[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)

Enox124 wrote:
What will be better assasin frost blades or raider after the ascendacy changes :p? DPS/solo bosses/all content.

I think we have to wait for the Patch Notes and PoB to be updated for that - personally though I don't see any advantages for Assassin over Raider. On the contrary, I tried to whip up a Shadow tree as I wanted to check if MAYBE Trickster was an option as it has great defensive tools, but it ended up pretty meh. Like 400k damage on FB's melee portion meh.
deimudda69 wrote:
Lvl 100 is also highly unrealistic for any non-masochist player.

If i opt anything out that costs more than ~10c per slot, removing the timeless jewel, cause you certainly wont see or find one that fits you in this league in the first 2 weeks, adjusting skillpoints to something realistic like lvl 90 at best for "budget" gear and adapting the stats to said gear, i barely get 1,5m dps together, minus a loss of leech, resis, stats, hp and whatnot.

I kinda agree with you - I'm looking to go with Frost Blades as my league starter this time around as I wanna get into mapping quickly and FB has great clear speed from what I've seen. Plus I've always wanted try the skill and haven't got around to it yet.

I was tinkering around in PoB a bit, didn't really account for changes to the Raider ascendancy and came up with this:

Level 92 Frost Blades Raider: https://pastebin.com/BqzUH1td

I picked up more a few more life nodes (166% inc max life), omitted Primeval Force (not sure on this one) and switched the flask setup around to a more defensive option (Quartz Flask and Quicksilver over Atziri's Promise and Overflowing Chalice). I still end up with 1.091 million DPS on the melee hit of Frost Blades and 172k on the blades, all buffs and debuffs applied.

Any suggestions I gladly take, but I think I might try this version out. That is without the Raider buffs of course, I was too lazy to do the math on those.

EDIT: I also didn't add Enlighten (although that is easy to obtain) and/or a 15% reduced mana res shield, as I have no clue how difficult this would be to get. I wanted to have like the absolute bare minimum in terms of gear and see if it still works out. As I have no experience with the skill, I will have to see how it plays out.

EDIT²: I didn't account for the new Multistrike either, it's still the old numbers. Should be even more damage then.

Also, Multistrike is actually the one thing that scares me to play, as I read about the animation cancelling being an absolute PITA to deal with.

EDIT³ cause I'm forgetful: This is by no means diminishing Fiver's work on this guide, which is thorough and nice to read. Thanks mate! I just wanted to go with an absolute minimum of gear and pick up some more life nodes. Of course, this has the advantage that the ACTUAL gear you'll get in game will be better. ^^

That's an interesting take.

I've got a few notes.
You've forgotten to check "enemy shaper/guardian". That inflates the dps a lot. However, you also forgot to check "is the enemy chilled?", which makes up for it slightly.
You shouldn't have multistrike activated in PoB, because it doesn't work. Like. Not at all.
Make a flask to simulate it instead.

Do these changes to better reflect the damage you would have:

Check: enemy shaper guardian
Check: enemy chilled

Enable hypothermia. (Why is that unchecked?)

Unclick multistrike in your 6L
Add a multistrike flask instead. Here's how it should look. (this is the new multistrike)
MULTISTRIKE 3.8 Diamond Flask
Crafted: true
Prefix: None
Suffix: None
Quality: 20
LevelReq: 27
Implicits: 0
44% more melee attack speed
10% less attack damage
10% increased melee physical damage
22% more damage
Multistrike doesn't seem to calculate properly in PoB at the moment, so this is a workaround.

Replace the diamond flask with this one.
To better reflect a lower budget, you should switch Lion's Roar for Atziri's Promise. LR can be expensive early on.

You are closer to 1.78M when these things are changed/taken into account.

I'm not sure how I feel about defiance, etc. The block is useless since we have acrobatics. I would change some stuff in the passive tree, but you do you. :p
Also I would still use bloodseeker over wasp nest, even though you lose damage. I love that claw, lol.

Don't panic.
Enox124 wrote:
What will be better assasin frost blades or raider after the ascendacy changes :p? DPS/solo bosses/all content.

Well, for this build you need to be raider. :p
Idk about assassin tbh. Haven't really looked at other builds that much. I'm sure there are nice assassin versions out there though.
A big downside with assassin is that you lose all the mobility that you get from raider.

But again, I haven't really looked around.

Don't panic.
I will be online and streaming over the next couple of hours.

