Path of Nerfs

I really don't care about anything but the experience nerfs. I am currently on Xbox One and working towards level 95. I think that it is unfair that regular players are going to have to take forever to get to level 100 just because of a few aggressively good players.

We already have to deal with constant disconnects and lag problems that slowed us down and now this.
Last edited by Bethicus73 on Dec 5, 2017, 12:29:04 AM
The devs arw forgeting not all of us are nolifers: lvl 100 in 3 days . Stop using those players as a way to balance the game
If everything overpowered is nerfed then what will there be left to play for? I have never had a pair of acuitys and I was looking forwards to the day that I would own a pair, either by skill or through trading. Now, that dream is gone. Not to mention all those poor souls out there who lost a significant investment...

One of the reasons Diablo 2 was so popular is that there was an underlying layer of concrete to the game - sure they made a LOT of changes, yet a WINDFORCE was always a windforce, you could feel good about putting the time and effort into the game because you knew that you would be rewarded.

Instead of nerfing acuitys why not make them more rare? Takes 60 runs to get them now, make it 180 runs. Don't be scared of overpowered items. And why so much constant balance and adjustments that result in nerfing stuff? Why can't you find a good formula for the game and build on it? EVERY single league there are these OP items that have to be nerfed *reach of the council* - why not have more OPEN BETA? Seems like a cash grab in the end....

So with this new despair gem and it replacing the vulnerability gem and witchfire brew in 3.1, does this mean that corrupted curse on hit gloves that provide vulnerability will also been changed to this new despair gem when the update goes live?
Last edited by GrandMasterShadow on Dec 5, 2017, 12:33:51 AM
I don't mind the nerfs, but nerfing exp honestly ruins the game. I don't mind grinding, but leveling to 100 already feels like slave labour and I never bother. These nerf to the exp required now further disincentivizes me to continue playing for a longer time as it takes longer to see a return on the investments I put in on a character.
Chris wrote:
Vulnerability is now a Strength gem, focused on Physical Damage, Bleed and Maim.

This is a buff.

Seriously.. so misplaced in a list of nerfs. Saydhe thanks you. :)
"A majority of players don't make it past lvl 90, let's make it even MORE difficult to have a feeling of completion with a character!".

Fuck off, GGG. It's bad enough managing sloppily designed inventory system, now you add onto that extra hundreds of hours of grinding? [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Patrick_GGG on Dec 5, 2017, 1:34:05 AM
WizBlizz1994 wrote:
Chris wrote:

Vaal Pact Keystone
Being able to leech instantly meant that many threats were completely mitigated by high-damage fast-hitting characters with minimal leech investment. Vaal Pact has been changed to no longer grant instant leech, but instead doubles your character's leech rate and maximum leech rate. This was one of the most heavily-requested nerfs in the history of Path of Exile.

The keystone is still powerful, but now really benefits from investment in leech.

The Slayer
The Brutal Fervour Ascendancy Skill no longer grants Maximum Life Leech Rate. Hematophagy and Vitality Void now only grant +3% to Maximum Life Leech Rate (from +5%).

As a result of the changes to Vaal pact, other sources of leech were also examined. Brutal Fervour was identified as a problem, moreso after the changes to Vaal Pact, as it was the next-closest thing to instant leech. We didn't want to change what made the Slayer the Slayer, but were okay with it taking a small hit, given its dominance over the 3.0.0 ladders.

"A small hit"? You just brought 23% additional max leech for Slayer down to 9% for ALL classes? THAT is a small hit? Of course Slayer was the next-closest thing to instant leech, that's the point of picking Slayer! Dominance over the 3.0.0 ladders? Now we won't even see Slayers on ladder. In fact now that I look at it, there is 100% no reason to pick Slayer now. Heavy investment in leech now grants nothing, because 0.2% of anyone's damage leeched will have the same effect as any form of "heavy investment".

Free melee splash? Grow up no one uses anything but Raider, EQ or Sunder without looking like an idiot. Stun? Stun what? With a melee weapon? We're expected to get that close to something with nerfs like this? Physical reflect? Who ever dies to physical reflect when every build converts their damage or uses chaos damage? We have Raider for onslaught and culling strike isn't worth picking a whole ascendancy for - so kiss Bane of Legends goodbye. 20% of overkill damage leeched as life means nothing if your damage and leech already hit cap by itself - with how "heavy investment" works and all. We have flasks for anti-bleed and it's incredibly easy to get near stun immunity.

There is now actually no reason ever to pick Slayer. With leech nerfs, accuracy needs and nerf to MoM mana PLUS the current survival demands of the average melee character... Melee is now dead. No reason to play a melee character anymore. Now we have no choice but to play Witch, because every other option is now a worse option.

I'm not touching this with a twenty-foot pole. I can guarantee without even knowing the buffs that one of them is gonna assist Witch, which is only more of a reason to only play as Witch.

tl;dr They call it Abyss league because no one is gonna be here to play this game anymore.

Not everyone plays the same you play. I'm sure GGG has more data than whatever data you based your assumptions on.

I still think with these nerfs, slayer still remains as the best leeching class. But this time around you dont need just 1-2 nodes to make it Online, it requires gear/level/nodes to make it work. Im all up for this, GGG has the data for majority of users. Maybe you're one of those people who is targeted for this nerf, and now complain because you're comfort zone is modified.
the exp nerf is the tax bill of 2017. reward the few complainers at the expense of the overwhelming majority. i ve been stuck at 96 for 3-4 months i think. i hit it some time before 3.0. now there is even less reason to try to advance. some garbage is going to lag and this fireblob will appear near me and explode me to death anyways before i even realize it is there.

if you all are so fixated on making it mroe difficult to play for the casual crowd the least you could do to balance things out is to remove some of those 1-hit kill things that assure us not ever getting into max levels anyways.
Shitysushi - Arrow shooting build.
Sendeliriante - hollow palmer
Good job on Despair / Vulnerability thing.

However I am quite decently dissapointed about the HEAVILY REQUESTED nerf to a slayer. I wonder who had such complexes to even worry about slayer being too good at life leaching..

Why did you took so much out of the Brutal Fervor so that Slayer is now in need of Vaal Pact..Slayer in need of Vaal Pact.. This is so goddamn weird. When you slap Vaal Pact on slayer it still gets some nice numbers, but you just HAVE to have the goddamn VP. I would say that it's just stupid.

Every class can now have same leech as slayer. Why would you even pick the class? Cull? Berserker provides more damage and one hell of a more leech. Damn I would rather play Scion now than slayer. That's just utterly FeelsBadMan

Last edited by Heptonius on Dec 5, 2017, 12:52:53 AM

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