[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

DOLG_NeMeC wrote:
As i have said Jewels. One of the examples listed above
As DPS is rly good because we have 2.3k int (230% dps boost) i prefere defense jewels with +es/%es + int etc.

I guess I'm just back to picking fights in this thread, but I don't believe you: I am getting 116 more int than you from gear, 12% more int from gear, and I'm getting 134 int from jewels (apparently you aren't getting any there) not to mention 7% all attributes and 5% global defences.

So a total of 250 int and 19% int that you don't have. I'm on 2,366 int. I don't think you can get to 2,300, and because I don't think you are telling the truth there, I don't think you're getting to 12k ES either.

DOLG_NeMeC wrote:
Well my boady armor and urs are differ in 1% increased enerhy shield and 1 maximum energy shield (so no difference)

You're trying to sell things at an overinflated price, and that was a dishonest advert. But to go into details, body is worse for every stat:

6L, 510 ES, 29 int, 12% int
5L, 477 ES, 0 int, 11% int

That is a big difference.

DOLG_NeMeC wrote:
Head - mine 44 int/112% shield /+30 max es vs yours 59/111/45 Once again the difference is somewhere at nothing

Helmet is worse for every stat:

59 int, 280 ES, 45 resist
44 int, 230 ES, 32 resist

That difference is a lot more than nothing.

DOLG_NeMeC wrote:
Boots - mine 47 int/99% inc es/45(!) move speed vs yours 55/64%(!)/+29 maximum es. Om my point my boots rly better

Boots are worse for every stat:

45% movespeed, 55 int, 47% resist, 144 ES
45% movespeed, 47 int, 45% resist, 107 ES

They are far from rly better, they are in fact rly worse.

DOLG_NeMeC wrote:
Gloves - mine 48int/118% es/+27 es vs yours 52/113%/27. So once again equal or mine better due 118->113
Gloves are worse for every stat except 3% resist:

16% spell damage, 52 int, 163 ES, 24 resist
0% spell damage, 48 int, 136 ES, 27 resist

136 ES is not > 163 ES. They are worse in almost every way.

DOLG_NeMeC wrote:
Rings - mine gives 12% int/+88 max es/ vs yours 12%/+83 max es/ again same stats BUT i got ES Regeneration.
This is an int stacking build. Your rings add 28 int between them, and mine add 101 int. That more than makes up for ES regen or resists that I have elsewhere.

DOLG_NeMeC wrote:
Amulets mine +42int/12% inc atrib/12% increased es vs yours 30 int/12% inc atrib/20% inc es
Meh, your amulet is arguably a little better due to another 12 int. But not much, particularly as I have the resists there instead of on the ring. Overall, your gear is significantly worse.
Last edited by NoImagination on Jul 25, 2018, 9:53:16 AM

So i would like to mention at first that i didnt saying that my gear is better then yours. Im talking about "mine a berrely worse"
So lets calculate stats all stats from my gear and yours. I count only Gear

_____________________Yours_______________Mine_______Difference You to me

% Increased Int_______30%________________29%_____________+1
% INcreased atr_______27%________________27%______________0
% increased ES________388%_______________440%____________-52
% increased max ES____20%________________12%_____________+8
+ maximum ES__________253________________213_____________+40
To ALL ElRes__________+24%_______________+15%
Fire res______________+57%_______________+92%
Cold res______________+59%_______________+73%
Lightning res_________+76%_______________+45%

Total res___________81/83/100_________107/88/60_______Is your fire res caped for using Wise Oak?

So only real difference is 117 int on u. Its rly doesnt make my gear significantly worse )
P.s. u remember that we are doing fire damage right?)
Last edited by DOLG_NeMeC on Jul 25, 2018, 11:21:16 AM
I have 117 more flat int, 12% more int, and 147 more ES from gear. I have no idea why you think '%increased ES' is an important stat. What matters is total ES. Your justifications are kind of stupid.

