Path of Nerfs

You missed Cloaked in Savagery.. Every single player not doing slayer was doing Berserker..

Also, I struggled just to finally get a char to 90.. 100 is not gonna happen now. Just gonna adjust all builds for 90-95 max... Catering to your top tier players is a great way to ensure you lose revenue from your more casual.
Last edited by OneLameDad on Dec 4, 2017, 10:31:19 PM
Because winning arguments on the internet is relevant and important...
grepman wrote:
[Removed by Support]

Thanks for the backhanded compliment. I'm sorry my command of the language and various concepts offends/confuses you.

I'm not saying I'm better than you because of it, I'm just saying I'm correct here and you're not.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Barrage no longer has the additional projectile enchantment available in the Merciless Labyrinth. The equivalent Endgame Labyrinth enchantment now grants +1 additional Barrage Projectile (down from +2). Existing helmet enchantments are unmodified.

The additional projectile made this skill and enchantment combination the superior choice for bow/wand users. We want to ensure that there are several viable options for these characters.

Is this just an attempt to level the different lab enchants for bow/wander users? Because esp. wanders don't have any other "viable options" for single target whatsoever.

Another thing to notice: Barrage is actually a terrible skill prior to a significant investment. At day 1-2 or so it's single target damage is even lower than sunder, combined with a way inferior mechanic.

With something like a 6l + 1-2 good gear pieces it's starting to feel good in terms of dps but still inferior to every other top tier single target skill. Only with heavy gear and projectile scaling (remember you either have to kill shaper without dying sun or let someone else kill him for you..) it's the skill you may know from the video compilations. Dying sun alone is +3 proj (=1.75x dmg) on a wander pathfinder as an example.

+2 Barrage enchants were powerful, yet very expensive. Any dps helmet with this enchant was 30+ Ex in harbinger. Keep this in mind while comparing with other single target skills. I have seen replies in this thread referrring to 8 Mill DPS barrage - that kind of a damage is NOT possible without a mirror wand, level 100 and overall a 1000+Ex build! In PB range (quite awkward without PB) the damage of an average 50 Ex build is more in a range of 1.5-3 Mill dps, depending on the settings. That said, it is very unlikely to deal that PoB number to a boss (no perfect PB, dodging, ...) in 3.1. Most of comparable AoE skills will have much easier time doing that. There are a lot of skills much better suited to do what barrage does on lower budget (golemancer, mines, spectres, bflurry, molten strike), partially without VP. Some of the skills have some downsides compared to barrage, but I can't see how barrage is the only skill people are complaining about..

Having said that, the 1 proj nerf on the enchant is probably ok. But @ the people complaining about it being too small - just do a little research next time...It so annoying at times.

Last edited by juerk on Dec 4, 2017, 10:33:20 PM
Well I guess the Fun Police paid GGG a visit recently...
Hey Chris Wilson, can we have a video of you killing Shaper and Uber atziri? I'm guessing you haven't even bothered to try and if you did try, you failed. Make a video and prove me wrong before you talk about balance. Bet you wont because you can't.
OneLameDad wrote:
You missed Cloaked in Savagery.. Every single player not doing slayer was doing Berserker..

Instant leech is required for survival for many builds. Flicker will be impossible now.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Innomen wrote:
grepman wrote:
there are ton of arcade-like modern arpgs.

Except that's not what I asked for. Also Arcade/RPG pick one.
diablo 2 wasnt a casual game. vanilla d2, that is. so why is that you want a casual game like a game that has been known for grinding ? it doesnt make any sense.

I mean, d2 pre iron maiden removal, hephasto castration, etc.

and ff materia criteria is hilarious since its one of the poe signature features

[Removed by Support]
Last edited by Blank_GGG on Dec 4, 2017, 10:42:17 PM
Last edited by Karpola on Jul 3, 2019, 3:22:06 PM

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