Path of Nerfs

Chris wrote:
For everyone thinking the lack of Slayer nerfs was too good to be true, you were right. An unnamed designer just walked in to my office, tricorne in hand, to confess that a nerf was missed out when writing the article. I have updated the thread now.

LOL what a mess... now that you are doing the real balancing could you nerf warchief totems too and what about necromancer support don't you think you forgot that too... do things right if you are doing it.
Just want to quickly point out the current state of essence drain single target is not good. It's also not fun having to carry around a pair of Allelopathy Gloves to make it acceptable. If wither loses some effectiveness will this not become worse also ?

I have a lot more complaints but I'll keep them reserved for now (For those of you who want to point out the new curse change, try to remember that big bosses have 80% reduced curse effectiveness)
On the issue of increased XP.

It seems like the total amount of additional XP needed to reach lvl 100 does not exceed an additional lvl 99 to 100 lvl.

Pair this with the resent manifesto talking about increased pack sizes on all maps paired with increased XP/hr on bad maps.

I am guessing that the total time taken to reach lvl 100 for a given build will be about the same it is now.
So in view of the AOE nerfs a while back when are you going to get rid of 2 screen off screening projectiles? I mean it makes no sense to nerf most AOE's down to the size of a RF circle when you've left projectiles killing mobs 2 screens away from the screen you're on.

Projectiles should die before they ever reach the screen edge... and they would still be strictly superior to AOE.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Lostar wrote:
Guys.i just wanna say THANK YOU.

I was looking at patch after patch and tries to find
words "vaal pact" and "dark pact" since dark pact was introduced.

Vaal pact kills this game for a YEARS.
Thousands of players just stop searching new meta,
cause u just can take vaal pact andface tank end game content
for 10 exalts.

And 1 more thing. Nerfs is not a popular decision.
Butwe ask u to nerf this dam` VP so long)

So .. THANK YOU, guys, for hearing our wishes,
and for youe bravery!

hahaha ONLY FOR 10 EXALTS i ONLY have 2-3 exalt after 2 month of farming league cause i spent all on rolling map game is broken we should just all leave and let the agreed people stay here maybe the game will die when they will see 99% of player leaved
Chris wrote:
For everyone thinking the lack of Slayer nerfs was too good to be true, you were right. An unnamed designer just walked in to my office, tricorne in hand, to confess that a nerf was missed out when writing the article. I have updated the thread now.

Please don't forget zerker and pathfinder they need the same treatment a bit of tuning down and all things will be great again

stocked up, wts only 600 ex
IGN - Xukai

Mirror Service - /1046531
Dont forget to nerf monster damage in tomorrow notes, and massively buff our aoe.

Last edited by toyotatundra on Dec 4, 2017, 9:53:42 PM
grepman wrote:
why are casuals playing a game that is decidedly niche ?

Because we don't have a choice thanks to patents and copyright and dev autocracy?

You know of another arpg that amounts to a modern diablo 2 with final fantasy's passive web and materia system?

I'll gladly go play it. Especially if I can play it offline with mods.

grepman wrote:
using your logic, all games should all be made and catered to an average video game player

Dude, if I get my way we both can play how we want, if you get your way we both have to play how you want.

That's the hardcore problem with hardcore.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.

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