[3.9] Frostblades Assassin SSF Viable. 1M+ DPS w/ Budget gear! League starter! Insane Clear Speed

Playing this Build in Legion right now. SO far i really enjoy it and the map clear is amazing.

I put my Char into PoB to check of its in comparison to yours and i was shocked when i saw that i have 1/10th of your dps. Even tho my gear really aint that bad. How did you manage to get that high dps?

It feels like im not seeing something. Where are those scalings coming from ? I do clear t15 really really fast, but the single target dps kinda sucks, especially if you run out of flask/vaal ds and charges.

Thanks in advance
Last edited by Alanox on Jul 5, 2019, 9:22:16 PM
I,m Missing something im at 79 lvl i have all(in my opinion) crit chance nodes, both touch of anguish starkonja head and have 32 % MH crit chance with 3 power charges have 41% crit chance, i dont have only deadly infusion but even without it in Pob your character have ~80% crit chance, im confused coz im dying at reflect maps hardly, and dunno where is the problem, i generate 3 power charges but even with it im dying because of reflect.
Last edited by Briss999 on Jul 6, 2019, 7:02:18 PM
I have been using this build and unfortunately this is not good with reflect maps. I avoid since the DPS for this build is high reflect does high damage to you as well. I don't recommend to use this build on maps that has reflect damage.
Does RAGE really needed on this build or can we swap COLD PENETRATION instead?
Do you think it is worth to drop Multistrike for Rage support gem?
And moreover isn't Icebite better instead of Added Cold Dmg support?
Hi my character seems so squishy, and lacks DPS too I have pretty much followed everything. Can someone check my PoB? https://pastebin.com/3dmPR0fN

Thank you!
So I am currently leveling this build right now and I am having some serious mana issues. Im level 42 and I can cast FB twice before Im oom. Is there suppose to be something I use to counter that? I have 2 mana flasks equipped just to keep myself up on mana but it barely helps at all. I could also take off one of the buffs but then killing elite mobs and bosses would be next to impossible. Any suggestions?
trying this build now
Have been playing this build for a few weeks now. (sorry don't grind as hard as the others.) I enjoy this build and have a lot of fun with it. I've come to a standstill where I can clear up to T8-10 maps but definitely suffering.

I have a couple Ex and C at this point to spend and min/max this build and grind to 100. I'm level 83.

Ill post my POB below any help with min/max gear as Im moving to all rares and drifting a bit away from the guide, using swords not claws.

I know flasks and such are a must to get but on the way of rare swords, hands, boots, etc where can I improve? Pretty new to the game any help would be great as Id like to reach 100 and min/max this awesome skill.


UPDATE: Moved to claws as the price for Swords is stupid high.
Last edited by Tactism on Jul 10, 2019, 6:39:37 AM
been having mana problems? usually 3 fb attacks then im oom. i've been holding onto my mana potion but how can i resolve this?

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