Path of Nerfs

So we (and by that i mean people going for 100) can blame the racers for this... races need to stop getting to 100 the first day so we get higher exp gain! cause GGG will buff it if they see it takes 3 months to hit 100 :D

MoM does seem a bit to good but at the same time not because it depends on how much your getting hit how much mana you have how many auras your using etc

Slayer is prob the same

VP was OP if you could get it to insta (i never could thus why i dont use it)

Bow was junk and is even more junk now (well maybe its not the bow but my char... rangers suck)

Atziri's Acuity never had them so HA at people who do

Vulnerability, Despair and Wither... whatever

Dark Pact... used DP for mayhem to test it... its not bad at around 70+ but still feel it takes to much life and needs a AoE buff nerfing it is fine i guess since im not making another DP build lol

Barrage... hardly used it as i dont like my ranger so whatever nerf it to hell! :D

Queen of the Forest never used who cares

Rise of the Phoenix.... not sure if can run RF now LUL
Sextants, Headhunter, and Support builds all need nerfs. Maybe next league.
thx for the xp nerfs!
Last edited by Schiriki on Dec 5, 2017, 1:24:52 AM
well there better be some very substantial buffs tomorrow or this game just went a very shit way.
Please, stop moving the fucking goal posts on leveling. I already feel like I'm wasting my time grinding to lv97 and failing, but sure keep making the slog longer season after season because people that ARE NOT EFFECTED AT ALL by the changes get to dictate how the rest of us are allowed to get to 100. They will be slowed down, what, a few days maybe? Meanwhile the people that AREN'T racing get to just have that many more chances to lose xp, have to run that many more maps 10 levels below their level etc. because apparently speed runners are upset that they are allowed to reach max level...seriously? That is the reasoning? "I no life the game and leveled up too fast! Please make the entire playerbase level slower senpai!"


For the Phoenix shield nerf...that sucks. I mean I have a legacy version now I guess, that I never use because I can't sustain RF even with it, most of the regen nodes I get get, gthe +1 max fire res node, stone golem, purity of fire, and vitality thanks to immortal flesh's - max res. Also I rely quite a bit on life regen so rf isn't something I would even use, but I imagine a lot of builds planned for Abyss league rf stuff just got gutted by this change lol.

Only the richest guys are happy about PoE 3.x.
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Heavy requested nerf ? Dude are You serious ?! By whom ? Please put a full list of these peoples which requested it. This is the same sh*t as the ES nerf - requested by peoples which does not play ES.

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Last edited by Sarah on Dec 5, 2017, 3:10:20 AM
talkcoffee001 wrote:
WizBlizz1994 wrote:
Chris wrote:

Vaal Pact Keystone
Being able to leech instantly meant that many threats were completely mitigated by high-damage fast-hitting characters with minimal leech investment. Vaal Pact has been changed to no longer grant instant leech, but instead doubles your character's leech rate and maximum leech rate. This was one of the most heavily-requested nerfs in the history of Path of Exile.

The keystone is still powerful, but now really benefits from investment in leech.

The Slayer
The Brutal Fervour Ascendancy Skill no longer grants Maximum Life Leech Rate. Hematophagy and Vitality Void now only grant +3% to Maximum Life Leech Rate (from +5%).

As a result of the changes to Vaal pact, other sources of leech were also examined. Brutal Fervour was identified as a problem, moreso after the changes to Vaal Pact, as it was the next-closest thing to instant leech. We didn't want to change what made the Slayer the Slayer, but were okay with it taking a small hit, given its dominance over the 3.0.0 ladders.

"A small hit"? You just brought 23% additional max leech for Slayer down to 9% for ALL classes? THAT is a small hit? Of course Slayer was the next-closest thing to instant leech, that's the point of picking Slayer! Dominance over the 3.0.0 ladders? Now we won't even see Slayers on ladder. In fact now that I look at it, there is 100% no reason to pick Slayer now. Heavy investment in leech now grants nothing, because 0.2% of anyone's damage leeched will have the same effect as any form of "heavy investment".

Free melee splash? Grow up no one uses anything but Raider, EQ or Sunder without looking like an idiot. Stun? Stun what? With a melee weapon? We're expected to get that close to something with nerfs like this? Physical reflect? Who ever dies to physical reflect when every build converts their damage or uses chaos damage? We have Raider for onslaught and culling strike isn't worth picking a whole ascendancy for - so kiss Bane of Legends goodbye. 20% of overkill damage leeched as life means nothing if your damage and leech already hit cap by itself - with how "heavy investment" works and all. We have flasks for anti-bleed and it's incredibly easy to get near stun immunity.

There is now actually no reason ever to pick Slayer. With leech nerfs, accuracy needs and nerf to MoM mana PLUS the current survival demands of the average melee character... Melee is now dead. No reason to play a melee character anymore. Now we have no choice but to play Witch, because every other option is now a worse option.

I'm not touching this with a twenty-foot pole. I can guarantee without even knowing the buffs that one of them is gonna assist Witch, which is only more of a reason to only play as Witch.

tl;dr They call it Abyss league because no one is gonna be here to play this game anymore.

Not everyone plays the same you play. I'm sure GGG has more data than whatever data you based your assumptions on.

I still think with these nerfs, slayer still remains as the best leeching class. But this time around you dont need just 1-2 nodes to make it Online, it requires gear/level/nodes to make it work. Im all up for this, GGG has the data for majority of users. Maybe you're one of those people who is targeted for this nerf, and now complain because you're comfort zone is modified.

Yeah because the GGG balancing totally knows what they are doing ... NOT. (see past, present and future)
WizBlizz1994 wrote:

tl;dr They call it Abyss league because no one is gonna be here to play this game anymore.

I bet you have a abyss league charecter in a couple days lol.
Reading this i had to check if it's april fools day.

Nerfing vaal pact AND the slayer makes no sense at all.

Increasing exp needed past 90 ? You have to be kidding.

Rise of the phoenix nerf ? It's not like this item has been fine for the past years...

What is wrong with you guys ? This patch again, no further support from my side.
IGN: Darkrox (not my main, just for easy contact)
~ Yes i'm the Darkrox from Runes of Magic - World's #1 Guild Pravum 2009 - 2011 ~
Last edited by Darkrox on Dec 5, 2017, 12:56:06 AM
Koheleth wrote:
If everything overpowered is nerfed then what will there be left to play for? I have never had a pair of acuitys and I was looking forwards to the day that I would own a pair, either by skill or through trading. Now, that dream is gone. Not to mention all those poor souls out there who lost a significant investment...

People will still play the cheesiest stuff that's in the game. It's always been like that and I doubt that it will ever change.
Last edited by Heptonius on Dec 5, 2017, 12:55:52 AM

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