[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

Basalt is better than granite in most of the case and in this build.
Just find some information about armor on wiki and you will see.
You dont picking a fight :-)

I dont need sympathy. I only wrote the numbers. And as i work a lot with rng based games (also offline games with dices) there is no luck or bad luck. Its only rng. And if you luck the rng over all players i think its equal.

in poker there is no rng. Or perhaps a little bit. There is much more strategie. Also if you have the best cards that say not, that you win. So i cant see the similarity with poe :-)

And on the other side there is a computer generating the numbers for the items. So my experience is, in some maps drops a bunch of high lvl maps in other maps none. And it seems it s not really based on the quantity. The best example are chests. Also you have a rarity factor over 2000 it says nothing :-) For me high rarity chest s dont give more then normal chests. All over.

And the only reason i wrote the article was to see how it works for other people. If its really 1:4 to get a good implicit i will try further roll good items to got a verry good item and let the challenge til end of league.
If its with more people like me, that there is far away from 1:4 then i only try to get the challenge.

So if you want a fight i fear i am the false person. But i like your comments in thread and your opinion. So go further :-) i like it.
NoImagination wrote:
Kelvynn wrote:
Amulet: how did you get that? Chaos spammed?

Bought that one, 3 or 4 ex I think, then rolled %ES a few times to get to 20. To get both shaper mods on a blue is about 1/10k I think. I put 6k alts into trying that myself on an onyx, hit one mod 55 times (from 866 of any shaper mod). I wanted to calculate my odds so was counting, but couldn't face putting in any more alts at the time. Even when you hit it, you often need to regal then annul anything bad away, so you lose the item 2/3 times.

Damn, I hoped you knew some good technique to craft that. I tried to make an amulet like that in Bestiary where it was easier with the 'create an imprint' recipe. But even there I still never got both mods. Easier to just catch one on the market. Oh well.
pharaoh000 wrote:
Basalt is better than granite in most of the case and in this build.
Just find some information about armor on wiki and you will see.

I looked at flasks again. My base physical reduction was 12%, and my base evasion was 7%. With Basalt + the Jade & Stibnite linked earlier, I have 27% physical reduction and 44% evasion. With Granite, I have 48% and 44%.

I was mistaken earlier because I was looking at the two five digit numbers near the top of the defence screen, but those were evasion and ES on Basalt. I wasn't looking at armour. Whoops.

For large physical hits, Basalt is going to be better. It'll reduce hits by 15% instead of 10% max. I'm not sure if that makes it better or not - there's not really anything that can one hit me at ~11k ES, but there're things that can do lots of 1k hits in a short time.
Last edited by NoImagination on Jul 25, 2018, 2:48:43 AM
For thouse who whants insane gear for facerolling with this build and have 2.3k+ int and 12k+ ES
can offer

Caqn facetank everythink and kill in seconds
Last edited by DOLG_NeMeC on Jul 25, 2018, 4:23:20 AM
DOLG_NeMeC wrote:
For thouse who whants insane gear for facerolling with this build and have 2.3k+ int and 12k+ ES
can offer

Caqn facetank everythink and kill in seconds

I don't think that gets you to 2.3k int or to 12k ES. I have 2,366 int and 11k ES with significantly better gear.
As no imagination write.

how get you 12 k es with that gear ? You must have a other tree as kel or let something out of focus.

As a side note. why do we need basalt flask? If i die i die mostly from bearers or the shiny things if i am tired or many small hits and no cwdt trigger.
Or massive elemental dmg without posibility to leech. If i think about i mostly die if i have no posibility to leech.

so most death are gone since i read carefully the guide. Or i die in hydra map as i dont see the animations. But thats my inability and i dont think a basalt would help.

i like the wise oak flask as my fire res is highest and another quicksilver as the build lack at movement speed, mostly in incursions and lab. friend of me has a build with over 300 movement speed and for him there is mostly plenty time in incursions left.
Last edited by ichbinwerichbi on Jul 25, 2018, 7:51:15 AM
Well my boady armor and urs are differ in 1% increased enerhy shield and 1 maximum energy shield (so no difference)
Head - mine 44 int/112% shield /+30 max es vs yours 59/111/45 Once again the difference is somewhere at nothing
Boots - mine 47 int/99% inc es/45(!) move speed vs yours 55/64%(!)/+29 maximum es. Om my point my boots rly better
Gloves - mine 48int/118% es/+27 es vs yours 52/113%/27. So once again equal or mine better due 118->113
Rings - mine gives 12% int/+88 max es/ vs yours 12%/+83 max es/ again same stats BUT i got ES Regeneration.
Amulets mine +42int/12% inc atrib/12% increased es vs yours 30 int/12% inc atrib/20% inc es

i dont take belts couse we have exactly same.
Other question is gems.

So yours " significantly better gear" just a joke i think )

However ur gear is greate too and costs a lot. adding good rolled Watchers eye makes our gear cost 1 mirror.
For this price this build rly insane
Last edited by DOLG_NeMeC on Jul 25, 2018, 7:52:52 AM
thats not the question. Your gear is really good also with res. But how get you with this gear over 12 k es is the question for me.
As i have said Jewels. One of the examples listed above
As DPS is rly good because we have 2.3k int (230% dps boost) i prefere defense jewels with +es/%es + int etc.
Do mention that its good idea to have % regen of ES in gear or/and jewel cause we run high amount of ES
Im solding this gear just because alrdy have 80ex+ flicker for all content and 60ex+ Mf Windripper.
Cant play 3 OP builds all time )
Last edited by DOLG_NeMeC on Jul 25, 2018, 8:17:05 AM

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