Bestiary as a Core Game Mechanic

RichardFox wrote:
dachoppa wrote:
RichardFox wrote:
I'm in disbelief that you just scrapped what you worked hard on to make GGG; you even said it yourself, that you worked hard to make it. Bestiary was pretty much a whole expansion that heavily developed crafting while introducing new mechanics. While you're destroying the things you've worked so hard on, would you like to delete the atlas, lab and perhaps essences too? Bestiary was literally an optional part of the game! The people that hated it didn't even need to interact with it!

I hope you reconsider this GGG. :(

sunk cost fallacy, bro.


Well, consider that Bestiary could end up as a money pit.

You put all this money into buying 20 acres, a gorgeous 3 story Victorian house...
..and then find out you built it on a tar pit.

So then you have to consider, do I try to save the home? How much is that going to cost, and for how long to I have to keep maintaining this?

Do I tear it down, and rebuild somewhere else on the property? That's a huge loss of money, and what if the entire property is full of these tar pits?

Do I sell the property and try somewhere else? But now the value of this place has gone down, and now I have redue the buying process all over again ON TOP of trying to sell this one at the same time.

And so on.

For GGG, they might be considering the ramifications of what it's going to look like for them, and the game as a whole, if they decide to keep Bestiary ...and find some way of making it work forever. As hinted at in their post ...this is something they did consider, maintaining the relevance of Bestiary over the long term ...and it factored into them deciding it wasn't worth it in its current situation.
the only way bestiary league could be near "fun" is giving it an "essense treatment".
i mean you just kill that unique beast and it drops its orb.
then this orbs are used in crafting using npc. no menaregie, no nets, no altars.
with its current state i am very glad about developers decision. and, again, generally, i think developers of this game are quite a smart guys and they react to feedback very good, and poe as a game becoming better with each patch.
looking forward to 3.3 and the next league.
dead game
bring back 3.13
Once i decided to finally try that Orb, which turns beast into tradable item, i went into menagerie and started looking for my desired beast. Yeah, you know what happened... those beasts didn't have names or levels, such fiasco!
YES! Im so happy that its not going to core <3
i'm very glad to hear that, great decision from GGG.

Now i just can't wait for new league.

Bestiary was disaster, and removing it from core will help people to forget it and keep playing again.

Make POE great again!


Thanks god you didnt keep Path of Pokemon... dont need another 3 month vacation... im glad again.
Thank god and thanks ggg for stepping over your shadow and making this decision.
Thank you ! This was the best decision.
IGN : Kernach
your main mistake was killing any competition with instanced loot, you were niche and went mainstream,

welcome your "giv loot but don't challenge me" player base. you can't pull any innvoations with those.

game ded.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Great decision GGG!

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