like to use several types of totems to cast different things.. how will this work?.. Let's say I use Essence Drain Totems but also Contagion Totem for support.. how do I control what casts 1 or 2? Or will EVERYTHING just always cast 2 totems? Does that mean the limit on totems is gone? If not this is really gonna fuck any non-supergeneric totem builds..

It sounds very much to me like a buff. If before you could place 4 totems, now you'll place 6 (3 x 2 = 6). This allows for stronger totems.

And all you hating on the stat sticks...We don't know how it will affect melee. GGG announced several unique buffs, so you could very well end up even better weapons. Dual wielding could get a flat buff in general. Tomorrow we shall see.
I wanted stat sticks nerfed as much as the next guy but that seems very heavy handed. Instead of limiting it you shat on it then took it out back and shot in the head.
Nerf stat sticks not DW
"Phys added as x" mods
Love the changes to cold damage over time. Cold Snap was my jam until it was nerfed. Generally just enjoy the mechanic.
i want to play puncture, dude do something :<<<

the changes/nerf/buff to me are just meh
Finally a stat stick nerf but it doesnt seem to affect phys spells and that is still a big problem i mean i dont mind boss killer builds but when i see that the only thing that saves shaper from being insta blapped by for example a GC miner is the fact that he has phases then i think that might be a little bit over the top
Also please guys give a littel love to melee and PURE phys build's in general the gap between cast/ranged and melee chars gets bigger and bigger
Last edited by o0_ANTI_0o on Dec 4, 2018, 12:46:18 AM

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