[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)

How crucial is Lethal Pride to get? It is not only for the strength gain... right? Never used one before, what would be the potential dps gain? I'm sitting on 4ex right now and thinking what to spend it on.
Fiver wrote:
BlizardShafff wrote:
Hi, can you look at my character please? my single target damage is really low, first time playing frost blades

I've got a couple of pointers.
Let's start with skills.
You are using a different skill setup in your frost blades 6L. I would recommend switching nightblade to hypothermia instead.
You're also not using whirling Blades. WB is our main movement skill and it's incredibly important to have it because we also use it to get the fortify buff and debuff bosses with frost bomb. You should have a setup with WB - Fortify - Cast on Crit - Frost Bomb.
I'd also recommend getting flame dash instead of dash. It can gap longer distances and it can be used 3 times in a row before cooldown hits.
You are using level 22 Precision that you get from your Hyrris Truth. This causes a big problem with your mana, since you only have 64 unreserved mana. You should use a lower level precision gem to avoid this.

Speaking of hyrris truth. It might be worth replacing it for a rare amulet, to give you some extra life. Try to get one with crit multiplier and edwas/life/physdmg/colddmg.
You have a very low lifepool. This can be remedied a bit by taking Revenge of the Hunted in your passive tree, so I would move there as fast as you can. I would probably get Claws of the Falcon after that (instead of primeval force).
The next couple of levels will give you some life, but you definitely need to get more.
You don't have a claw equipped so I have no idea how good it is, but try to get a 400+ pdps claw and make sure it has crit on it. They are expensive this league, but 400+ is recommended.
Another thing I noticed is that you have pretty bad rolls on some of your items (Lion's Roar, Mark of the Elder, Atziri's Promise, and both Fight for Survival jewels). This is quite a big deal.
You should easily be able to perfect the implicit on your MotE. It can have 4 to 14 added phys on the implicit, and yours has 3-12. Blessed orbs are cheap. :p
I would recommend crafting 5-8% increased mana/life on your body armour instead of the current hybrid life/evasion craft. It will give you more life.
Get the 10% elemental penetration enchant on your boots. You can farm it quite easily in the eternal labyrinth, since there are only 16 enchants you can get on boots. Buy a Twice Enchanted prophecy and grab all the darkshrines, and you can get up to 3 enchants per run.

I hope this helps you some. :)
I'm sorry for the late reply, but I just hvent had time and the last days I havent been able to access a computer since I'm currently away on a snowboarding-trip. :)

Thank you! My Claw is 410 PDPS with crit chance, and what do u think i can respect on the tree?
Last edited by BlizardShafff on Dec 30, 2019, 9:35:44 PM
On that Lethal Jewel is there any chance to see if its good rolled?

I have now

20% Increased Physical Damage
30% Increased Melee Critical Strike Chance
20% Increased Melee Damage
10% double Damage (2x5)
20% Fire Resi
10% Increased Life
20% Burning Damage
and alot of Str (mostly 4 Str each and a 20 Str Node)

i dont need that Burning Damage (everyone knows). But should i reroll or is the rest good to go? i dont know how rare the double Damge is or other rolled stats.
Last edited by Patrice_ on Dec 31, 2019, 7:52:56 AM
Can anyone (Fiver? :p) suggest amulet anointments for this build, for: budget oils, mid-level oils, and high-end?

I seem to be having trouble getting damage at around level 70 ish have like 30k dps in game. is there anything i can do to improve on it because i really dont know what to do, to get the damage up alot higher
How hard is it to get a good roll for this build on the Lethal Pride ? I was playing a summoner last league and people spent tens of exalts worth of divines to get a decent (but usually not super) roll. And they often ended up taking nodes that are otherwise useless just to take advantage of the LP bonuses.

Getting one that is very good can be difficult sometimes, but usually it's not hard to get a decent one and use that one until you feel that you have enough currency to play around with it.

The strongest mods are:
5% chance to deal double damage
10% chance to intimidate enemies on critical strike
15% increased critical strike multiplier
30% increased critical strike chance
20% increased melee/phys damage.

If you get more than one 5% double damage mod, you're sitting on a very good jewel. That mod is incredibly strong. If you get 1 of those and then intimidate you are also incredibly good off.
That said, getting a jewel with a few crit multi and melee/phys dmg is not bad.

% life is also good ofc.

The most important part of the LP to begin with is to reach STR requirements though. So get a decent one to begin with and then focus on rolling it when you have currency.

Don't panic.
desacred wrote:
Hello again :)
Lastly I was thinking about amulet. The one I use
seems a bit underpowered when we consider Impresence (with no mana reservation for frostbite) and Pandemonius. From those two is hard to say which is all the time better, becouse resistance penetration is degraded in effectivnes if resistances are mid or low. So, the best option is just searching damage increasing on amulet, not res penetration. Following that path of thinking, is there any "money-wise" point to change my amulet?

Second thing - I'm struggling with survivability. I can repair lack in resistances (only lightning is not capped) by changing darkrays to max res version, but there are two major factors I can't jump on - chaos res and life.

