Path of Nerfs

nskLantash wrote:
bloodseeker's prices will be significantly higher in the next league.

It may still be getting nerfed. We will find out tomorrow I guess.

Seriously? if Acuity one of the hardest to get items in the game was changed to no longer have instant leech.. you god damn better believe Bloodseeker will be changed as well... If they dont that would be the absolute stupidest thing ever... Literally.
There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
Anyhooo, i'm not sure if the new witchfire chaos dmg on hit works with ED or not, because, well, ED technically hits the target so it should, right? And wither nerf is kind of ehh, but otherwise it appears that both my leaguestarters appear to be fine\not majorly nerfed, at least.

Who knows, maybe the patchnotes will actually nerf them :D:D.

Overwhelming response that its too easy to hit 100?

That's... the opposite of literally every opinion on the game I've ever encountered.

I get that it's relevant to racing (and the change makes sense within that context in a vacuum), but there's a reason that people consider 90 the effective level cap already.

I think if you're going to try to make the grind longer in this manner, you're going to have to revisit the XP penalties for dying at those levels.

This is a negative change for any non-race environment.

I'm a fan of the races and enjoy watching them, but I'd prefer them to not impact the main game in a negative manner. I'd also argue that while watching people compete for racing positions is entertaining: the playstyle that players adopt during this period is actually quite lacklustre, as it devolves into rolling maps as fast as possible, generally with the same clear-speed builds.

Please, if we're going to go down this path: Make leveling past 90 a more positive and accessible experience for SC characters.

Please also consider providing the 90-100 grind with entertaining methods of grinding that XP outside of rolling the same map and farming it clearspeed-style.

We want some actual combat at endgame, hard monsters and boss fights, not just a light-show of packs exploding.

Revisit the entertainment factor of 90+ gameplay if you're going to make it a longer grind.
nskLantash wrote:
Anyhooo, i'm not sure if the new witchfire chaos dmg on hit works with ED or not, because, well, ED technically hits the target so it should, right? And wither nerf is kind of ehh, but otherwise it appears that both my leaguestarters appear to be fine\not majorly nerfed, at least.

Who knows, maybe the patchnotes will actually nerf them :D:D.

Most builds aren't going to stack wither to 20 anyway. A few builds that pick up duration nodes anyway, and, 4 link the totem, can do it, but for the most part ~10 stacks is more typical. So the wither nerf is mostly just the 7% down to 6%. Obviously it hurts a bit but not a build killer.

ED does technically hit. The upfront shot should benefit from the effect, the DoT will not be effected, but of course will benefit from the damage over time buff part of it. Essence drain is probably still a fine league starter.
the blizzard way
the blizzard thorey.
the blizzard designer.
the same as the failer of diablo3

on you way

the designer who have no ablity to make a game diversify,they go the other way around----------nerf it to be homogeneity
Nice nerfs.

Projectile spells nerfs?
Single target Sunder nerfs?
Path of Shield Charge?

P.S."this takes the form of small additional experience penalties at levels 95-99" - RIP Zizaran.
Interesting mechanics enthusiast.
Last edited by farmazongold on Dec 5, 2017, 1:57:43 AM
Shoulda called this post path of salt
Orca_Orcinus wrote:
wow... path of nerfs.

Don't know how to balance? Just nerf it all.

Starts off manifesto with a "hey look at us"-type argujment.

Dear Chris Wilson, you are spending WAAAAAAAAY too much time listening to and agreeing with Mark Rosewater.

For your sake as well as that of the players', PLEASE cut off ALL communication with Mark Rosewater.

All nerf is like that,they don't know balance,just nerf all and fk.

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