Path of Nerfs

keep nerfing everything, starting to lose interest in the grind hais
I never push to 100 ( because i play for fun ) so the changes and nerfs they made until now doesn't really affect my play-style , i could say i even like the changes .
Making a lvl 100 char should be harder than it was till now ( where people had it in a few days ).
With that said i really hope they will make some changes to the under-used Gems , and they give some CoC power back ..since the last changes no one really plays it for good reason . I also hope they don't nerf the good gems..but buff the bad ones - from those are plenty to buff...

Can't say I agree to some of these nerfs... Selfcast dark pact was already nerfed by the vp nerf and the additional aoe and damage nerfs seemed like beating a dead horse.

Additionally, atziri's acuities seems pretty stupid and unecessary considering that those are gated under the most difficult content in the game at the lowest drop rates. The nerf to vp should have pretty much guaranteed them to be harder and more expensive to get than ever before. In my opinion, time and currency investments should reciprocate suitable rewards. Nerfing acuities pretty much kills any incentive to continue grinding for some characters and limits the rewards and freedoms granted to those who worked hard for them.

Getting to level 100 now seems like even more of a pigeon hole that caters to a select few builds than it already was. I'm not complaining about its extra difficulty. It's the philosophy itself that sounds shitty and poorly thought out. The discrepancy between skills are already huge enough as it is, and now, its diversity is even more limited. That's not to mention the fact that any chase items that could have given them a fighting chance that takes large investments (like acuities) no longer exists. In other news, summoners have been getting buffs fucking everywhere recently at virtually no cost.

Other than those, the other nerfs seemed reasonable.
GGG Style balance
Innomen wrote:
So your argument is because the fun was systematically removed from so many viable builds it should be removed from all of them.

My argument is that there should be some balance if we want to keep build diversity. Selective nerfs like this is the opposite of balance.
Last edited by LaiTash on Dec 4, 2017, 9:47:53 PM
yalme wrote:
Right but you dont need 100% to begin with. RF is easily sustained long before that, im unkillable at lvl 32 with tons of regen nodes left. Perhaps Im missing something but even with 3% less we are still going to regen to full instantly.

And why i dont see this @instant regen ultra tanky insane dmg and sustain RF build@ character in your profile? ) Maybe cuz RF even now, without nerf, acually not even close to best builds in game?
Sh*t, sorry dude, i'm just so salty with this nerf, planned to start leagues with first try rf char.. And what now..

NecroWantsToKeepHisLoot Is the name of the character i just slapped together with shit off the ground in Mayhem.. The ROTP on him isn't even needed i only used that for Atziri.. Saffels was more than enough to map comfortably and be tanky as fuck as was a rare shield with lvl 3 leo mod even after the nerf to 5% red DOT... Your more than welcome to take some pointers. And it maps pretty damn fast after you get merci lab done and get the warcry shit and drops boss's pretty decent once i hit that +1 tabula.. Which also wasn't needed but i got lucky on the 9th tabula i vaaled so why not made boss's easier. And the best part is its not only easy to gear but uber lab is never going to be needed so its perfect for a league starter with or without ROTP... And if you wanted to you could go max block with it as well making it even more insanly tanky.. or you could go hybrid for even more insane mapping speed.

But yeah RF certainly doesn't even need ROTP it just makes it easier to where you can play it much safer and make it much tankier. The 3% max fire nerf is nothing ESPECIALLY considering now it will have a 40-60 flat life roll? You do realize thats more damage right? as well as a nice chunk more life the build will have because of all the % life and str you get already.

The ROTP nerf is fine and was pretty much seen coming for a while. Im just surprised they waited this long to do it. People have been LEVELING with RF now for quite some time which more than proves ROTP is just a massive buff to your defenses and not nessisary at all to making a good RF build. Hell with ROTP you can still hit fire immunity even with the flask node nerf and the flask nerf.. and even with the 3% nerf if you invest in it like you have to now to hit immunity to fire you will still hit 97-98% fire res.. which is near immunity. You just have to know how to make as well as play RF and you know all this..

