Bestiary as a Core Game Mechanic

This is welcome news. There were a few elements I liked but for the most part it was a pain in the ass.

1. Throwing nets
2. Learning craft recipes
-Which beast was important again? I never could remember. Willing to bet that MANY people passed over so many good beasts because they didn't either. Oh, plus learnt craft recipe spam. Sure there are ways (portaling out/back in; or just turning it off in the UI), but WHY?? Why did it have to be so damn big. I was interested in knowing what recipe I learned, but not at the cost of that much real estate.
3. Going to the menagerie... Ok, maybe this is just me, but why not allow us to portal out of that area?

I did enjoy how much xp red beasts gave. I remember the first time I killed one while leveling and I gained around 40% of a level for that. When dps/survivability are high, the rare beasts are welcome for drops/xp, ---- (4). but in my less than fully geared HC builds I often times found myself running by them as FAST as I could and sometimes they were on my toes the entire time.

So the hideout isn't an anchor point (like cities are).

It's anchored into Lioneyes waypoint. This is the reason they cannot make you 'start' in the hideout.

The menagerie was tied the hideout I believe they said, in a similar way, which is also why it couldn't have an inventory chest.

They said the structure wasn't there for starting in the hideout, and they would probably have to re-write a lot of code. I'm sure at some point in the future they will get around to it when they want to revisit a lot of code that tied into portals, waypoints etc.

Every new beast or possibly new type would have to be checked into the menagerie and flagged going forward if they kept it.
Props! Thank you! Very impressed with the decision you have made.
kredel wrote:
niceee with a some tweaks here and there it can be amazing ty GGG

did you read the post? they are removing it, there will be no improvements.

next league will be borimg blam blam, loot pinatas and speed meta again.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Great news!
“We are the race of flesh, We are the race of lovers.”
Thank you guys <3
Fantastic to hear.
Good decision. The whole zoo-micromanagment is a disturbing factor that doesn't fit well into an arpg.
IMHO you should keep the new crazy mods rare beasts can come with.
yup, i think it's too much to be included.. but maybe you can let the beast mods remain like seeing the red and yellow icons for zana like nemesis? or treat them like one of the corrupted beasts from tora.. even if it doesnt give anything for crafting(but a fenumus' weave is ok haha)..just not to be forgotten hehehe..but yeah i will miss crafting those uniques..its a sure way to get one but rng gives u what to get.. and ill miss einhar.." Einhar is smarter than he looks, yes? " nice npc.. thanks for this nice league..
Thank you! U know guys i rly liked Bestiary it was something different but the beast are soooooo rippy imo read beast should be restricted for only maps. It was so annoying running like a madman from a red beast in time of leveling where most of the builds dont have the dmg or the defense to not die randomly in seconds. But im gonna miss Spider aura BibleThump

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