Path of Nerfs

They should stop letting Ziggy and his friends test and balance the game and fu**Ing play it themselve.

Wonder how long Chris will take to hit 100 with a non-vaalpact melee char - we would propaply never hear from him again.
IGN: Darkrox (not my main, just for easy contact)
~ Yes i'm the Darkrox from Runes of Magic - World's #1 Guild Pravum 2009 - 2011 ~
Last edited by Darkrox on Dec 5, 2017, 1:23:04 AM
Rockerbyter wrote:
Vaal Pact dead. Path of exile dead.

And you just perfectly summarized why Vaal Pact had to die.
"Into the Labyrinth!
left step, right step, step step, left left.
Into the Labyrinth!"
So, the HeadHunter is fine? And don't tell me is a hard item to get, a lot of player are able to farm one in the first week of a league... maybe faster in race. And then, richest players get richer.

And what about divination card? Are you fine that the Tier 11 meta is shaped spider forest just because of The Doctor?

Nice manifesto anyway. I'm agree and happy with all the nerf, excepted more.
With the death of inatant leech now every defence mechanics a quite equal and you have to mix it.
Sounds good.
Thks GGG
Wow, the Amount of Buffs coming Tomorrow have to be ridiculous if they want to out weight these Nerfs.
I am not sure about Queen of the Forest nerf. Wasn't the quick speed was the only reason why anyone used that otherwise mediocre item?
Dervisher wrote:
"A majority of players don't make it past lvl 90, let's make it even MORE difficult to have a feeling of completion with a character!".

Fuck off, GGG. It's bad enough managing sloppily designed inventory system, now you add onto that extra hundreds of hours of grinding? [Removed by Support]

Did GGG not consider your feelings? Oh the humanity!!!
Last edited by Patrick_GGG on Dec 5, 2017, 1:34:40 AM
ok bois, time to play all the mines and totem builds cause the next leage they'll be nerfed by 50% less damage because "its too easy to survive in HC with mines and totems with the current patch notes" , i'm waiting for the day when you have to farm the skill gem you want to play as and HAVE FUN doing it
All hype with 3.1 was pretty much ruined by this. As a slayer you are now kinda forced to take vaal pact since the ascendancy was balanced around you taking that keystone. MoM change early game sounds legit, but endgame there is alredy too much stuff that can instantly kill your character to justify nerfing MoM values. Another sad change for spell casters, and i'm pretty sure people will still use that keystone early game. xp change was horrible since it was balanced around "top racers" and people that play the game 24/7. Not to say now will be even less efficient to run slower clearing builds when talking about xp, and map variety will be reduced to the best map with the higher density and open layout if you are pushing for xp.
"In this game you're just a cow being milked, not a human being entertained" - Kiss_Me_Quick
Yordan1 wrote:
- You have done an ES nerf, because peoples which does NOT play ES told You so !?
- You have done an Vaal pact leech nerf, because peoples which can afford the most expensive items told You so ?!
- You have done an EXP nerf, because peoples with characters over lvl 99 told You so ?!
- You have done an CI leach nerf, because peoples which is selling HP items told You so ?!
- You have increase the hardness over the low levels with sh*t items, because the richest players toldYou so ?!
- You have destoyed the relations between important items and gems because peoples which does not care about them told You so ?!

In PoE 3.0 - 90% of the population gain just quit. Only the oldest players remains.

[Removed by Support]

Great. I got even edited because I've decided to go hones.

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