Path of Nerfs

Karpola wrote:
Ziul wrote:

Never gonna get on lv 100, again.
Never gonna get on lv 100, ever.

These exp nerfs make it a bit longer for the 0,1% only!
Beachhead was in a league of it's own (literally) so nerfing exp gain just because of it is insane. Same with Mayhem and Turmoil, can't justify.

Regular people will never reach 100 since they just keep increasing the exp requirements.
I was going to try for 100 in the next league, but it just keeps getting harder and harder.

Just to further elaborate your point:

Exp/h will very likely get a nerf in 3.1, unless something dramatic happens (which we don't know yet):

- Beachheads are gone (a way to speed up the leveling process for people without top-notch builds and a mass suply of sextants)

- all good exp-maps were heavily nerfed in terms of layout or sextants (as of now, I might be wrong): Shore, Dunes, Canyon, 2.6 Strand. The Exp-manifesto might bring another decrease of exp/h in open maps as well.

- top tier clearbuilds (VPS) were nerfed in multiple ways.

That 40% Exp reduction from 99-100 is on TOP of all this. Effectively it might very well be larger than this.

About the complains: There could be various groups of people complaining:
- (1) The top-groups in HC/SC
- (2) The SSF racers
- (3)Tryhard playing non-racers
- (4) Casual people who are going for max lvl 90 and are complaining about the short races to lvl 100

From the reactions of some SSF streamers things aren't that clear-cut as people might suspect reading the manifesto. Not even speaking about the more "casual" players. The groups in (1) are very much above the rest (talking about FAR less than 0,1% people here!) and are basically playing a different game. It is quite important to balance the Exp around them (since they are the people going for first 100 after all) - but is it not too much to ONLY balance around them?

Some facts:
-playing POE since april 2014 (almost 4 years soon)
-casual player who only plays new leagues
-playing a number of hours/week higher than average casuals who have a life and job, because my job has quite a flexible program
-never killed Uber Atziri, Shaper or all Guardians on my own
-highest level reached ever 91, and that was with the help of some build invented by somebody who actual have the time/interest/focus to make such a concept from existing un-nerfed skills and in an acceptable budget (dont even get me started on "trade", which is an absolute requirement to acquire in a temp league the budget needed for end-game content viable build/items)

And if u want to see some more facts, check the number of characters who achieved level 100 in Harbinger legue, over a 3 months span or more, EXACTLY 1393 players.
If we take a conservative number of only 300.000 players playing this league somewhat seriously, that is a whooping 0.46 % of players reaching max level. Percentage is probably much much lower since i think player base must be higher and also multiple characters can belong to same person/nolife/streamer etc.

So that is < 0.46% is considered by GGG to be the steering force that should drive the changes around, not the 99.5% others who arent so visible and vocals, who doesnt post 20 times/day on forum, reddit and whatnot.
I say that might only work until those 99% or a significant chunk of them goes away to other games and let them elites play by themselves.
I never hd a level 100 character, my maximum ws 95 and 50% exp. I guess i'll now never go past 95.
Innomen wrote:

X) I'm genuinely always trying to consider the feelings of the people I'm talking to, thanks for noticing. I often however assume they are of a sort that aren't going to be emotionally damaged by my unfiltered replies.
I still want you to say whether or not D2 is a casual game.

if you say yes, then remember (or google if you can't rememeber) how long does reaching level 99 take in the classic version without grush or any type of cheats (obviously grush cant be used in classic) by simply killing monsters.

d2 was never really a casual game until they introduced power creep in LoD and most players still used cheats (ie grush) to get high levels
Chris wrote:
Each league, the race to 100 is over more quickly than the previous one, as players become more efficient and the experience available gets larger. We receive overwhelming feedback (including from top racers) that this process should be made longer. We're going to be careful though, and just adjust it a bit at a time.

Thank you both for changing it and not doing so by too much, too quickly.
“Please understand that imposing strong negative views regarding our team on to other players when you are representing our most helpful forum posters is not appropriate.” — GGG 2022


I'm not 'Sarno' on Discord. I don't know who that is.
to summarize:

nerf vp and dp to fuck all berserkers, since slayer is smiling fuck him too, even more we'll chop every duelist class to crap all over melee dudes.
kill acuity, despite being almost impossible to get but we'll kill every hope of melee classes, since death to all but melee is the new law!!
Slicer9875 wrote:
I really hope they buffed evasion/Acro. I just don't see how you're supposed to survive any more if you're melee.

Slayer nerf is really mostly just a compensation for them having easy access to the new vaal pact. They're not going to be much weaker than they are now. So I think the answer to what you're supposed to do will be: roll slayer.

Juggernaut too, I suppose. I've done juggernauts through to shaper with a focus on regen.

Not to mention the fact that Juggernauts have easy access to endurance charges, which are where the real physical damage mitigation lies, along with Fortify.
Last edited by MimSiE on Dec 4, 2017, 11:00:01 PM
kool_g_rep wrote:
I still want you to say whether or not D2 is a casual game.

It's both because of options. The very nature of D2 allows you to reject an update. The whole reason we're all debating this here is because we have no choice thanks to online only.

I can play any version of d2 I want. And even staying updated with no mods I still have the choice between online, offline, open, closed, hardcore, and true softcore modes.

Not sure why you're asking really, just answering because I find the topic interesting heh.

I still maintain a closed us east javazon :)
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Last edited by Innomen on Dec 4, 2017, 11:04:18 PM
Hey errybody,

I appreciate the openness and generosity of information-sharing that is the cornerstone of GGG's relationship with its community. Anyone would be hard-pressed to find a single game company out there that treats its community with the respect and transparency that they do. You rock GGG.

In pursuit of game balance things have to be tweaked for the equality of play and to ensure the longevity of the game. I'll admit, I babyraged too when CoC was killed, so I've been there. But its not MY game, it's GGG's. Who am I scream as if MY favorite toy is being ripped from my arms? I'm just glad that I got a chance to have fun with the meta before it changed and trying 1000 other builds I've not tried before.

There are 2 camps on this thread: the ragers and the praisers, and I definitely count myself as a praiser. But I think it would be a mistake to wholly sell off the ragers' grievances which can be easily done when any party protests in a very negative way as is being done here.

While the meta skills, items, passives are constantly being brought into line as they should be, some people might feel that insufficient investment in the sake of balance is given to the most under-powered uniques and skills (such as name-locking) can languish by the wayside for quite a while before getting any attention?

I dunno.
Baryboo wrote:
But its not MY game, it's GGG's. Who am I scream as if MY favorite toy is being ripped from my arms?

Except we paid for and largely designed this toy. They raid our comments for ideas and then simply choose between them.

In no qualitative way does GGG have any real right to do what they do except that physical reality allows it. Their monopoly is ultimately purely a might makes right situation.

I feel you've lost sight of that.

You seem to be edging towards a way of thinking that places you in GGG's service instead of them being in ours.

That frankly scares me, when I see people thanking the merchant class for seeking profit. It's like thanking a bank for overdraft fees.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Last edited by Innomen on Dec 4, 2017, 11:09:59 PM

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