If you have questions, ideas, or just wanna hang out, feel free to join me. :)


Don't panic.
Fiver wrote:
That's an interesting take.

I've got a few notes.
You've forgotten to check "enemy shaper/guardian". That inflates the dps a lot. However, you also forgot to check "is the enemy chilled?", which makes up for it slightly.

Yup, I noticed that right after I posted the tree and forgot to update.

Fiver wrote:
You shouldn't have multistrike activated in PoB, because it doesn't work. Like. Not at all.
Make a flask to simulate it instead.

I put the Multistrike workaround on Starkonja's, I was just super sleepy when I made the tree so I overlooked most of the things you mentioned. ^^

Fiver wrote:
Enable hypothermia. (Why is that unchecked?)

See above. :D

Fiver wrote:
To better reflect a lower budget, you should switch Lion's Roar for Atziri's Promise. LR can be expensive early on.

Good call actually.

I switched the tree around a bit, I now have a Level 93 tree that actually takes Primeval Force and doesn't take Defiance (it was lackluster in comparison).

Also, I accounted for the Multistrike changes by tweaking the numbers in the Starkonja's workaround, according to some reddit math wizz, the new Multistrike should amount to ~58% more damage (I didn't do the math myself).

I also added leveling trees that I may or may not follow - they aren't optimised in any way, shape or form as I tend to usually do most of my travelling early on, then pick up life nodes and then damage.

Level 93 Frost Blades Raider: https://pastebin.com/68v9kHSB

I still only end up at 1.32 million DPS, however, as a baseline, I'm fine with that. I just trade some damage for a bit more life and survivability through the Quartz Flask.
Is Multistrike still that stupidly designed that it´ll cancel itself from the oh so great animation canceling after the second attack if you hold the attack button?

And on another node: You surely read those threads here and on reddit about the raider changes. The ultimate opinion of 90% of the people here and there is, that raider wasnt that great ascendancy to begin with and it only got buffs in those sections it wouldnt need any, mostly evasion and movementspeed, cause you can already easily reach 95% evade cap and now you can achieve it with almost no effort after those changes. Frenzys and Onslaught are also mediocre at best, cause there are already plenty of sources in the game that gives you both and the +%-buffs of raider are not needed.

So, the conclusion is, that raider still remains as a "generic" ascendancy without anything that you could not get elsewhere and that any other ascendancy is better at everything the raider provides and that the recent changes, even the 130% onslaught buff effect, which is the "greatest" change on the tree, are technically negligible.

Berserker/Slayer/Assassin/Deadeye/Inqusitor = more dmg
Pathfinder/Assassin = more poison scaling
Pathfinder/Slayer/Assassin(3.8)/Champion/Gladiator = more defense

Just want to know what you think about that topic, cause you always say raider got even better, but after some pages here and on reddit i can saftly say that you are pretty alone with that opinion.
If you have no amulet yet... why use hypothermia.. instead of cold penetration?
deimudda69 wrote:
Is Multistrike still that stupidly designed that it´ll cancel itself from the oh so great animation canceling after the second attack if you hold the attack button?

Isn't that a problem with holding down LMB to move at the same time? I haven't tried Multistrike, but it's what I read from some people - when they only pressed RMB for their attack (and had "Attack without Moving" activated), it was fine.
Already I think, you have to test it to have a good or bad impression.

Personally I made a raider a long time ago, and I'm going to remake one.I do not know if it's the best but in feeling of play it is the most pleasant I find.
It rises well in power and I think that high lvl it must be impressive.
The raider in melee is very powerful in defense as well as mvt speed, but above all it is super fun to play I think.
I climbed one quickly, lvl 65, I'm not surprised his gameplay, it is perfectly conbine with FB.
It's not the META but you have to know what you want to do. Play and have fun or be the strongest?
The attack speed is really huge frenzy + onslaught + bllod rage + rage.When you play it is an excellent sensation.
The build is very good and I do not doubt that at lvl 100 (it's not so hard to get there) and certainly certainly before, it will kill the UberElder.
Regarding the budget, frankly it will not be very expensive, a good build, fun, fun that kills the boss must still put 10ex mini I think.
Otherwise you have to make mine / trap, but that's another story.

Lvl65 quickly mounted to get an idea (2 big rings of my other character)

vayha wrote:
If you have no amulet yet... why use hypothermia.. instead of cold penetration?

Even without amulet, you still chill enemies with cold damage. You don't need pandemonius to do that.

Don't panic.

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