Path of Nerfs

Srsly what's with all the nerfs...

I was expecting to make a character in the new league, go kill Hillock for instant lvl 100, go on the beach kill some zombies for guaranteed Uber/Shaper fragments and top tier uniques as a bonus, get a free hideout with all masters max lvl. Finally after all of that which would probably take me like 10-15 minutes (Keep in mind this is an absurd amount of playtime for a casual player who's play-sessions usually consist of logging in the game and then logging out with less than 5 seconds in between) I start running Shaper/Uber with my starting gear! As soon as I load in the map I expect everything to be dead and all the best loot (Dying Sun/Disfavour and a few hundred EX with a mirror or two) already in my inventory (Expect the same for all other content in the game after the first two zones) all achievements and challenges for the league automatically completed of course.
Only then would I be happy with the state of the game!

Oh well... back to Clicker Heroes I guess LUL! :)
Streaming is bad for the gaming community, the top streamers get perks due to bringing in new players, which leads to them having some leverage with the direction of the games they stream. Not to mention, they make their living off it, I wouldn't be surprised to find that all the RMT in the game originates from them too. As an example, who has the time to farm like 1000 exalt and sell it for real money for someone to buy on a site?

As for nerfs.. I'm not sure you are aware GGG, but a "nerf" insinuates that you made a mistake when creating the thing you wish to nerf in the first place. It is basically saying "oops, made that too strong, better quickly fix that before it gets out of hand"

What you're doing is not nerfing, as it's not a knee-jerk reaction to a design mistake, what you are doing is altering the established meta, on multiple occasions, to align it with a percentage of the playerbase. Which makes the other percentages, very upset.
Omygosh xD

My new build is compromissed >.<
With this culture of nerfing the most played/fun builds you are becoming Diablo, and thats reason is what made me stop playing it.

Also i was planning to aim for lvl 100 in this league for first time in 4y playing this game, i guess it wont happen.

Up to you.
"My" To-Do LIST about PoE:

* Don't support to GGG with money anymore from now on!..
* ... Instead, buy a "dozen games" with the "same pay amount" you think you're supposed to support!

(Rev. #004)

"When you reach the top, get ready to drop!"
Last edited by BeeAntOS on Dec 5, 2017, 5:56:31 AM
I do dislike the increases to the XP.

Has GGG considered the possibility that no matter what they do a small percentage of players will always do things faster than they should?

I understand that GGG stands for Grinding Gear Games and i accept that a grind is part of the game. However with that said i find it very frustrating when that grind is continually increased just to try and stop a few people that will never truly be stopped.

The more you try and stop them the more they’ll find other ways to level faster. Meanwhile those of us who just want to play the game at a more general pace end up having the goal posts moved further and further away till it starts to feel it like it’s pointless to play.

I feel this is true for all nerfs to an extent. You nerf things to stop a few abusing them only for those of us struggling to get builds to work it makes everything 10 times harder.

It feels like time and time again you nerf something that gives the abuser say 100 of something when they pat their heads, rub their stomachs and rotate their foot while the rest of who only manage to pat their head can only achieve 20. You then nerf it so the abusers can now only achieve 80 but also make it so the rest us can now only achieve 10 making it useless. Do this enough times like you have and everything starts to look useless.

How about you try leaving things alone or find ways to only stop the few players you want to stop without it affecting everyone else like putting diminishing returns on high level xp generation? Or a cap on the total amount of XP that can be earned per hour so it stops those few who go over what the average player achieves while having no effect for the average player at the same time.

Or better yet have ‘casual’ servers that are immune to xp nerfs and the like. Let those who want to try and break the game break it and let the rest of us actually enjoy it.
Last edited by D0p3y on Dec 5, 2017, 5:43:08 AM
Coolmer wrote:
Vampiruga wrote:
Not all people reaches 3rd lvl... And you whine about 95-100 bracket. GGWP

And you talk with no content own? Who are you? Your 13 challenges said you play whole one day in Harbi or less and you talk like u know something.
You will again do same play one day and give us your honorable opinion on patch 3.5?
Thank you for your spam.

I play on harb league about 3 weeks for testing some builds and getting MTX eyes. Your 36 achievments says nothing for me, you may take this on casul scrubcore. I see only whine from your side and nothing else. People whine about lvl which they cannot reaches without nerf, whine about OP nerf and forgot that tomorrow will be list with buffs. Wow so whine such whine.
I work, have a family and support this game like no other game.

My 1~4 hrs of daily gameplay nerfed by 50 ppl who reach lvl 100 very fast.

Very nice. Just nerf who play 10hrs+
let's go!

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