[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

Dude! this build, is the one I had been searching for so long!

Good damage!
can do all content!

Easy to build. no expensive... and if you add expensive items it makes life even easier!!!

Thank! this build! man! I thin I will go with this on each league!
Kelvynn wrote:
Yeah, 0.5% leech is enough as long as you do enough DPS.

New video: Shaper Gets Rekt

The power creep in 3.3 is just insane. New upgrades increase DPS. New DPS lets you survive on the 0.5% leech from the new Vaal mod and drop Life Leech. Which increases your DPS even more.

hi kel

how did it work on incursions and trash?

and on moving targets like hydra ?

And what are this fucking shiny white women ? that oneshot me. I had no idea what they are and i died 3 times now from them because i cant see them coming if i cast icestorm. then it seems they explode and i am dead.
Cant describe it better perhaps someone know what i mean. I have no idea what they come from and so i am dead without idea from what.
Same problem with barrel. If i cast iscestorm i dont see the bubbles and died 2 times. Now i must wait to collect the loot. What dmg did they make and why oneshot this dmg also i have maxed resi and no dmg mod on map?

bought yesterday the uber elder kill. And it was a glacial cascade miner and he was also extremly fast. Dont know that mines work. Also i tried it one league and it fucked up and i dont like the playstyle. But it seems its now really fast and save (what the guy said he killed uber elder first try this league)
You were killed by lightning mirage. They are copies of you that walk up to you, then eventually explode. They're very dangerous for us because we can't easily see them. But you get more used to spotting them when you know what to look for, I've not died to one for a couple of levels now.

I've been using 1% leech all game and it's fine.
Last edited by NoImagination on Jul 18, 2018, 9:45:13 AM
how did it work on incursions and trash?

Works fine. In high tiers can depend on random luck with room layouts, and some mods can be bad. I've already been using FP instead of LL in the trash clearing staff, nothing really changed. VRF helps though, it's basically a 40% MORE damage potion.

and on moving targets like hydra ?

Same tactic as before for Hydra, just like in the Boss Guide: go to the safe spot, stand in it, cast on Hydra (or her legs when he runs along the edge of the screen). She just dies faster now.

Mino gets rekt in less than 10 sec even with mods. Phoenix too. Chimera is same as before, DPS doesn't really matter on him, although the adds insta-explode as they come out of the gates.

And what are this fucking shiny white women ? that oneshot me. I had no idea what they are and i died 3 times now from them because i cant see them coming if i cast icestorm. then it seems they explode and i am dead.
Cant describe it better perhaps someone know what i mean. I have no idea what they come from and so i am dead without idea from what.

That would be Lightning Mirage, one of the new Nemesis mods they added in 3.3. It's retarded and imbalanced, there are many complaints about it in the Feedback forum. I hope it gets changed.

The orange rare has 'Lightning Mirage' under its name. I recommend always reading the orange mods anyway. This one also has lightning graphics around it. When you hit it, it spawns those 'shiny white women' ON YOU. They do some small lightning damage and follow you slowly for like 2 sec, and then they explode for massive lightning damage. I'm not sure if they spawn per hit or per damage amount, randomly or with a fixed cooldown. Sometimes you get just 1, sometimes you get 3-5 of those bitches. And they are damn hard to see! You need to just move away from them. And get used to recognizing this mod visually. It's a total BS mod. GGG needs to nerf it in 3.4.

Same problem with barrel. If i cast icestorm i dont see the bubbles and died 2 times. Now i must wait to collect the loot. What dmg did they make and why oneshot this dmg also i have maxed resi and no dmg mod on map?

