Path of Nerfs

Innomen wrote:
sehrverrueckt wrote:
The game is free to play. They created the game thus they own the rights, and can do whatever they want with it. You make it sound like you have the right to preserve the game in the form you desire. You don't, your options are dictated by your intent to play a game somebody else made.

Futhermore, nobody is in anybody's service here. Not us, not GGG. This is a business transaction, we play the game and have the option to pay money to make our characters look cool. That's it.

1. Every program is a number. No one should own a number. You disagree because religion. Even the old world understood this which is why we have a distinction between copyright and patents in the first place. Software should be handled exactly like recipes are handled, because that's exactly what it is. It's a recipe. I ethically and morally should have the right to edit it as I see fit, but because of physical law technical barriers not least of which being fear of suits and prosecution, I can't.

2. It's not free to play. You act like stash tabs aren't a thing. Like trade isn't a thing. Like paid tabs aren't the only real way to trade.

3. What happens when coding becomes so accessible you can simply clone this game at home by asking you personal AI to do it? Does GGG have the right to have the state punish you if you do so without their permission? You say yes because that's your religion. I don't share it. What happens when you can do this totally in your mind because cybernetics? Would GGG have the "right" to delete infringing memories/reveries?

4. My options are dictated by physical reality and nothing more. I am a collection of atoms behaving accordingly, just like you are.

You live in a fantasy world with inconsistent logic. As do all IPL cultists. And with this I am leaving the thread. I'd have better luck talking a Templar into atheism.

I have no illusions, there's no talking sense to a fanatic. Frankly there's no talking sense to anyone. They either already agree to they don't.

Have a great day all.

Pure comedy.
Slayer nerf kind of forces slayers to go for VP, which isn't very cool.
Acuities nerf was expected :D Also, bloodseeker's prices will be significantly higher in the next league.
Changes to exp are just mean. The people that were getting their characters to 100 in less than a week WILL still be getting them to 100 in, maybe, just over a week.
The people that didn't have as much time on their hands, on the other hand, are fucked.

The rest is..ehh, it's understandable for the most part. I can see the reasoning behind barrage, QOTF and doomfletch's nerfs, less so with Rise of the Phoenix - come on, it wasn't that OP in the first place. Dark Pact nerf was kind of inevitable, and with MoM gonna have to see patchnotes for numbers.

15107514 wrote:
There are some reflect changes right? How the hell do Critical Strike builds deal with reflect? Vaal pact and Acutiy Atziri's Gauntlet was build around to counter reflect. I'm really disappointed GGG. This will impact many good builds and completely ruining them. I not surprised so much people are mad about this.

Uhh, where've you been? :D Reflect from nemesis monsters is reworked, yes.
Last edited by nskLantash on Dec 4, 2017, 11:44:01 PM
nskLantash wrote:
bloodseeker's prices will be significantly higher in the next league.

It may still be getting nerfed. We will find out tomorrow I guess.
Why legacy items exist!

- chris said they wanted to reward players for playing now, and this is why legacy items exist (sometimes).

if you play leagues, legacy is not relevant. If you plat std, then you're basically waltzing into a lamb of god mosh pit. Don't go askingfor a safe space and item equality if you put chose to be there.
I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
Ouch It hurts.
I mean, these changes completely destroy the slayer if you're just flat out removing the 100% increased life leech rate with nothing added in return. Could you maybe give him Val pact by default with no downsides, or some variant of that? Then tune it down accordingly if it's to good?

As it stands there's absolutely no reason to take Slayer since everything from it's AOE to it's leech is gutted. c Aside form that defense still doens't work so even though you've removed instant leech everywhere, you've not changed the biggest issue with damage mitigation, and that's physical damage reduction or evasion.
Last edited by korppi1 on Jun 21, 2018, 5:03:23 PM
This shit gets more and more console frendly. Too bad its getting less and less pc frendly.
Any player can design a build that works,
but it takes a casual player to design a build that barely works.
RIP slayer :D

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