[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

ah now i know why you died :-)

Was a really nice kill to. And youre right. i tried elder spawning and he spawns allways in red maps if you did uber elder. As i want to get the challange with that balls i had no chance to get him in white maps. So i try it with yellow now :-)

If you have time you perhaps have a hint for me how to make phoenix maps safe with -12 ele. I have some of them and i can kill him at least but i die 2 or 3 times. Its not really a point but if i can kill him without that it would be faster :-)

btw. 15 cyclopeon with int are not under 10 ex now. What makes them so expensive. they was bevore 2 weeks at 100c
Last edited by ichbinwerichbi on Jul 21, 2018, 12:50:26 PM
If you have time you perhaps have a hint for me how to make phoenix maps safe with -12 ele. I have some of them and i can kill him at least but i die 2 or 3 times. Its not really a point but if i can kill him without that it would be faster :-)

btw. 15 cyclopeon with int are not under 10 ex now. What makes them so expensive. they was bevore 2 weeks at 100c

Just like always, use PoF and Ruby flasks against Phoenix. -12 maxres hurts a little, but you should be OK if you use flasks when you actually need them: when he starts his Fire Bomb animation. It debuffs you with -50 fire res. So you MUST have a Ruby flask active when he explodes to counter that. -maxres itself isn't that bad, you already have +10 max fire res from PoF+Ruby. And as long as you are not moving, you take 13% LESS fire damage thanks to AA. Don't forget to use Vigilant Strike too, Fortify helps against all hits including fire.

It's almost 2 months in the league, people had time to make a lot of currency, prices are high. Business as usual.
Last edited by Kelvynn on Jul 21, 2018, 1:07:55 PM
Even two weeks ago a 15%, 6% Cyclopean was 7ex, as I bought it. I don't think we're going to see such low prices at the start of next league, more people are aware of this build now.
Last edited by NoImagination on Jul 21, 2018, 1:54:09 PM
NoImagination wrote:
Even two weeks ago a 15%, 6% Cyclopean was 7ex, as I bought it. I don't think we're going to see such low prices at the start of next league, more people are aware of this build now.

Corrupted items won't be as cheap as in this league. Incursion will likely be added to the core game, but Alva won't be found in every single zone anymore. That will affect the price of all corruptions, not just the double ones.
Kelvynn wrote:
Corrupted items won't be as cheap as in this league. Incursion will likely be added to the core game, but Alva won't be found in every single zone anymore. That will affect the price of all corruptions, not just the double ones.


My understanding is you can still use Vaal orbs next league. The belts/rings we use only need a good single corruption (a double %int corruption is probably a 100ex+ item even in this league.)

And I believe the chances to get a good corruption on the temple altar is only twice that of using a Vaal orb.

You don't need %int rings either -- I corrupted this with a Vaal:
and it's only about 140 dps less than a 6%/53 int ring.

And if Incursions make it in to core, I would expect the new corruption implicits to make it also.
Last edited by Graiaule on Jul 21, 2018, 8:25:37 PM
Graiaule wrote:
And I believe the chances to get a good corruption on the temple altar is only twice that of using a Vaal orb.

That's a lot. And a lot of people are doing it in this league, producing random results that they sell.
Is there a HC variation for this build? A way to get even more safeness?
Is there a HC variation for this build? A way to get even more safeness?

instead of Brute Force Solution or Fertile Mind near the start can give you perma-Fortify (36 sec). Other than that, just be careful and go slower than in SC, watch out for that Lightning Mirage crap, over-level, don't run nasty mods - just the regular things. I don't know what I'd change in the build itself for HC.
I guess I've finished my character now, I'm not sure there're any upgrades left. To upgrade any armour is probably going to need a similar chestpiece except with a resist, and there's only one on the market, 80ex, tho with better ES & int too. 80ex would take a while to get.

I could upgrade amulet: A multimod onyx amulet would gain me 2.2% DPS and 1.5% ES, but I'd have to find ~10% all resists somewhere (double corrupt? different jewel? go back to the ring gamble?)

Getting to 100, if I were capable of it (I did ~125 haunted mansions to get to 97 and I really hated it by the end), isn't even really an upgrade. I could fix the all resists problem at 99, as I didn't take Nullification, but that's about it.

So now I just have the Challenges grind, if I can be bothered.

Anyone see any other upgrades I could take? Keep in mind I've gone with my leech from Watcher's Eye so I can get more move speed from boots. That means I need 6x 1% reserved jewels and Vitality.

For anyone interested: 12,466 spell cascade damage in hideout with no golems/skills/etc active except auras/herald, 72,712 damage per hit from POB, 10,797 ES and 2,366 int.

Last edited by NoImagination on Jul 23, 2018, 2:51:16 AM
Hey guys, just started playing this build but i noticed that in your gear you don't have a corrupted staff. Is there any reason why? I see a staff that has 30% increased area of effect has a corruption. Is it just not worth it? or does the 18% block really help.
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