Path of Nerfs

MayimChayim wrote:
Self cast Dark Pact was mostly OP b/c you could VP your hp back. It's now hard to impossible to sustain it unless you're using Totems or with great risk of death. Although I don't like all the nerfs, this is the only one I don't understand. I hope it can be explained in more detail.

Self-cast DP Zerker's are still going to be broken. The radius change is good in that there is now some risk. The damage and radius should get another nerf for 3.2.
So are patch notes coming soon??
148 pages of cries and whining.
Hm not so good changes in my opinion. I play now since the closed beta is out and i never got one char to lvl 100. It was ever just too frustrating to get killed and loose 10% of the hard earned xp with it. This changes are useless and i can't understand what the real benefit is at this point.

I don't see any adjustment to mosters that one shot you if you don't have insta leech.
Last edited by zyndarius on Dec 5, 2017, 7:30:11 PM
The main part I really dislike is the exp change. It seems like a very crude way to fix what one side wants (the no lifers aka ppl that dont play this game as a game and "wanted" longer race to 100) while shafting the other (normal people aka ppl that play this game as a GAME aka under 4 hrs or something). For example, I believe this would've been a much better solution that balances (aka gives) what both sides wanted with fewer downsides to either side:

*Make new character screen*
*choose your league*
SSF SC, SSF HC, SC, HC, Standart
*clicks one of the options*
"Would you like to participate in races (to 100) to fight to obtain the related rewards (Demi, etc)?"
Then, there would be seperate modifers applied to the "racing ____(insert league here)____ characters.
THIS is where they could tune the exp rate to be whatever the hell the robots of POE want it to be.
You want it to be 10% slower to 100? Sure we got u. You want it to take 1 month to get from 95-100 using all the most efficient tactics? Sure we got you.

Pros of this solution (instead of theirs):
For casuals:
Can reach lvl 100 playing like a normal person
Can have that sense of achievement and perhaps even encourage some to get into racing

"Cons" for casuals:
Cannot get race rewards (silly con since no casual competes seriously in racing anyway aka no cons for casuals)

Pros for the robots (errr SOME "top racers" say some cause many didn't even want this):
Can take them as long as they want to get to 100 via their continued feedback (since this would only affect them)
Can milk the youtube series "Journey to 100 episode _____" money
can win race rewards
can get that weird drug-like competition (that they seem to enjoy trading their life aka sleep for)

Cons for the robots:
idk really less sense of achievement from getting 100 since more ppl will be able to get it? not faster than them still probably (possible solution for this could be increase race rewards, idk put a star by their name/forum name or something so they can continue to feel like sacrificing their life was worth that 100? just an idea)

Overall summary:
This type of change would add almost no downsides since casuals can get 100 at same rate (or slightly faster with exp change than before) so good for them and robots can challenge themselves however much their bodies can handle before they pass out without negatively affecting normal (aka 99% of players).

But Alex, wont this make more division in servers adding server strain on ggg servers? No, it would just be a character related modifier. They would play in same league, be able to trade with everyone else (unless in SSF obviously) etc

It's ideas like this that make me frustrated/upset at the way they handled the change. Like if you want to change something fine. Add more character/gameplay options that cater to what both sides want. Dont just assume that what 1 side wants is what everyone wants/cater to only 1 side when you can cater to both easily (imo) as purposed above.
If you have to nerf to the ground mechanics and stuff every major patch, maybe there's something wrong about what you call "balancing" in those patchs, maybe this is not balancing and just killing some builds and items, but guess what ?

It doesn't makes the game more balanced actually, it just kill those builds and the problem will remain the same, people with GG gear will say its ok, those builds are still viable, but its an elite. Most of the players can't afford to get GG gear or have the time to get it.

My point is, as i saw it in the past, to find balance you have to buff also the "bad" builds, but instead of this everytime we end with OP builds well known as meta, then you nerf them as hell next patch, so maybe, but im not claiming to get the truth, you should think twice about the idea of "balancing".
GGG did u not Learn about the Kids who already died from non stop playing ?! Do u seriously want us to DIE during Races?!

I´m talking serious rightnow. We´re already playing 30-40 Hours till we get 6 hours off sleep. DONT ENCOURAGE PEPOPLE to KILL THEMSELFS.

What are u thinking?!

"They're called 'users' for a reason... "
Man, I swear, GGG always forgets that we like feeling powerful.
Well, I guess instead of clearing a map in 1 minute, well have to make due with clearing it in 59 seconds.

Well, just like the US tax bill, this nerf will only really affect the middle 80% of players.
The top 9% won't give a shit, since nerfs never affect them in any significant way anyways. In fact, it will probably make them richer and better.
The lower 10% don't make builds that will be affected much, since cheapo builds will still be slow, but reliable and cheap.
And the 80% (or middle class), will have to take the brunt of the nerfs and, once again, like every republican tax cut, pay for the top 10% and lower 10%.

And then there's the 1% of players who don't give a shit, and play the game anyways.

Oh wait, too political or not enough?
Last edited by HedgeMoney on Dec 5, 2017, 9:44:31 PM

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