Path of Nerfs

Tankus wrote:
Well, looks like again no support pack this league, sorry GGG :/

I didn t want to buy one but I really like the patch , so its Ok I ll buy one instead of you ;)

stuf wrote:
Are you guys also change the vuln on hit glovecorruption?

I would assume the corruption pulls from whatever data the gem is, so I'd say yes.
You can tell i suck at this game because these nerfs don't really affect me.
I'm too interested in building/theorycrafting to take characters past level 90, i don't steal some youtuber/twitcher idea and play that, im not good enough to figure out the exploits all by myself.

Honestly, I think these nerfs only hurt the elite players and the cookie cutters in their footsteps.

Something else will be OP again.
The real problem with killing instant leech is that any leech build that didn't invest all their passives into life before, especially Rangers, Shadows, and non-es witches, will have no armor options this upcoming league except Kaom's Heart and Belly of the Beast to off-set losing out-leechability.

Even at 4.5-6k life, which is quite high and needs pretty good gear to reach for those characters, many end game bosses were already brutal encounters if you're actually trying for Atlas Completion. Corrupted Red Map Warbands, Torture Chamber Lightning Beam Cannon, Plaza Goddess Beam, Vaal Temple burst dmg etc. These map bosses often took a few deaths, or investing in gear that gave you enough dmg to being able to survive and kill them fast enough to mitigate their threat.

With the loss of instant-leech, that means being able to survive these encounters as those previous builds will require buffing your life pool and abandoning most of the very passives you started as that class for. And the best part, even if you buff your life pool towards 7-9k, the burst and DoT dmg in those maps will be more than what your new and improved "faster leech rate" can deal with. Especially after accounting for all the lost damage and crit from passives.

What is your solution now for life based Shadow, Witch, Ranger, and Templar Spell casters that used Warlords mark and VP to survive maps? For Example, Freezing Pulse.

Welcome to Path of Duelist, Marauder, ED/Contagion/Chaos DoT Shadow, and the exact same Summoner build League, after League, after League.
Last edited by ಥ_ಥ on Dec 4, 2017, 8:22:27 PM
This is Fine.jpg

I'm actually okay with almost all of these nerfs. Even though the Rise of the Phoenix one kinda hurts my soul since I love playing RF I totally understand. And it'll be nice to have more shield variety now since Rise isn't the obvious best choice anymore.

Only nerf I don't really care for is half the Dark Pact nerf. I totally understand dropping the self cast damage down since it was really high, but I'm disappointed at the range nerf. Halfing the range would have been okay, but full removing the range bonus? Booooooo.
I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief; because there will be so much to look forward to.
lambrioza wrote:
Only nerf that interests me is the ROTF shield one, i think -3% fire res wont do that much dmg to overall RF sustainability, gonna start as RF as planned.

It's a buff actually. Getting more other stats like life = more deeps and you didnt need the 3% anyway.
Odds_ wrote:
hazley wrote:
Garbage. More nerfs instead of buffing other things to be more viable. I've never seen such poor balancing on a game that's essentially only PVE.

I'm glad I held off on buying the supporter packs.

Are you actually this much of an idiot? It says right at the top that there's lots of buffs which will be detailed in the patch notes tomorrow.

shut up, you haven't been around this game for long enough. any buffs they add now will not undo the amount of nerfs they've done over the past few years.
lurker14ownz wrote:
Tessman wrote:
I'm very curious as to what the intent of the Rise of the Phoenix nerf is. It's mentioned in the explanation that it's ' too easy to max out fire resistance', but some napkin math suggests that the risk/reward for running RF is getting a little bit close to side of 'scary'.

The life is nice, but the flat regen is hilarious. If max fire resistance is the annoying part, why not but % life regen on it as compensation?

That said, I've not done anything other than the most trivial of theorycrafting - maybe this isn't too big of a deal.

We are losing only 3% of the max resist. It wont be hard to make that up somewhere else and they added more regen to we may get hurt more but regen slightly faster.

All the other nerfs are tiny... 10-15% dmg reductions on powerful builds are still powerful builds lol.

3% max resist will be something like 350-400 life regen a second I think? That is a pretty large chunk. Its not that easy to make that up without an aura bot as we already maxed out what we could.

I really don't think rotf nerf was needed, RF wasn't a top build by any means.

Right but you dont need 100% to begin with. RF is easily sustained long before that, im unkillable at lvl 32 with tons of regen nodes left. Perhaps Im missing something but even with 3% less we are still going to regen to full instantly.
Atziri's Acuity one of the rarest item's and you turn it into total trash...........Don't forget to fuck up "Bloodseeker" Claws too.
wow...y dont u just take all the items and skills out of the game and we can run around with our fists....oh wait u might nerf them to and just remove the characters from the game aswell then we can just watch a video of all the levels..

and "not afraid to nerf" srsly?? all u do is nerf the game .... change the game name to "Path of Nerf"

garbage all around

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