Last Epoch

Xavderion wrote:
I really enjoyed the pre-alpha demo but 30 bucks for a beta seem a tad too much... and yes I get the irony since I've spent over 1000 bucks on PoE by now.

ya can't get behind buying games in development anymore, especially at basically full price

if it ever gets released i'll eye it up.
Most of the things are borrowed from PoE. Damage effectiveness, the various ailments, increased/more damage, etc. However the game plays differently. They did manage to make the normal monsters threatening by giving some new affixes and improving their damage/health. However it might simply be a matter of too early in development. Right now 200 damage is a lot, in PoE 2 million damage is a lot. Maybe after some years and power creep it'll be speed clear meta like everywhere else.
Played 3 hours, so far loving it. Currently playing as a sword and board mage using a flame elemental nova as my main skill.
What I'm still not sure is how often I should be using the crafting. I feel like that's the only time my gear gets improved.
Last Epoch race to level 65 announced for streamers! (May 9).Awesome.

Sounds really fun and the prizes are amazing (1,000 dollar supporter pack for the 1st place)

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Last edited by FedeS on May 6, 2019, 12:35:26 AM
If you people want something OP try the Abyssal Tempest node from Onslaught. Casual 150% more damage making it about 4 times better than the Berserker node with no drawbacks. Dealing around 3k right now before level 50, never have to use anything other than Onslaught or upgrade its mana nodes too because of reverse time or whatever that thing is called(which also casually gives 36% attack and movement speed).

I don't even want to report it because exploding everything in less than a second is too much fun.
Please... Make my appearance change in game when I change my gear.

If the only way to change your appearance is gonna be via MTX then I'm not gonna support them.

That's the only gripe I have with the game so far.

Other than that I'm quite impressed with the state of the game at this stage in beta.
鬼殺し wrote:
j33bus wrote:
What I'm still not sure is how often I should be using the crafting. I feel like that's the only time my gear gets improved.

Yep, craft as much as possible. Makes a huge difference. I often buy stuff I'd never use just to rip the mods.

Yea that's what I'm getting too. Started spending nearly all my gold on the item that breaks items down.

Follow up holy crap I can make a hammerdin! I've learned that all I really want is swirly hammers. I was always disappointed that I couldn't use Vaal Spectral throw constantly.

Further follow up need so much more mana for this.
Last edited by j33bus on May 6, 2019, 5:05:19 PM
Looks like Last Epoch is going to beat Wolcen to the punch. What's the preferred place to purchase? I guess through Steam?
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