Path of Nerfs

Rage manifest 😃
Whiners! I have a good news for you! Its not full list of nerfs, so you can whine another times in future!

People with brain! I have a good news for you too! Tomorrow we can see list of buffs and we can do conclusion about all of this!
- Vaal Pact - Like ES, VP was destined for its fate. VP trivialized nearly all (traps???) aspects of gameplay as long as you were stun immune. Hopefully they hit those insane leech builds that essentially mimic VP.

- Slayer - 3.1 VP Slayer seems like it's better than 3.0 VP Slayer. Wonder why this is on the nerf list.

- MoM - Everyone who saw the changes to MoM giving a boatload of mana for very little investment saw the benefits. Given the little options casters have for damage reduction layering, it'll still be widely used.

- Vulnerability, Despair - With the exception of Witchfire Brew not being used by melee builds in 3.1, it's a buff. Vulnerability being STR instead of INT. A chaos curse for chaos casters!

- Wither - Still broken even at 15 6% stacks.

- Dark Pact - Didn't require much investment to cheese all of the content. The nerfs will require investment into a few area nodes and maybe a helm enchant. Still does more damage compared to similar area skills.

- Barrage - There are so many sources for additional projectiles. Does -1 projectile from a helm enchant really bring barrage closer to other projectile skills (even after slight number tuning)?

- Doomfletch - Items are coming that will offset the crit loss (new crit jewel, flat phys damage jewels). Bow is still amazing and you'll need to invest in a little crit to smooth out the damage spikes.

- QOTF - Still going to be used to Vroom around end-game. RIP 4 minute labs, but it was necessary.

- ROTP - More Life and Life Regen. The Resistance loss can be made up for through the Pantheon (Arakaali + Abberath). Best of all, it's still a 1 alch tier unique and you don't have to craft a Leo shield (maybe... see buff notes tomorrow).

- Experience change - 99% of the POE population doesn't even complete all four labyrinths. Worrying about leveling beyond 95 is pointless for the majority of players. For those that do subject themselves to the grind should feel a sense of accomplishment regardless. Who cares? Kill stuff. Loot. Move on.

- What didn't make the list:
+ Reduce Aurabot effectiveness
+ Remove Headhunter specific div cards
+ Reduce Quant explicits or remove items - After telling us IIQ on items was bad for the game in 2014, you added the most broken IIQ item this game has ever had (Bisco's). Get rid of it.
+ Reduce Sextant radius and excessive stacking through better atlas spacing
+ Increase Zana costs - Not back to exalt levels, but 2-3 chaos is absurdly low.
+ Decrease travel distances or give an activation time for Whirling Blades, Shield Charge and Leap Slam, or improve warp/dash to be more in line.
+ Bring damage skills back to Earth. Sunder, Blade Flurry, EK, KB, VPS, Barrage (-1 projectile does nothing with so many projectile sources), Spectres, Mines (Arc, Glacial Cascade, etc), Dark Pact (yes more damage reduction...).
+ Add PvP damage scaling on 3.x items (see Death's Oath, Allelopathy)
+ Cap Projectile Distance
+ Bloodseeker
Last edited by typecast on Dec 5, 2017, 5:13:02 AM
Love all the changes and all the news about 3.1 in general. Cannot wait for release!


Last edited by 334433 on Dec 5, 2017, 5:12:07 AM
Wow even more grind at high levels, why care what top racers are saying? they all have no real life.
typecast wrote:
- Vaal Pact - Like ES, VP was destined for its fate. VP trivialized nearly all (traps???) aspects of gameplay as long as you were stun immune. Hopefully they hit those insane leech builds that essentially mimic VP.

- Slayer - 3.1 VP Slayer seems like it's better than 3.0 VP Slayer. Wonder why this is on the nerf list.

- MoM - Everyone who saw the changes to MoM giving a boatload of mana for very little investment saw the benefits. Given the little options casters have for damage reduction layering, it'll still be widely used.

- Vulnerability, Despair - With the exception of Witchfire Brew not being used by melee builds in 3.1, it's a buff. Vulnerability being STR instead of INT. A chaos curse for chaos casters!

- Wither - Still broken even at 15 6% stacks.

- Dark Pact - Didn't require much investment to cheese all of the content. The nerfs will require investment into a few area nodes and maybe a helm enchant. Still does more damage compared to similar area skills.

- Barrage - There are so many sources for additional projectiles. Does -1 projectile from a helm enchant really bring barrage closer to other projectile skills (even after slight number tuning)?

