Balance Changes in Path of Exile: Betrayal

In 3.5.0 we are removing the ability to use stat sticks, through the following changes:
You will no longer be able to use skills that require a specific weapon equipped if you are dual-wielding and one of your equipped weapons is unsuitable for that skill.
Skills that could be used with two weapons, but were main-hand-only when used, now use both weapons when dual wielding.

Doesn't this nerf the entire flexibility of skills. a 1-handed sword with a daggar is an ideal dual combo. It's already the wand situation, but melee skills have all been nerfed (you can still do many spells with daggers
SppokyVega wrote:
Explain me for what silly reason I can no longer use Sunder + Randomonehand + Prismatic Eclipse?

Shaper mods are the problem. Let only allow one "gained as extra" on your weapon and don't try to fix things that aren't even broken. This only destroys pseudo dual whield.

Well, it just doesn't make sense really. Sure, it's fun gameplay-wise, but when you think about it logically it's silly and unethical to have a weapon in your offhand that literally doesn't do anything, but is still better for damage than an actual weapon or shield or two hander.

Overall it's healthier for the game to just get rid of "stat sticks" entirely, and encourage more item diversity, now sunder builds can actually consider dual wielding, or two handing, or even 1h+ shield, rather than 99% of them just automatically using a stat stick.
Fully expected a spell-caster stat-stick nerf, I'm very surprised it didn't happen.
Timezone: GMT +10 (Australia). CASUAL player but I play whenever I can.
colossalaiur wrote:
I would like to post one comment about dual wielding.

... I really can't think of any 1h weapon that gets bonus when you equip another weapon. ...

Rigwald's savagery/command, I like the change to stat sticks but it kinda sucks that you'll need both weapon to be usable by the skill. oh well if it's the price to pay for more diversity overall i'm ok with that
ThunderBiome wrote:
In 3.5.0 we are removing the ability to use stat sticks, through the following changes:
You will no longer be able to use skills that require a specific weapon equipped if you are dual-wielding and one of your equipped weapons is unsuitable for that skill.
Skills that could be used with two weapons, but were main-hand-only when used, now use both weapons when dual wielding.

Doesn't this nerf the entire flexibility of skills. a 1-handed sword with a daggar is an ideal dual combo. It's already the wand situation, but melee skills have all been nerfed (you can still do many spells with daggers

In the long run I think it actually improves build flexibility a ton, because now builds that would normally just use a stat stick in 99% of cases, will actually have to be more creative and find other options, and also makes more "classical" build styles like Dual wielding and Sword & Boarding much better choices again.
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... -- Bex_GGG

Cast on Melee kill support should have the same addition that Dominating Blow recently got, namely that when facing a unique it should proc something like 20% of the time on hit. Or whatever you guys would find balanced. But it needs to function against a solo target.
not sure if im happy or mad about this
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Lord_Izanagi wrote:
SppokyVega wrote:
Explain me for what silly reason I can no longer use Sunder + Randomonehand + Prismatic Eclipse?

Shaper mods are the problem. Let only allow one "gained as extra" on your weapon and don't try to fix things that aren't even broken. This only destroys pseudo dual whield.

Well, it just doesn't make sense really. Sure, it's fun gameplay-wise, but when you think about it logically it's silly and unethical to have a weapon in your offhand that literally doesn't do anything, but is still better for damage than an actual weapon or shield or two hander.

Overall it's healthier for the game to just get rid of "stat sticks" entirely, and encourage more item diversity, now sunder builds can actually consider dual wielding, or two handing, or even 1h+ shield, rather than 99% of them just automatically using a stat stick.

I don't disagree with any of what you said. However, what I do have a problem with is how exactly is this fair to melee? Casters still have stat sticks for spells and that's perfectly ok, but melee is a hard no. Either balance stat sticks equally or not at all.

Glad to know I'm in the 1% of melee non-statstick users.
In the last few days the community has been very keen for news for casters who don't rely on totems or triggers, which is often referred to as self-casting.

Self-casting has not been a specific focus of the set of balance changes for 3.5.0, and we don't want to try rush in further big changes without extensive testing.

RIP the dream.

Can't wait to play an actual spell caster and not some meme lord. This makes me very unhappy.
~ Seph

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