The only nerf i question out of them all is the exp nerf but then again the exp grind to 100 is suppose to be just that a grind. Thing is the nerf changes nothing in the grand sceme of things.. people are do the exact same thing they do now to hit 100... its just gonna take more time and nothing more.. I feel like at some point they need to abandon this idea of lvl 100 grind and instead focus on lvl 100 content and instead of this endless mindless grind to 100 which gives little to nothing other than bragging rights. They instead need to make it where 100 is the goal anyone can achive and once you do theres special content just for 100 players. Because as it stands now i still will never invest this time to hit 100 when once i do theres nothing left.. i pretty much will be so sick of that character ill never log into it again and theres nothing left to do anyway. so whats the point? nothing to me. THATS what needs to be changed instead of making it a longer grind they need to ease up on the grind, make it more realistic, and make content for the players who push their builds to 100. Thats just my opinion and maybe GGG will never do this but if they stick with this idea more and more people will get sick of the idea they have to do these things to hit an imaginary goal with nothing on the other side.. Especially when everything in the game can be done with most builds by 90 anyway and most build get very little in those last 10 points on the tree..
There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
Last edited by Demonoz on Dec 4, 2017, 9:49:10 PM
korppi1 wrote:
Too many games are ruined by casuals indeed.

Said every gamer classist ever. These are the people that in bygone eras would have argued that letting non-land owners vote was a mistake.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Rise of the Phoenix
Maximum Fire Resistance granted has been reduced to 5% (from 8%). Life regeneration has been increased to 15 to 20 per second (from 6). New versions now also grant 40 to 60 Life (this cannot be divined).

rip RF
I do not understand why you make the game so difficult, I've been almost 2 thousand hours and I have not been able to reach the end game and now the build that I have is half way out they will be nerf. Do you like the players to leave the game?
Generador de filtros; Hecho en Java por mi:
VP change is something everyone with a brain can agree on. Now to actually fix defensive options, maybe? Assuming it took you ~18 months to get this far I'm guessing by summer 2019 players will have interesting options for defense.

Acuity nerf is straight up bad for the game. The item no longer has a role, it's strictly worse than VP. And it was somewhat of a chase item, or what's left of them. Now to just limit mods you can steal/gain to 5 and kill HH as well.

MoM - doesn't matter.

Wither nerf is... confusing. The skill is designed to basically do nothing by itself. It's a supporting ability that all of a sudden is too strong as a supporting ability? What? If there is only 1 choice, the moment 3/4 socket investment is too high, Wither will head straight to skill graveyard.

Dark Pact - no VP means no self-cast DP. Double nerfing one skill in a single patch... I wonder where I have seen this before... Mapping speed was too fast but you had to sacrifice single target to make it happen. Now both are going to be bad.

Barrage - still remains the best single target ability in the game with out replacement. You're still using this over everything else.

Doomfletch's Prism is no longer the best elemental bow, congratulations.

QotF - so... swap for Brightbeak and Prismatic Eclipse now?

RotP still has only one use.

Experience - again?! Why not just set the maximum level to 90? Maybe 80? If too many passive points were a problem couple patches ago why go after experience now? You're constantly adding things that make leveling easier - breach, league stones and harbinger maps; which one is it going to be? If you care about your dwindling racing population's health, you know, the players who really like your game, you should reconsider this. From my casual point of view, having to run the same map for 6~10 hours just to get to 96 from 95 is already stupid in itself.
Chris wrote:
For everyone thinking the lack of Slayer nerfs was too good to be true, you were right. An unnamed designer just walked in to my office, tricorne in hand, to confess that a nerf was missed out when writing the article. I have updated the thread now.

Then in a few weeks, the Chief Financial Officer walks in and displays the nerfs to profits ratio on an elaborate spreadsheet.

Reminds me of the movie "The Nightmare Before Christmas".
-Time to be funny. The world needs funny right now! Warning: "Might" get you muted.

25 Exalts...oh God my stupidity stuck! Now onto 25 Divines...

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