There are more miles on the clock than you want to admit of this used car you're trying to flog, and for stupidly high prices too. You are lying when you say you have 2300 int and 12k ES, and you are lying when you say this gear will get you there. It won't.

Last edited by NoImagination on Jul 25, 2018, 11:44:26 AM
Lol, just stop arguing with the guy. Anyone who has at least some experience with this build can tell that his "2.3k int, 12k ES"-claim is a ridiculous lie.
NoImagination wrote:
pharaoh000 wrote:
Basalt is better than granite in most of the case and in this build.
Just find some information about armor on wiki and you will see.

I looked at flasks again. My base physical reduction was 12%, and my base evasion was 7%. With Basalt + the Jade & Stibnite linked earlier, I have 27% physical reduction and 44% evasion. With Granite, I have 48% and 44%.

I was mistaken earlier because I was looking at the two five digit numbers near the top of the defence screen, but those were evasion and ES on Basalt. I wasn't looking at armour. Whoops.

For large physical hits, Basalt is going to be better. It'll reduce hits by 15% instead of 10% max. I'm not sure if that makes it better or not - there's not really anything that can one hit me at ~11k ES, but there're things that can do lots of 1k hits in a short time.

The defense screen is misleading. Basalt is better for all physical hits except super tiny ones that you don't care about. See this post.
As a side note. why do we need basalt flask? If i die i die mostly from bearers or the shiny things if i am tired or many small hits and no cwdt trigger.
Or massive elemental dmg without posibility to leech. If i think about i mostly die if i have no posibility to leech.

so most death are gone since i read carefully the guide. Or i die in hydra map as i dont see the animations. But thats my inability and i dont think a basalt would help.

1) Chimera. Basalt flask makes the smoke phase a lot safer than otherwise.
2) Hydra with increased damage. Basalt helps a lot.
3) Uber Elder. Those tentacles actually hurt. And with Basalt you can take Shaper's Slam that you need to dodge otherwise.

That's when you are fully geared and leveled. Basalt can save you in a lot more situations while you are still leveling and working on good gear.
ah ok

that i dont know. Chimera is not so often a problem with to quicksilver flasks.
But hydra is. I forget every time that she dont do only cold dmg and also phys. my fault.

And uber elder is a range i dont think i can do :-( . But will try at end of league. I think
my gear should make it possible, but my experience not :-(((

so again thanks for answer.
I'm leveling right now and i am level 55 but when i run herald of ash, discipline and arctic armor i only have 51/1,024 mana to spend(I can't cast flame golem anymore). Is this normal? I also have a question about the gems listed in the build guide. it says "Cast while Channeling 20/20, ideally 21/20" but I don't understand that, is 21/20 the level? and if so i thought we keep that and scorching ray at level 1.

Thanks for any replies :)
Berserk is a good manga
Last edited by yhuwgnlkpxi on Jul 27, 2018, 8:15:54 AM
I'm leveling right now and i am level 55 but when i run herald of ash, discipline and arctic armor i only have 51/1,024 mana to spend(I can't cast flame golem anymore). Is this normal? I also have a question about the gems listed in the build guide. it says "Cast while Channeling 20/20, ideally 21/20" but I don't understand that, is 21/20 the level? and if so i thought we keep that and scorching ray at level 1.

Thanks for any replies :)

Place golem into "cast when damage taken" setup. Problem solved.

And 21/20 in the gem is level/quality. For example, 21/15 gem would be "21 lvl gem with 15% quality". Gem 21 lvl can be acquired only by random corruption of 20 lvl gem
Place golem into "cast when damage taken" setup. Problem solved.

And 21/20 in the gem is level/quality. For example, 21/15 gem would be "21 lvl gem with 15% quality". Gem 21 lvl can be acquired only by random corruption of 20 lvl gem

Alright cool thanks :DDD
Berserk is a good manga

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