Path of Nerfs

The way you people are acting about the nerfs is EXACTLY why they prefer posting on reddit over these forums you do realize that right? Just look at half these posts... salty as fuck about nerfs to shit that if you actually played with any of these items you would have already knew they were coming.. In fact this set of nerfs was pretty much exactly what i expected with the exception of the ROTP nerf and thats only because its been like it has for so long. I also expected more nerfs to things like golems killing endgame boss's while you are dead.. thats the only one missing imo.. That needs to be there.

You people also forget these are all the nerfs.. tomorrow the patch notes will be 3-4 times this length with changes filled with buffs.. But no one ever talks about the buffs anyway people only focus on the nerfs because their selfish entitled children. Seriously grow up and make a new build. Its easier than ever to make an endgame viable build out of just about anything these days even all the so called "Garbage" skills can be made into endgame viable builds.. you just have to earn it which is half the problem everyone wants shit handed to them or to be able to make endgame viable build with little to no investment which is bad for the overall games health in the long term. I make builds every league that tackle the entire content in POE and most of the time i do this with little to no items bought.. just shit i craft or find on the ground with the occasional unique thats typically cheap and easy and hell to buy anyway. And im no mathil either.. Im not that fucking good at the game most people are just that fucking lazy.. at a GAME no less..
There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
Demonoz wrote:
The way you people are acting about the nerfs is EXACTLY why they prefer posting on reddit over these forums you do realize that right? Just look at half these posts... salty as fuck about nerfs to shit that if you actually played with any of these items you would have already knew they were coming.. In fact this set of nerfs was pretty much exactly what i expected with the exception of the ROTP nerf and thats only because its been like it has for so long. I also expected more nerfs to things like golems killing endgame boss's while you are dead.. thats the only one missing imo.. That needs to be there.

You people also forget these are all the nerfs.. tomorrow the patch notes will be 3-4 times this length with changes filled with buffs.. But no one ever talks about the buffs anyway people only focus on the nerfs because their selfish entitled children. Seriously grow up and make a new build. Its easier than ever to make an endgame viable build out of just about anything these days even all the so called "Garbage" skills can be made into endgame viable builds.. you just have to earn it which is half the problem everyone wants shit handed to them or to be able to make endgame viable build with little to no investment which is bad for the overall games health in the long term. I make builds every league that tackle the entire content in POE and most of the time i do this with little to no items bought.. just shit i craft or find on the ground with the occasional unique thats typically cheap and easy and hell to buy anyway. And im no mathil either.. Im not that fucking good at the game most people are just that fucking lazy.. at a GAME no less..

Can't +1 this hard enough, thanks for being sane.
grepman wrote:
oh yeah icestorm, firestorm, storm call, bladefall, rf, fire nova mine, gc mine (hell any aoe skill with mine besides maybe vortex), ice shot aoe, hoi aoe with aoe from subclass, reave, flameblast all cover exactly two pixels. got it.

You get six pixels now with Spell Cascade.
"Into the Labyrinth!
left step, right step, step step, left left.
Into the Labyrinth!"
grepman wrote:
nonsense. there are thousands of games that are casual-friendly.

I didn't say any "casual friendly" game. You did. You aren't seriously telling me plants vs zombies is a suitable alternative to poe are you?

grepman wrote:
your criteria is too specific here, come the fuck on

I'm glad you agree I don't have any alternatives.

As for the rest, read the post I linked. We both know I'm right, you're just a control freak. :/
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Last edited by Innomen on Dec 4, 2017, 10:19:12 PM
FeelsNerfMan. Just another QQ topic before new league.
[3.2]Muh Sprinkler - /view-thread/2117962
[3.2]Muh Poet's pen elementalist - /view-thread/2105455
[2.6]Unethical Voltaxic -6mans shaper - /view-thread/1882958
[2.4]LULFinder CocDischarge - /view-thread/1753207 (sucks now)
[1.3]JustAnotherCritMjolner - /view-thread/1181110 (relics of the past)
2017: We have an engine that can support limitless build diversity.

5% skills are somewhat worth doing, the other 95% are garbage.

Better nerf those remaining 5%.

Last edited by korppi1 on Jun 21, 2018, 5:03:56 PM
guys its simple. If you are sick of GGG nerfing everything instead of fixing the underlying problems. stop buying supporter packs ffs.
I like it all except the exp nerf.
Derek1775 wrote:
Chris, I once listened to someone interviewing you and one of your statements really stuck with me. You mentioned that you wanted a game for working class folks to come home from work and grind a little before bed. A game where money does not buy you advantages. Your MTX model was genius and you were basically describing me and most of the people I play this game with. They have income to spend on things the find entertaining.

Not a single one of us have ever made it to level 100. Hell, I think I have the highest level character at 96 and it was because I had a long break. No normal person grinds to 100 in a couple days or ever for that matter. Normal people play new patches when they aren't working and buy cool mtx once in a while. There is always the hope that one day someone will make 100. It sits out there as a possible goal. I'm afraid it's no longer possible.

Maybe I don't play enough or use the things you nerfed. None of it matter to me except the experience nerf. As a comparison, I played D3 when it first came out for a while. I was lucky enough to get an awesome drop - Shard of Hate. It was absolutely the best thing I found and I was having a blast for about 2 days. I came home from work stoked to play and there was a patch that day, nerfing Shard of Hate, because some fucking streamer was using it and Blizzard got their panties in a wad. I was so pissed I logged out and refused to ever play that fucking game developed by professional stream watchers again.

You're sliding down a razor over a pool of alcohol with these decisions. This can easily go south, fast. You're getting focused on the minority and not silent majority. Stop worrying about streamers and meth heads, they don't matter to the majority. They will always be around. Punishing the majority for a few is a sure way to piss people off. I'm writing this but most people I know won't because they react with their wallets. They will remain silent, and just like the last US election, you'll be standing there like CNN dumbfounded, confused and wondering what the fuck happened. Keep your devs off twitch and keep the servers healthy. Start talking to the people who never had a chance at 100 because they work for a living.

Great post.
IGN gubert

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