Oni-Goroshi in Current League - are You gonna farm it or drop it?

Taipan1842 wrote:

....and finally,after ten days, I've farmed it...


Add Onslought to that gem set.
Last edited by de99ial on Feb 3, 2021, 12:29:31 PM
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i'm not sure how to link gear but
harvest 10hrs41m on league start
ritual 11hrs59m on league start

and the new league i'll be farming another :D

i'm not sure how to link gear but
harvest 10hrs41m on league start
ritual 11hrs59m on league start

and the new league i'll be farming another :D

Do you do that just for fun? I mean, I can´t see that being reasonable. In 10 or 11 hours im entering red maps and could definately farm chaos-recipe and just pay for it...
hypox2 wrote:
i'm not sure how to link gear but
harvest 10hrs41m on league start
ritual 11hrs59m on league start

and the new league i'll be farming another :D

more for a relaxing league start while i watch my buddies progress on my 2nd monitor! that being said it's satisfying getting an oni and using it for ur build

do u play with a build that will use the oni u will buy? or use an alternative char and make an oni build as ur 2nd char?

hypox2 wrote:

do u play with a build that will use the oni u will buy? or use an alternative char and make an oni build as ur 2nd char?

If one has never played through the storyline with an oni then I highly suggest starting a new character in Lioneye's Watch with the oni. I just found it to be great fun going through the old familiar story with the goddess comments.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
hypox2 wrote:
i'm not sure how to link gear but

When you're in the text editor for a post/comment, click on the portrait of your character in the top left to being up their inventory. You can also choose another character from that screen or select their stash by clicking the relevant button (and navigate to the required stash tab as well). Once you're at whereever your item is, just click on it to copy its code to your clipboard. That'll paste its code to wherever your cursor is in the text box here, like so-

After farming it once and running into RNG orders of magnitude beyond "unlucky" and then discovering that its really only just kinda strong its more about the hillock encounter for me that is special. I might do it again... might just run a bunch of desert maps with a chump build instead.

TL:DR its a cool encounter, everyone should try it once.
Delirium ended...
But the Voices never did.
Most times I forget about this thing, but the other day I was running around a fairly abandoned corner of Guild Wars 2 (deep desert) with the GF as my black-cloaked katana-slingin' thief 'Charan Jaydemyr' (old habits die hard) and some random running by was like, 'Are you the PoE guy!?'

The GF burst out laughing downstairs, and I froze. Like, seriously froze.

I think my response was something like 'uh. yep. Fuck. Okay. Bye' and started to run away. Because while I was flattered, I was also immediately thrown into defensive mode. You never know what an exile is going to say about you out of the blue when/if they recognise you. Thankfully they just went on to say 'Love your swords! They're awesome. Didn't know you played GW2!' and I completely ungracefully responded with a thanks, a yep since launch, and a take care and promptly ported to town to restabilise the universe.

As I said, the weird thing was we were in the middle of nowhere, game-wise. I'd like to say 'it's a small world' but Tyria/Maguuma/Elona is fucking massive.

This isn't even a humblebrag. It's an outright brag. But it's not like I can share it with my real people (there's a reason I write my shitty, self-indulgent fantasy stuff under a pseudonym) so...you, who for whatever reason like the PoE version of Oni, get to suffer my brief encounter with 'fame'. ^_^
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Think I'll go for it in Ultimatum. Been a year or more since I did this last. Be nice to me game... I'm not getting any younger.
Shagsbeard wrote:
Think I'll go for it in Ultimatum. Been a year or more since I did this last. Be nice to me game... I'm not getting any younger.

what build shaggy?

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