And lastly, I invested, well, a "few" exalts in my character using your build but I feel so weak damage wisly against high tier bosses. What can I improve? In your build from 3.8 and character you posted in pastebin there is no gap between mine and yours damage, there is abyss...

Well the amulet is cool for life and resists, but the damage rolls are pretty low on it, so ideally you'd want another one at some point.

If you go for an impresence with frostbite on it, then make sure to either get +1 curse somewhere or skip assassins mark ring. I would generally advise against it. Pandemonius is still insanely strong. A strong rare can be better though.

Resist and life has always been a hard part of this build. Getting the life to around 5k is the goal, but you should focus getting your resists to 75% the first thing you do when you get finished with the campaign. Every point of resist is a straight up x% damage reduction towards that element so it's super important. I notice that you havent gotten your fire and lightning resists maxed. Only having 47% fire res and 55% lightning resist is HUGE. Get those maxed asap. You have to find spots on your gear for this. Your belt is a good source where you can get a lot more. You can easily craft aspect on any rare item that has a free suffix, so you dont need to actually buy a finished aspet belt.
As for chaos resist, it is something I haven't bothered focusing on previously because chaos damage hasnt been much of a problem previously. This league it is a big problem though, and I'm working on a new version of the build that makes sure to get it maxed.

I'm taking a look at your character and there are a few things that I would change.
You should get a Lions Roar and replace your sulphur flask. Lions roar gives insane damage and also survivability with the knockback.
You should also make sure to get freeze immunity and bleed immunity on your diamond and life flask.
You need to get a Vaal Haste. It's a very good burst skill, and together with Berserk and the totems, you get an insane burst from it.
I see that you have Tempest Shield in your CWDT setup. It doesn't really give you much. Since we are using acrobatics, we lower our block chance significantly and it's not really worth getting something like that. If you feel that you want to add something extra in there for survival, I would recommend getting a curse instead. Get something like Enfeeble or Temporal Chains. It will only last until you hit the target but it might provide a little bit of extra survivability. Maybe even getting something like Vengeance can be useful for the LgoH and Leech you would get from it, since it would recover some of that lost HP right away.

Other than that, I think it's a lot about platstyle. If you have big problems with dying then you might want to check a few videos on my twitch channel. All previous streams are saved, and you could browse through one of those to get a grasp of how I move and how/when I use my skills.

For damage, I already mentioned some things that would improve it. The flask, Vaal Haste, etc.
But there are other stuff you can do as well. You should get the 10% elemental penetration enchant on your boots. You can farm it from uber-lab since there are only 16 possible outcomes on boot enchants. Get a Twice Enchanted prophecy, and get all the darkshrines, and you can get up to 3 enchants per run. The Ele pen on boots is really nice vs some bosses.
You also have pretty bad damage on your gear. I know that stuff is expensive now that theyve changed the crafting system, but you need to get EDWAS on your rare items, and preferably stuff like crit multiplier on your amulet as well.
You have edwas on some of the items, but you have very bad rolls.

Don't panic.
Last edited by Fiver on Jan 1, 2020, 5:39:19 AM
Reitush wrote:
Hi everyone, wanted to hear some advice if anyone here did Awakener with the build, I failed 3 times so far :D
My biggest issue is probably just mechanics and the fight is pretty silly because I just die to storms usually, but..
Most of our skills are pretty unusable in the fight, Vaal haste, Vaal ancestral. Flasks are useless as well obviously.
I add in a decoy totem but it doesn't really solve much.

I recently got awakened cold penetration and trying around skill setups, currently removed ruthless and switching around between ancestral call and multistrike if I'm doing a map/killing boss.
Probably want to work on my chest and rings setup, but I really want to prioritize some chaos res so it's tough. Trying to craft my own chest with an Elder base right now.
Any advice will be appreciated, thanks!

There are a couple of people that I know off that has done it with the build, yes. Not on highest difficulty though, afaik. :)
I havent been able to play much so I havent done it yet, but I will not give up until I kill him. :p

Don't panic.
Nekozu wrote:
How crucial is Lethal Pride to get? It is not only for the strength gain... right? Never used one before, what would be the potential dps gain? I'm sitting on 4ex right now and thinking what to spend it on.

LP is really big.
You get the STR yes, but I'm not kidding when I say that you can gain 1m+ dps from it.
See a previous post on this page to see the best modifiers.
It is totally worth 4EX, but you might need to divine it a few times. Just buy the cheapest you can find.

Don't panic.
ElysiumAB wrote:
Can anyone (Fiver? :p) suggest amulet anointments for this build, for: budget oils, mid-level oils, and high-end?

It's in the FAQ :p

But Claws of the Falcon for highest damage unless you've taken it by going to it manually.
Dismembering is 2nd in dmg
Divine Fervour and Holy Dominion are good cheap nodes that give both dmg and other good stuff like STR/DEX or resists.

If you want to skip using Ancestral Call you can get Tribal Fury.

Don't panic.

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