Path of Nerfs

toyotatundra wrote:
Dont forget to nerf monster damage in tomorrow notes, and massively buff our aoe.

buff aoe ? how can you buff something that is already covering the whole screen ?
Innomen wrote:
MourningBlade wrote:
How about a nerf on Legacy Kaom's? No? I understand. We don't want to piss off those players.

This. I said this when I read mayhem was gonna be voided. Like give me one good reason why when they allow legacies to even exist.

It's so blatantly obvious they are playing personal favorites. Not builds, people. It's like everything else. Corrupt. We got a handful of influential types, and everyone else is literally meaningless.

Just like irl:

The alternative to legacy items is having extensive server downtime that would only get longer and longer as the playerbase got bigger. The reason for the server downtime in that case would be GGG running scripts to change every single changed item over to new values.

That's for specific items getting numerical changes. If it's a fundamental global mechanics change like what happened with ES in 3.0 or them putting a cooldown on Mjolner, that can easily get changed since you can change one unique mechanic and not change other stuff, unlike with Kaom's.

Legacy items do not exist because it would piss off some players if the nerfs applied retroactively. Going back to Mjolner as an example, it used to be incredible but GGG changed it to have the cooldown which immediately pissed off pretty much every Mjolner owner and then some.

As various humongous nerfs have shown, GGG isn't afraid of pissing people off. If it was feasible to not have legacy items, they'd be doing it.
Soulcry_POE wrote:
Just want to quickly point out the current state of essence drain single target is not good.

Thank you. Most people dont realize how bad it is now, they still think of "old" ED with double-dipping poison or decay.
Im honlestly regreating buy a few points yesterday, i mean why the fuck do u want to stop the bast majority of players to ever reach 100? not all have the time play 18 fuking hours a day to reach 100 "faster", that xp nerf is just awfull, the most people in the forum just dislike the nerf, where are you looking at? come on get some common sense over there.
mirificel wrote:
Chris wrote:
For everyone thinking the lack of Slayer nerfs was too good to be true, you were right. An unnamed designer just walked in to my office, tricorne in hand, to confess that a nerf was missed out when writing the article. I have updated the thread now.

LOL what a mess... now that you are doing the real balancing could you nerf warchief totems too and what about necromancer support don't you think you forgot that too... do things right if you are doing it.

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RIP leech meta facetanker life

and fcking welcome to regen patch

and fcking RF all day again ? nah what a suck idea ? lul

ps.nvm that was over price 2 Barrage / AA incoming blyat !
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The additional projectile made this skill and enchantment combination the superior choice for bow/wand users. We want to ensure that there are several viable options for these characters.

I guess this is where the buffs come in....
grepman wrote:
why are casuals playing a game that is decidedly niche ?

With PoE being the most popular ARPG these days, those filthy casuals are 99% of the playerbase. So niche indeed.

I'm sorry but most adult people no matter how "hardcore" they are hardly have just 6 hours a day to spend on video games. Even less if they have friends and other real-life stuff.

Thanks for the manifesto!

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