'Mysterious barrels' sextant? Well, if you have this mod you just need to pay attention to those barrels before you hit them, they aren't hard to see.

bought yesterday the uber elder kill. And it was a glacial cascade miner and he was also extremly fast. Dont know that mines work. Also i tried it one league and it fucked up and i dont like the playstyle. But it seems its now really fast and save (what the guy said he killed uber elder first try this league)

Miners were always able to do Uber if they played well. It's a glass cannon play style. Must dodge everything really well, play better than what this build requires. Mistakes are very costly when you can't tank.
Last edited by Kelvynn on Jul 18, 2018, 9:55:31 AM
ah ok.

thanks a lot for the answers. That explain why they are more often in nemesis maps.

dont realise thats a new mod. since i cant get corrupting blood i dont need to look for the nemesis mod. Now i should do it :-)

thanks a lot for the answers.
Hi Kel,

I have been playing your build as my second character for 3 weeks now, and I'm enjoying it. Spent about 600c buying the fragments before I finally killed the uber elder, because dodging is my weak point. But every contents except that and hall of grandmasters can be called easy. Thank you for creating such a nice build!

Can you give me some suggestion on farming strategy? Should I sell the T16 maps or do them? And if the shaper infused maps around the elder infused region are on lower tiers, should I do them to max elder spawning rate?

I'm going for 97 at the moment. I did elder burial chambers til 96, but probably should have switched away from it at ~94: we can still die on that map sometimes. I'm now doing shaped haunted mansions, which I currently can't imagine dying on.

I'm minimizing elder spawn rate rather than maximising. I keep the influence low in order to stop him appearing. Then I flipflop between elder & shaper influence on haunted mansions. If you haven't seen it before, it's like this:

When I've finished this set, I'll run a couple of maps to trim the influence down: I don't want it to ever cover 16 or more maps.

I'm running 4 sextants at the moment, but I think it'd be better with 5 sextants & buy the maps, as my aim is to optimise for speed til 97, not optimise for currency. I'm only on 4 because I was recently doing elder maps, so didn't have the guardians on the atlas.

It's not worth adding fragments to T10 shaped maps (it definitely is for T16 elder), but it's worth adding Beyond each time. I'm still gaining currency even with 4 sextants + beyond on each bought map.

Underground Sea and Burial Chambers are other good choices. I ran both as Elder until I was bored with them, but for levelling purposes it would probably be better to just do shaped. Never dying is pretty important.
Last edited by NoImagination on Jul 19, 2018, 4:13:35 AM

i cant imagine to try to get 100. 95 is doable in my opinion but after then the comment from noimagination is essentiell.

Dont die :-) it cost you hours.

I habe another question.

as i got 94 i bougt some maps without looking at the mods. Only no leech i care about.

But last night i died 6 times in a hydra map with more boss dmg and -12 res.

i tried all i can 4 inc dur flask purity of ice but had no chance to kill here.

last try if i try to dodge everything i got here under 30 % but was last portal. I had something else with phoenix last league.

What do i wrong or is it not doable without avoiding everything?

btw got a nice amulett last night. now at 16500 in hide and over 2050 int
Last edited by ichbinwerichbi on Jul 19, 2018, 5:33:32 AM
Hi noimagination

i saw you sell a 4 % int ring in incursion. I dont see you online. i am interested to buy them.

i am now at work but will be online in 2 or 3 hours.
i cant imagine to try to get 100. 95 is doable in my opinion but after then the comment from noimagination is essentiell.

Dont die :-) it cost you hours.

A guildmate has a clearspeed char and can get ~25m per hour at level 96 on shaped haunted mansion. I'm getting ~20m (but with more sextants than him, and with elder/shaper bounce). So I imagine 100 is doable, but it's going to take a loooong time. I'm getting about 1% progress per Haunted mansion, and it's only going to get slower. At 99 I get half the XP I currently get on this map.

i saw you sell a 4 % int ring in incursion. I dont see you online. i am interested to buy them.
i am now at work but will be online in 2 or 3 hours.

I've been out the last couple of evenings, but should be on today. And yeh, it's a nightmare getting the rings for this sometimes.

btw got a nice amulett last night. now at 16500 in hide and over 2050 int

I have similar:

POB says this is better than a 6% int, max Astramentis. If I can find a way to get those resists on other gear, there're upgrades on this too, even via multimod crafting.
Last edited by NoImagination on Jul 19, 2018, 7:44:03 AM

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