Bestiary as a Core Game Mechanic

I think this is the right choice, if every league mechanics will be added to core game it will become crowded and some of them will be a lot less used
Ty for the league GGG :D
That's bold move. Good job GGG.

There might be opinions on Bestiary (I personally disliked it), but the way you are now handling the situations is without dought impressive.

Guess I should once again include "throw money to GGG" expense into my budget.
Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way.
Last edited by Sarganis87 on May 8, 2018, 2:43:09 AM
Funny to see all the folks without supporter tags being happy about this. If you really like GGG not including this in core, why not spend some money to show your support rather than make a forum post.
if the beasts spawned in maps and all the additional items expected out of beast crafting were distributed on their drops, then it would have fit right in. no nets, no bestiary (nice looking sure but so cumbersome to use) just more different mob encounters, and the top 4 mobs drop a map to the end zone to fight their spirit bro, like that would be so much more smooth to play
good decision! thanks!
People will always be way more forgiving when a company simply admits a mistake, acknowledged what went wrong and then states the how they plan on getting things going back in the right direction again.

The decision to axe the content entirely will generate an incredible amount of good will from the players and make strides in restoring faith back into the majority of the player base that left the game a couple of months ago.

Let's hope next season is a good one.
I'm surprised, but really happy to not have to deal with stupid beasts or nets every league. Hopefully the new animal uniques will be available through Divination cards or something.
So you decided to tease us with the ability to guarantee mods on flasks and cheaply reroll items to make crafting viable for those of us without hundreds of chaos to spare, and then take it all away. Will we at least be getting any reworks to things like Essences to make up the difference?

I'll admit disliking many aspects (maybe most aspects) of bestiary, but I've always felt crafting was way too overlooked in this game and this league finally felt like a step in the right direction that I haven't seen since Essence league. Essences are so unreliable. I had a lvl 90 and lvl91 char this league and wasn't able to loot a single corrupted essence.
Last edited by AIM9x on May 8, 2018, 2:19:02 AM
So glad this isn't being implemented into the core game. The entire design was terribly implemented from beginning to end, and the decision making on mechanics failed because of someone who doesn't play the game making the final decisions, i.e completing challenges, mobs caught don't count toward your menagerie if it is full even though YOU JUST CAUGHT IT. Don't even get me started on nets. Mob rarity. Fun. QoL.

Did enjoy the toughness of the red mobs though.
Last edited by Breakleg on May 8, 2018, 2:22:51 AM
why not just saying : " bestiary is a total failure" .....?
learning is a painful process ... knowledge is the most deadly weapon.

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