Path of Nerfs

Could you tell me which builds presenting in Build Of The Week on youtube are still worth to play?
Because of nerfing how many of them are worthless? There are 72 builds.
I,m casual player.
ROFL at the thread title :D
Kinda sad at the actual notes
"Metas rotate all the time, eventually the developers will buff melee"
PoE 2013-2018
99 to 100: 40% more experience needed
"we received overwhelming feedback(including from top racers) that this process should me made longer". 1% of playerbase at most is not "overwhelming feedback". who the hell are these top racers that said that xp needed increase? 0.1-1% of the playerbase that plays 15++ hours with full group? how can the voice of possibly less than 1% of playerbase be heard and screw up the rest 99++% of players? find these god damn idiots and put a sleeping pill in their drink to sleep. even before the changes the vast majoriy of players are not 100 level. if xp needed a change it should be decreased so that more players reach 100 level. now at least 99% of players won't even bother just cause less than 1% players that play 15+ hour said that xp needed increase
cora000 wrote:
99 to 100: 40% more experience needed
"we received overwhelming feedback(including from top racers) that this process should me made longer". 1% of playerbase at most is not "overwhelming feedback". who the hell are these top racers that said that xp needed increase? 0.1-1% of the playerbase that plays 15++ hours with full group? how can the voice of possibly less than 1% of playerbase be heard and screw up the rest 99++% of players? find these god damn idiots and put a sleeping pill in their drink to sleep. even before the changes the vast majoriy of players are not 100 level. if xp needed a change it should be decreased so that more players reach 100 level. now at least 99% of players won't even bother just cause less than 1% players that play 15+ hour said that xp needed increase

1% ? This big number.. Meh.

This is actucally a way too big numbers we are speakign in here.
Their feedback is based practically on about 20 ( 0.001% ) peoples, which is sh*ting nonstop on our faces from their cr*ppy lousy streaming channels.
This is not the PoE which we have participated once before, and it was built upon the idea for happyness of the masses. Now it is build upon the selfish idea of bunch of guys.
And it is going into just hit and smash direction. Which is just an action game without much of RPG in there.

Ruining leagues = Ruining Super Mario. That's all.
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
Last edited by BlazeSTX on Dec 6, 2017, 5:51:01 AM
GGG did u not Learn about the Kids who already died from non stop playing ?! Do u seriously want us to DIE during Races?!

I´m talking serious rightnow. We´re already playing 30-40 Hours till we get 6 hours off sleep. DONT ENCOURAGE PEPOPLE to KILL THEMSELFS.

What are u thinking?!

GGG listens the less than 1% playerbase that goes 100 level. if they say xp is needed to be increased GGG will increase it, cause less than 1% playerbase represents the rest 99+% playerbase. it's really sad to see that a very small minority of players can screw up almost the entire playerbase
cora000 wrote:
GGG did u not Learn about the Kids who already died from non stop playing ?! Do u seriously want us to DIE during Races?!

I´m talking serious rightnow. We´re already playing 30-40 Hours till we get 6 hours off sleep. DONT ENCOURAGE PEPOPLE to KILL THEMSELFS.

What are u thinking?!

GGG listens the less than 1% playerbase that goes 100 level. if they say xp is needed to be increased GGG will increase it, cause less than 1% playerbase represents the rest 99+% playerbase. it's really sad to see that a very small minority of players can screw up almost the entire playerbase

Sad or not it is a fact.
The game is not anymore directed toward the diversity of the builds for the noobs. It's now directed toward focusing into the builds of the richest and most well paying minority. Just like every other general software business out there..
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
Last edited by BlazeSTX on Dec 6, 2017, 5:53:05 AM
BlazeSTX wrote:

1% ? This big number.. Meh.

This is actucally a way too big numbers we are speakign in here.
Their feedback is based practically on about 20 ( 0.001% ) peoples, which is sh*ting nonstop on our faces from their cr*ppy lousy streaming channels.
This is not the PoE which we have participated once before, and it was built upon the idea for happyness of the masses. Now it is build upon the selfish idea of bunch of guys.
And it is going into just hit and smash direction. Which is just an action game without much of RPG in there.

