Path of Nerfs

Innomen wrote:
kool_g_rep wrote:
I still want you to say whether or not D2 is a casual game.

It's both because of options. The very nature of D2 allows you to reject an update. The whole reason we're all debating this here is because we have no choice thanks to online only.

I can play any version of d2 I want. And even staying updated with no mods I still have the choice between online, offline, open, closed, hardcore, and true softcore modes.

Not sure why you're asking really, just answering because I find the topic interesting heh.

I still maintain a closed us east javazon :)
because you said you wanted a casual game in vein of d2. it wasnt ever casual in the first place if you chose to play by the rules. you just were able to circumvent updates that werent to your liking and then likely put a mod on top. thats fine, and in single player games you should be able to do that. but poe is quasi-competitive and online-only.

I also wish I can go back to open beta poe where you had to grind your ass off for t12 map drops.

man I cant believe I was placed on probation for making a gay bar analogy :/ I didnt make any personal attacks that I know of - and I didnt mean any, thats how I converse. oh well.
Despair is aшesome, thanks!
No more supporter packs from me.
鬼殺し wrote:
Cylianmedz wrote:

It's very apparent what GGG's game is regarding skills and nerfs.

They have no intention on "balancing" anything. Make sure we understand this concept.

They release new skills, nerf old skills on a regular basis.

This is to kills old builds on standard league to get people to move over to the new challenge leagues.

If this pattern holds true, expect huge nerfs on existing skills like Dark Pact.

And the new skills being released will be somewhat OP to lure people in until the next round of draconian nerfs.

It's why I stopped supporting the game, every skill based MTX might as well be considered temporary until that skill is rendered not usable in end game content.

I'm fairly certain Berserker will be killed this next update. RIP

GGG doesn't balance, they kill builds and then promote new skills, every single league.

You sir, are a man of truth. Amen.

It's almost as if they're huge fans of Magic the Gathering or something. Amazing insight you've got there.

Which is beyond fucking retarded considering when old cards rotate out of standard in MTG they retain power in Modern, Legacy, etc formats. GGG does not do this even though thats what standard is supposed to be.
ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder
GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer

3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life.
ZePample wrote:
I never hd a level 100 character, my maximum ws 95 and 50% exp. I guess i'll now never go past 95.

95?! My best was a lv89! And it was on 2.6! I'm glad i didn't get any points to this league yet, and probably won't.

Let them get all that money from that <1% of people who don't have a real job/life and can spend all day playing the game...
I spit out my drink when I got to the slayer part.. Well done sir.
Innomen wrote:
Baryboo wrote:
But its not MY game, it's GGG's. Who am I scream as if MY favorite toy is being ripped from my arms?

Except we paid for and largely designed this toy. They raid our comments for ideas and then simply choose between them.

In no qualitative way does GGG have any real right to do what they do except that physical reality allows it. Their monopoly is ultimately purely a might makes right situation.

I feel you've lost sight of that.

You seem to be edging towards a way of thinking that places you in GGG's service instead of them being in ours.

That frankly scares me, when I see people thanking the merchant class for seeking profit. It's like thanking a bank for overdraft fees.

The game is free to play. They created the game thus they own the rights, and can do whatever they want with it. You make it sound like you have the right to preserve the game in the form you desire. You don't, your options are dictated by your intent to play a game somebody else made.

Futhermore, nobody is in anybody's service here. Not us, not GGG. This is a business transaction, we play the game and have the option to pay money to make our characters look cool. That's it.
Top racers requested a longer path to 100. So casual players get punished. Sorry we can't all stream 10 hours a day. Guess I'll never reach 100. Very disappointed.
kool_g_rep wrote:
because you said you wanted a casual game in vein of d2

So long as you feel your question is answered. X)

D2 softcore of every mode is as casual as you want it to be. That was part of the fun. It was accessible and yet deep. I run a small d2 community fwiw.

Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
I know I don't play PoE much anymore these days. Chris you once said if you were to fix and balance the game the way it needs to be you would loose the player base. I feel it's a lot like a frog in warm water that is brought to a boil. Find something good in the game and please make it better. I have maybe thirty fairly high WORTHLESS builds and more than a few hundred tabs of junk now. Just make the game fun to play please.

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