- Doomfletch - Items are coming that will offset the crit loss (new crit jewel, flat phys damage jewels). Bow is still amazing and you'll need to invest in a little crit to smooth out the damage spikes.

- QOTF - Still going to be used to Vroom around end-game. RIP 4 minute labs, but it was necessary.

- ROTP - More Life and Life Regen. The Resistance loss can be made up for through the Pantheon (Arakaali + Abberath). Best of all, it's still a 1 alch tier unique and you don't have to craft a Leo shield (maybe... see buff notes tomorrow).

- Experience change - 99% of the POE population doesn't even complete all four labyrinths. Worrying about leveling beyond 95 is pointless for the majority of players. For those that do subject themselves to the grind should feel a sense of accomplishment regardless. Who cares? Kill stuff. Loot. Move on.

- What didn't make the list:
+ Reduce Aurabot effectiveness
+ Remove Headhunter specific div cards
+ Reduce Quant explicits or remove items - After telling us IIQ on items was bad for the game in 2014, you added the most broken IIQ item this game has ever had (Bisco's). Get rid of it.
+ Reduce Sextant radius and excessive stacking through better atlas spacing
+ Increase Zana costs - Not back to exalt levels, but 2-3 chaos is absurdly low.
+ Decrease travel distances or give an activation time for Whirling Blades, Shield Charge and Leap Slam, or improve warp/dash to be more in line.
+ Bring damage skills back to Earth. Sunder, Blade Flurry, EK, KB, VPS, Barrage (-1 projectile does nothing with so many projectile sources), Spectres, Mines (Arc, Glacial Cascade, etc), Dark Pact (yes more damage reduction...).
+ Add PvP damage scaling on 3.x items (see Death's Oath, Allelopathy)
+ Cap Projectile Distance
+ Bloodseeker

Chris wrote:
As developers, we're not afraid to nerf game elements that are too powerful and are harming Path of Exile. Unfortunately, patch notes are not the best way to communicate these nerfs, because their format and information density makes it hard to include sufficient explanation.

Experience changes for high-level characters
Each league, the race to 100 is over more quickly than the previous one, as players become more efficient and the experience available gets larger. We receive overwhelming feedback (including from top racers) that this process should be made longer. We're going to be careful though, and just adjust it a bit at a time. In 3.1.0, this takes the form of small additional experience penalties at levels 95-99 that have the following effect:

  • 95 to 96: 6.5% more experience needed
  • 96 to 97: 11.5% more experience needed
  • 97 to 98: 18.7% more experience needed
  • 98 to 99: 28.25% more experience needed
  • 99 to 100: 40% more experience needed

Well, there's the list of significant nerfs. Hopefully we didn't forget any important ones. We have a decent list of buffs to go with it, which will be posted tomorrow in the full patch notes!

Thx guys. Getting to 100 is my favourite and maybe only long term achievement. For me, as a ambitious casual player, it is a project, which takes several months.

We all know and can see via streams, how (a small group of) people can get to 100 this quick. They play (work?) in a very unhealty, absurd and - for me - not enjoyable way.

Do you really need to affrond "all" to catch "some"? Idk guys, feels like not my game anymore.
Daron wrote:
After 3 Days, all GGG goodbye ppl will open new character in new league. LoL

hah. Probably You miss the reality. And the reality is that there is more peoples which prefer to play Standard. And those which is coming back for the expansion probably do not even read the patch notes.
I am 100% sure that 80% of the newcomers or those which will be back for the check will be gone ( at least ) until the end of the January, and I am trying to stay positive in here.
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
philipma wrote:

Had the worst mornings of my life after i read these nerfs i feel so discusted.

You know what? I envy you.

No, really. If the worst morning of your life is waking up to a bunch of nerfs in PoE, you must be one of the luckiest, happiest, most content people on this rock. Salute to you.

With that said, this is quite a bit of outrage xD.
I'm honestly weirded out by the amount of people that are mad at the exp change when they will not, in fact, be affected by it.
What percentage of players actually reaches 95? 5%, less? This change directly hits a certain, fairly small group of people: those that had realistic chances of reaching 100 before, but weren't in the top 0.1% that'd hit 100's in a week or two.
The rest of the playerbase will be completely unaffected by this.

Vampiruga wrote:
Whiners! I have a good news for you! Its not full list of nerfs, so you can whine another times in future!

People with brain! I have a good news for you too! Tomorrow we can see list of buffs and we can do conclusion about all of this!

Yeah. I believe I've heard this already in 3.0 discussion about the ES/CI kill.

And concluding that we are brainless for killing our fun ?! Great point. You should be some sort of genius then. GZ. PM me your facebook pls.
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.

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