Path of Nerfs

Innomen wrote:
grepman wrote:
why are casuals playing a game that is decidedly niche ?

Because we don't have a choice thanks to patents and copyright and dev autocracy?

nonsense. there are thousands of games that are casual-friendly. literally thousands of games. niche games are so rare because they dont make bank. this is why Ill ALWAYS support niche games even if I dont fuck with their genre at all. I could never play a niche game but Ill give my support behind it simply because it caters to a niche audience.

You know of another arpg that amounts to a modern diablo 2 with final fantasy's passive web and materia system?

um yea, I know a few (modern d2- your criteria is too specific here, come the fuck on, FF materia lol). have you tried a diablo 3 ? a perfect casual arcade game to kill monsters to not worry about shit and have choices made for you.


grepman wrote:
using your logic, all games should all be made and catered to an average video game player

Dude, if I get my way we both can play how we want, if you get your way we both have to play how you want.

That's the hardcore problem with hardcore.

utter nonsense, sorry. a game always has average difficulty. this means if I want my fun I need to close my eyes, insert a needle in my dick and you can just play the game as is...means I need to do arbitrary gimping of myself.

do you have an issue about nuclear physics papers inaccessible to non-nuclear physicists ? no ? (I hope) good. do you think you can have a hypothetical super engaging game that can only cater to nuclear physicists and no one not knowing nuclear physics would be able to complete/play it ? I certainly think so. there is absolutely nothing inherently wrong with it. instead your logic says 'do a game with baseline difficulty for retards and construct arbitrary handicaps to have your fun'. um, how about NO ? how about we have games that are NICHE ?

your attitude is the following. there are 20 bars in town. and one gay bar. you - a straight person- comes into this only gay bar, and say 'hmm I like decor and drinks'. next time you bring your [straight] friends and you decide the bar would be really cool IF it was straight. because you really REALLY lilke the FF materia, I mean drinks and decor.

guess what, breh. we been here. the reason why we're in a bar in the first place is because its a place where we get fucked mercilessly. if you want a straight bar, theres 20 of them around. if not, suck it up and accept its a gay bar.

notice I dont come to casual games boards and whine how they're casual. theres nothing wrong with casual games. yet casual gamers come into niche games all the time and whine to make the game like the rest of their bars/games. I dont try to change casual games that are made for casuals. why are you trying to make niche game casual games ? why ?
Last edited by grepman on Dec 4, 2017, 10:16:37 PM
LaiTash wrote:
My argument is that there should be some balance if we want to keep build diversity. Selective nerfs like this is the opposite of balance.

Uhhh, selectivity is required for buffs or nerfs by definition or else nothing really changes. It's like multiplying everything by 1.

I'm saying what everyone else said, nerf and flatten monster damage, or buff junk uniques. nerfing 99% of players because of 0.01% of players is simply foolish from an enjoyment perspective though of course that's not GGG's goal, profit is. (Which again you should be opposed to as a marxist.)
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
grepman wrote:
buff aoe ? how can you buff something that is already covering the whole screen ?


Projectile skills cover the screen. P R O J E C T I L E. Aoe skils cover two pixels next to your character. Which is why we don't play them anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Chris wrote:
For everyone thinking the lack of Slayer nerfs was too good to be true, you were right. An unnamed designer just walked in to my office, tricorne in hand, to confess that a nerf was missed out when writing the article. I have updated the thread now.

Only took 48 pages to make this thread somehow even worse. Nice!
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
Path of destroying game hhhh gg Not looking into Incinerate? and some older skills? Ggg wtf? Hope to see better news later but not very happy
Give casuals what they want, and we can all play how we like. Give “hardcore” gamers what they want and only they can play how they like.
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I think those changes look really good! It is tough but it is a good call to nerf overpowered skills - as opposed to buffing every other skill that is balanced. It is the right thing for the game in the long run.

Stay strong Chris and the PoE team!!! You put so much LOVE into the game and it SHOWS!!!!!!!!!!! Look forward to the patch notes tomorrow!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)
Last edited by korppi1 on Jun 21, 2018, 5:04:25 PM
zivbabs wrote:
I don't understand why people say they are casual and then complain about not being able to get lvl 100 now. The point of lvl 100 is proving you're not casual. There is almost no actual benefits considering the extra skillpoints. Lvl 100 should be for the 1% so this balance change is absolutely spot on. If you can't invest the time, too sad lvl 100 is not for you then. Casual forum ragers at it's best here wanting everything in the game to be designed specifically for them, i want something for me too, and i think this is a great change.

It's already for the 1% players .. I have never thought of going pass 94 because I felt it's time consuming for nothing .. and now they pushed it even more? like hell that's not encourging at all .. maybe if you added a real thing you benefit from hitting 100 then yeah you can push it .. but not like this
MoM - Nerft
VP - Nerft
Slayer Leech - Nerft
Elite ring that perhaps 0.01% of the nolife grinders will ever see - check.
Elite wand that only 0.01 of the nolife grinders will ever see - check.

So... what kind of buffs can compensate with these changes? The nerfs stomp the snot out of 'casuals' (real people with real lives) and these uniques only those whose standard currency is Mirrors will ever touch?
Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive.
Patch Notes 3.19:
Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment.

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