[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

TaloLegend wrote:
Just a quick question, what is the Fertile Mind doing under Scion start for us more than the Int itself? The next Dex is already converted by the Fertile Mind down below

Apparently, there is no such thing like "already converted".
You can say that text is like "you will not get dex from nodes, but you will get int instead". If you have 2 fertile minds affecting 1 node, you will get double int from it.
hi noimagination

i got not sooo lucky as you but i am happy with the result :-)

the idea with the anul was not successful. I killed 4 good boots. But at last i have that now

if i got some divination orbs i try to get better int.

and at kel

the tip with no changing room was the goal. Got the last room then.

now i try to get this fucking abaroth. Last league i had 8 ! of them. this league not one.

I apologize, but I do not understand what the Righteous Fire is fused with in things! Thank you!
I haven't had time to rewind the post too far back, apologize if this had been asked multiple times before.

Is there any tips for incursion? I am still leveling with this build at around lv55 but time has been real tight on 10s incursion. The icestorm/firestorm drop delay has been an issue to estimate whether it requires one more cast to kill the mob group, or to move onto the next group. This has me struggling to make a decent temple.

I understand it's a "adapting the skill" and "get good" kind of thing but any kinds of guide would be appreciated. Thanks a lot!
I wrote this a couple of weeks ago. I don't think I'd bother with incursions until level 69 & CI though. T16 incursions aren't a problem anymore, tho I'm on 73k damage per hit now (with spell cascade), rather than the 47k when I made this post (which was without spell cascade - I changed my mind, it's nice when you have the DPS).

NoImagination wrote:
I'm still having trouble with T16 incursions, but hopefully once I get a 1% per 15 int/12% attrib amulet, it'll go better there too. DPS is the problem, and while 13k tooltip in hideout from 2,037 int isn't exactly the cap for this build, it's not awful either. We obviously have the straight damage to kill anything in the game, but the build-up time can be a problem.

PoB says a +46 int (onyx + mastercraft), +12% increased attrib, 1% damage per 15 int amulet is worth ~20% damage per hit (46.6k to 54.4k)

For lower incursions:

helps a lot. You don't need speed over a long period, you need burst-speed.

instead of leech is working for me.

3. 1% mana reserved jewels. I ended up taking 6, dropping the jewel near Ghost Reaver, and taking sovereignty instead. My source of leech is Watcher's Eye with leech while Vitality, and I also run Discipline, Arctic Armour, and Herald of Ash. The 6th was a problem for me, and I had to use Izaro's Turmoil because there aren't any 3-4 mod damage jewels with 1% corrupt. I guess eventually I'll just buy a dozen and cross my fingers.

4. Make sure your main CWDT & Ball Lightning is level 1. Mine was level 2 as I'm dumb. I've gone for flammability instead of enfeeble, so you want it to trigger as often as possible.

5. I've also gone for Fire Pen as my sixth socket but perhaps this is a bad idea. Perhaps controlled destruction is better? I don't have the 6th link in my body armour yet, I'll definitely consider switching when I do, because then I'll be applying combustion too. 128% fire penetration seems like overkill, though as there's no resistance floor, you can't go too wrong

6. I have M1 bound to vigilant strike. This stops the consistency problems for me - it hits every time now, which means I don't need Ancestral Call to support it. But when I enter an incursion, I need to rebind it to walk, then put it back when I leave. Losing half a second because you are slowly swinging your staff is bad.

7. You'll normally have a preferred door you want to unlock. Kill the architect you want, then work around the outside of the map AWAY from that door. You want to end up at that door when you've killed everything else, because you have the greatest chance of a key by then.

8. Map layouts are important. Sometimes there's a big empty lane down the middle and you're going to struggle to get to the other side in time. In those cases, it's probably best to use any keys on doors on your side. Even with the Alchemist's 30% Adrenaline flask & 3 flame dashes, you aren't going to make it sometimes.

9. Perhaps this is dumb, but I've gone for Concentrated Effect instead of Spell Cascade. The latter can give me FPS problems. Perhaps as long as there're no ground effects, with the huge fire pen we can get to now, it's worthwhile though.

10. I don't think Orb of Storms is needed except for the architect. You spend more time casting it than you gain from the extra DPS. Perhaps this isn't the case for T16s on yellows though.
Last edited by NoImagination on Aug 6, 2018, 1:05:34 PM
fu7ur3sound wrote:
I apologize, but I do not understand what the Righteous Fire is fused with in things! Thank you!

Only the Vaal one, not the normal RF. Vaal RF is a gem very similar to a flask. Once it's charged, you can use it to get 39% MORE damage for 6 sec. It hits you for 30% ES on use, which it essentially no downside at all, you can leech that instantly.
douglazz wrote:
I haven't had time to rewind the post too far back, apologize if this had been asked multiple times before.

Is there any tips for incursion? I am still leveling with this build at around lv55 but time has been real tight on 10s incursion. The icestorm/firestorm drop delay has been an issue to estimate whether it requires one more cast to kill the mob group, or to move onto the next group. This has me struggling to make a decent temple.

I understand it's a "adapting the skill" and "get good" kind of thing but any kinds of guide would be appreciated. Thanks a lot!

You need Spell Cascade for incursions. That's usually a thing when you have a 6S staff.
Would this build work with a 6L Sire of Shards using Freezing Pulse?
this build works cause Whispering Ice benefits from int scaling. This is in synergy with more ES per int.

So with SoS and Freezing Pulse you would loose a lot of damage without changing the skill tree.
How much int and ES would you say it's safe to switch to CI? (before the life node refunds and getting ES nodes)

Not sure how good are the mid/low tiers gears from trading right now, so I would like to have an estimate in order to see how long I have to grind the ES gears...

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