Bestiary as a Core Game Mechanic

Thank god, the only bad thing is that we have to have beasts for another 4 weeks :-)
You earned yourself the next supporter pack, guys.
If you want to recycle the good part of the content: keep yellow and red beasts in the game, on kill make them drop a crafting orb that can be used on a new Einhar crafting bench in the hideout
I have no idea why there was so much hate towards Bestiary. It was not my favorite league, but it was ok. Simply one thing I didn't enjoy bout it was requirement to remember so many of beast mods and types combinations to know if a beast encountered in map is worth nothing or big money.
This is fantastic news. Thank you GGG for trying new things but having the courage to axe them if they don't work.
chadbishop wrote:
Funny to see all the folks without supporter tags being happy about this. If you really like GGG not including this in core, why not spend some money to show your support rather than make a forum post.
Because I'm not vain enough to display my spendings as validation for my purchases.
While it's nice to see a different mechanic like that, i'm glad that you guys are actually listening to the community!!! Bestiary had a few problems that made it annoying.

Thank you!
Kick names & take ass!
while at it, why don't you guys make abyss more prevalent in the core game. i miss running abyss depths.....
Shitysushi - Arrow shooting build.
Sendeliriante - hollow palmer
What happens to the beasts we have currently captured?

What about beastcrafting, the good recipes like 30% quality gone forever?

Will it be impossible in any future league to get beast league uniques (which will suck)?

No more crafting aspects?

Will all our nets we own forever be useless?


I gotta admit, I'll miss the early move speed boots and faster quicksilver.

Srsly, just take the league away, work on it, then put it back. Remove nets, just let us capture with a simple mark added ability that marks them at any time and lasts until death, or just let the red and yellow beasts be auto captured on death and just leave those in or something.

All they currently serve is loot piñata's that take longer to kill then map bosses. They are like what map bosses should be like.

Also seems a waste to not use all the new cool modifiers that was made for the red and yellow beasts.
I'm really pissed off about this. All these reason didn't stop you from including far worse offenders into base game. This wasn't the most awesome league mechanic, but it was probably the best addition to the base game you could ever do. The only reason you didn't include it is because you're fucking pussies and can't deal with a few indreds with down syndrome complaining about mechanics, because they can't spent a 5 fucking minutes to learn it. It didn't need that much work, it was already in a decent spot and with it being in core you could have all the time to improve UI (it's not even half as bad as old mtx UI and that abomination existed for several years). So go fuck yourself. I'm done with this game.
Thank you so much GGG. Right decision, and please refrain from adding such horrible mechanic in future leagues.
Sarno wrote:
I liked Bestiary, but I’m glad to hear this. It was a very significant change and I’m not sure it fits an ARPG well enough to stick around. I’m very glad to see you trying new things, though - please don’t stop doing that. It’s why I love challenge leagues.

Well said!!!

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