Ruining leagues = Ruining Super Mario. That's all.

i don't know how many they are, but i know it's not higher than 1%, so i said 1% tops and less than 1%. but thanks for telling me that it's much lower than that. as i said, we need to find where they live and put sleeping pills on their drinks and then they say that it's too hard to go 100 level and GGG will listen to that small minority and will decrease the xp
cora000 wrote:

i don't know how many they are, but i know it's not higher than 1%, so i said 1% tops and less than 1%. but thanks for telling me that it's much lower than that. as i said, we need to find where they live and put sleeping pills on their drinks and then they say that it's too hard to go 100 level and GGG will listen to that small minority and will decrease the xp

It would be easy, since I believe they are sleeping all together those peoples which love the nerfs in PoE 3.x...
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
Barrage no longer has the additional projectile enchantment available in the Merciless Labyrinth. The equivalent Endgame Labyrinth enchantment now grants +1 additional Barrage Projectile (down from +2). Existing helmet enchantments are unmodified.

The additional projectile made this skill and enchantment combination the superior choice for bow/wand users. We want to ensure that there are several viable options for these characters.


that's no nerf.... Barrage was OP even without the enchantment

you did nothing here GGG, it's still the best single target bow/wand skill in the game by far and barrage meta will persist

Nerf it properly or buff other bow/wand skill
''It gladdens me to know that Odin prepares for a feast.
This hero that comes into Valhalla does not lament his death.
I shall not enter Odin's hall with fear.
And I welcome the Valkyries to summon me home!''
DrAssclown wrote:
Last sentence is important. I have been looking through tons of pages on this thread. The majority of comments in favor of this have 0-2 supporter titles. The majority of players who dislike this have 3-8 supporter titles. Seems like the player base that dislikes this stuff are the paying consumers. I would start to listen to them fast. I mean unless GGG staff are such haters of the filthy casuals and so hardcore themselves they will develop the game without being paid just to show how hardcore they really are.

What if i dont want to show it off? What if i didnt buy a supporter pack but rather straight 500 premium tabs?

And tbh, this "whine" we can see every single new update. And you know what? playerbase was always getting higher and higher. Also the earnings of GGG went up after each of these whine threads. And most likely you and the other whiners will still play the game and after a while completely forget about what you whined about, just like every1 else who whined about double dipping nerfs, ES nerfs and such.

Imo GGG will just laugh at every little whiner post bcause they know how little it actually matters.

Because noone buys 500 straight prem tabs. Noone. You buy supporter pack for nice MTX, for the forum title, bragging right and you also get the points. And THEN you spend points on prem tabs.

But yes - noobs like the nerf because then they are not such noobs anylonger. Anyone who really invested into the game and has few builds with acuity or whatnot - now we all have to see GGG destroy yet another few of our builds.

You put time, money, energy into creating a character over couple months just to see it gutted at a whim by GGG. Yes, I DONT LIKE IT.

Will i buy another support pack? Probably. I was gonna buy the green portal one for 160, and I still prbly will - but not now, at the end. If at all.

And again - i dont understand why some items stay legacy forever like kaoms heart, while other items are nerfed retroactively.... Who decides?

I mean GGG is owner of the game, but it seems that there are many unhappy players. I could care less about nerfs in the upcoming league - that only makes everything and everybody on a same level playing field. It is the destruction of Acuity and other items in standard, destroying already completed builds - that is my problem.

500 tabs was an exaggeration. I have 25 + all special tabs. And this will most likely mean gave more than the average player. Im pretty sure that the mass on selling tabs outweights the earnings of supporter packs. I just simply dont bother with looks in games tbh, therefore no need for MTX, although achievement related MTX is welcome.

Noobs like the nerf? That has nothing to do with things like this. 90% of the playerbase doesn't have chars over lvl 95 bcause in the end most of us dont wants to grind that hard but are influenced by streamers to have the dream of hitting 100 "this league". If we talk about item nerfes than it't not the noobs who complain but the standard players. Ppl who exclusively play leagues don't bother with stuff like this. Funnily enough most league HC player would call standard players noobs.

Yes you will most likely buy another supporter pack and move on. That's what happens after every nerf.

I guess the reason why some items stay legacy and others dont is in the coding. Maybe f.e. Atziri's was code-wise connected to vaal pact to work correctly, while Kaoms just had a different number setted to life pool. That means that for Kaoms to have 2 versions, they just had to put a different life-number to nerf the new dropped kaoms, while with actuity to work like this they had to rewrite how the item actually works, with the changes to Vaal Pact keynote. It seems like it is just a way of safe working hours and therefore development money.

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