Path of Nerfs

I hereby dub the upcoming league "Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss"
鬼殺し wrote:
Thanks. I feel bad for Chris though because I don't think this is realistic and it's too little, too late. I think *years* of letting too many players get to 100 too easily has hard-coded PoE players with the belief that it should be both doable and something the average player should expect in a matter of weeks or months. Not years.

They just introduced too many ways for serious no-lifers to cheese the experience, and underestimating the devotion of their most devoted players is one of GGG's biggest failures. There are so many others things they could do to make 95+ almost unpleasantly elevated, but they really shouldn't have to. I suppose, if we go by what I said regarding power levels, the absence of any real power jumps from 90+ should be discouragement enough. It just hasn't turned out that way. And I think that the blame there lies ultimately with GGG. They should have been much more diligent in keeping 95+ super, super, super difficult as well as pointless. From the start.

You're right on that. Right now it's so draining for Chris to just take, take, take repeatedly until XP has been raped to the point where you see nothing anymore.

Are they really that fucking blind or ignorant that they don't see it? Necro Support no nerfs, Support in general no nerfs (might even be a buff with that new chest, idk yet). Gee, I wonder what's going to happen this next league. So what we are left with is this disgusting phobia that Chris has for 100. Those who do not want to drool on the keyboard into the next Shaped Dunes/Spider Forest/Shore, who do not want to use Whirling/Shield Charge/QOTF, who do not have a Necro bitchboy, are the ones that actually suffer. The grind is fucking boring up there, and is made worse by server instability/one-shotting. If you're playing non-meta, you could lose half a day if something goes wrong and you're not in control.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
So many bitches crying! Let me drink your tears!
Mad respect for Chris and XP nerfs.
I don't say anything new.

GGG, look at Poorjoy's rotas running by broken meta builds. You decide to make unique maps drop normally on any other places instead only on linked base maps. You bring Beachhead into the Harbinger.

Leveling past 90 already BORING. Not hard, just BORING. Especialy for people who have fulltime job and/or other hobbys. And you hit hard that people just because some nolifers complain that reach 100 is super easy? For who you make your game? For few completely nolife people? For yourself?

If you want to do something for racers and ladder addicter persons - make 101 lvl with unrechable amoung of EXP needed, so 100 still be max lvl, but have an aditional numbers to compare whith other lvl 100 characters. Allow racers to grind forever, if they want.

All other thing in this manifest just fine.
E = mc^(OMG)/wtf
Good News,

i think it is on good way to play all builds without a Diablo 3 Master build.

Love changes and we have to short to many lvl 100 chars.

Is the right way, do it!
seanxjohnson wrote:
I strongly disagree with the XP nerfs, I think the vast majority of players have a dream to hit 100 one day and that just went out the window. I don't understand why the plight of the top racers, i.e. the people who do this for a living, would impact your decision so heavily.

Exactly THIS !!!
Fucking berserker?

Also, good job with exp changes. Now people who don't go for efficiency can go fuck themselves when it comes to reaching higher levels.
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
First they came for the crit-builds, and I did not speak out
Because fuck that 1000%multi bf.

Then they came for the ES builds, and I did not speak out—
Because fuck that 20kesaegisregenci bullcrap.

Then they came for the leech-based builds, and I did not speak out—
Because I'm playing totems and spectres.

Then they will never came for me—because my name is Chris and i fucking love summoning
Last edited by kerosenelampsalwaysgetdirt on Dec 5, 2017, 1:07:37 AM
- You have done an ES nerf, because peoples which does NOT play ES told You so !?
- You have done an Vaal pact leech nerf, because peoples which can afford the most expensive items told You so ?!
- You have done an EXP nerf, because peoples with characters over lvl 99 told You so ?!
- You have done an CI leach nerf, because peoples which is selling HP items told You so ?!
- You have increase the hardness over the low levels with sh*t items, because the richest players toldYou so ?!
- You have destoyed the relations between important items and gems because peoples which does not care about them told You so ?!

In PoE 3.0 - 90% of the population gain just quit. Only the oldest players remains.

[Removed by Support]
Last edited by Patrick_GGG on Dec 5, 2017, 1:07:54 AM
HOLY MOLY!!!!!!!!!

GGG , dudes wake the fuc.k up!!!!! why you treat the game as if only the top streamers are the only players that matter. You fuc.king make me very sorry for spending even 1 $ on this game . Why you taking such crappy directions? Fuc.king legacy acuity now? You do realize that 95% of players will never get past lvl 95 and over 98% will never get a single piece of legacy gear?

Why the fuc.k you keep legacy items in the game if they were op????????? If you nerf things, nerf it !!!!!!

This is a shit move, instead of balancing and improving where the game lacks , you just NERF WHAT WORKS!!! And because people invested so much into some builds , nerfed items, you keep them as legacy things, because you are afraid to loose the people who pay you $$$ ....How do you think players, especially new and casual ones feel when they see 50% of the game is legacy content that they can never have/play with ?
Look what a clusterfuc.k of a game you are taking poe. You just reverse and change and nerf and add and nerf again playstyles every league...
It's becoming tiring and frustrating ....IS IT THAT HARD TO KEEP WHAT ALLREADY WORKS AND JUST ADD ON TOP OF THAT ???
POE is becoming like a bad rolercoaster.


You know, streamers are not the only people that matter...If 0.1 % of people found a way to become op in the game, doesn't mean you have to shi.t on the rest of us.
The people who pour the real cash into your game are not able to keep up with all your switches and changes and ''improvements'' every league you know, cause they don't have the time , like a top streamer does, in order to adjust.

[Removed by Support] No really, enough is enough...
Last edited by Patrick_GGG on Dec 5, 2017, 1:15:12 AM

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