Path of Nerfs

Nerf this sucker into the ground, baby!

Someone somewhere once said: "Making balance decisions based on a small portion of your player base is going to give you a smaller player Base."

Just to sum some things up...

Slayer: how bout "You can only choose either Vaal Pact or Brutal Fervour. You can't allocate Vaal Pact and Brutal Fervour at the same time." - No change to Brutal Fervour(or nerf it A BIT)

AOE: "Skills that actually offscreen-kill mobs had their AOE reduced. Arrows don't travel offscreen"

Vaal Pact Position on the tree: Leave the Keystone where it is, make a 2nd at the opposite side of the tree and add “You can’t allocate both Vaal Pact keystones.” Yes I'm ok with the nerf of VP's leech, nothing more to say.

ES: "We added a scaling for ES that increases exponentialy, the more ES you gain. ES is capped at ~10.000(random number... don't pin me on it)

Zana Mods: I hate them. Honestly I hate them. I would like a statistic of how many players really use them? And please don’t give me another of your wrong statistic like always (trading). I was really disappointed when it was announced that another League, in that case Harbinger, will rot away in Zana’s map device. For an MF char, if he farms this mods on well rolled maps with sextants and all, yes this is profitable, for the normal player it is not. Riddle this for me: Would each map get too cluttered if all Leagues get merged to core? With let’s say…. 1-3 League-Mods per Map?

And you know... Although I have 1906h on this game, I consider myself still as a kind of casual. But still, casuals also would like to get at least 1 char once to level 100. And I place a bet that:
and the experience available gets larger

Which in combination with the Monster Density in Maps-Manifesto should mean "3.1 although XP nerf, XP gained per hour, is still the same" - is not the whole truth.

We had this before…
The average experience per monster has been slightly reduced at high levels.

This is from the 3.0 patch notes. Various threads/people claimed, XP at around level ~95 was reduced by one third.

To be honest, I still riddle about this XP problem. I think, the speed at which some players reach high levels is a problem in races. But is it really that much of a problem alone? It is no wonder that with the Beachheadmaps the race to 100 was over quicker than last league with Leaguestones. (would be nice if a Beachheadmap could drop in core game, oooooh wait. Yeah you removed them)

(If I find the thread I will link it) Someone from the Staff once said, that the XP penalty is for the player so he doesn't get bored. So that he has the challenge of leveling longer in front of him...

But for the normal player, you know what a death at level 92+ means?
- Losing a couple of hours of progress or even days. It took me once 1 week to level from 93-94 with 9-11h shifts a day, including some deaths.(yes a lot of people need to work too, I'm not a streamer)
- (for the CSGO people) the same as losing 0-16 to cheaters while your team consists of 4 Russians
And please don’t get me started now with “well a HC Player loses the whole char”. Yeah well, how long will NORMAL HC players grind to 100 now?? 1 year?

Mistakes happen, they are human. And also the best player will get caught in a volatile, storm bearers or a crit or else.

Just where is this game going? Do you really want to make a Dark Souls clone? Because if I want to get punished for every wrong move I go and play Dark Souls with love and passion. Everytime it just feels more like nerfs to fun.

And now, please all of you come out, throw your pathetic insults at me, lough at me that I play not only leagues but softcore standard, say that I just babyraged and "mimimi game gets harder" give it your best shot.

Wow...yesterday this post had 70 pages of comments, today over 145....

I wasn't going to say anything (I'm just too busy IRL), and I don't have time to read all of the comments, but I'm a longtime contributor, an uber casual player (never really get beyond level 91 or so, even when I'm all in on a league), and had just started getting my 10 year old involved in the game (and he's excited for Friday's launch).

I'm the kind of casual POE loving player that NEEDS some sort of meta to keep me interested in the game. I have a pretty intense (big software company) job and I play this to wind down. When I start dying a lot in the 80's (and especially 90's) I get more and more frustrated and start to want to quit.

In Harbinger league, I enjoyed Dark Pact. In the 10 day, I tried RF for the first time. Both nerfed. In the comments I keep hearing "what about Slayer", so I researched that and figured I'd give that a try. Then udpated comment "oh yeah, that's nerfed too".

I frankly don't know if I'll play for awhile. I don't care much about ladders and such. I'm a semi-SSF type player who justs wants an ENJOYABLE grind to some MTX's that I can't get otherwise.

So I don't really care about all of the 95-100 xp tangients in the comments, but I DO care that everything that is interesting and helps us casuals enjoy the higher level content gets nerfed into tremendous tedium.

Net net, please watch the death figures from 82-92. If they spike as a result of all of this "nerfing", among those of us who don't make a living gaming, you're doing it wrong.
Is it GGG's goal to stop casual players from doing end game content/reaching 100 (ever)? Or you know, stop playing?
why do you nerf queen of the forest after all these years? cause no one play CI? cause people got only few chest left that are good? or what? can you explain me next league you will nerf headhunter too? or waht? it's a game we need fun not things like that...
luke6666sama wrote:
Its funny how they say "WE'VE RECEIVED MASSIVE FEEDBACK" and then you go on the replies on the manifesto and you see that 95% of the players are posting comments disagreeing with the changes, mostly hateful comments (for a reason).

Tindraa wrote:
Wow...yesterday this post had 70 pages of comments, today over 145....

I wasn't going to say anything (I'm just too busy IRL), and I don't have time to read all of the comments, but I'm a longtime contributor, an uber casual player (never really get beyond level 91 or so, even when I'm all in on a league), and had just started getting my 10 year old involved in the game (and he's excited for Friday's launch).

I'm the kind of casual POE loving player that NEEDS some sort of meta to keep me interested in the game. I have a pretty intense (big software company) job and I play this to wind down. When I start dying a lot in the 80's (and especially 90's) I get more and more frustrated and start to want to quit.

In Harbinger league, I enjoyed Dark Pact. In the 10 day, I tried RF for the first time. Both nerfed. In the comments I keep hearing "what about Slayer", so I researched that and figured I'd give that a try. Then udpated comment "oh yeah, that's nerfed too".

I frankly don't know if I'll play for awhile. I don't care much about ladders and such. I'm a semi-SSF type player who justs wants an ENJOYABLE grind to some MTX's that I can't get otherwise.

So I don't really care about all of the 95-100 xp tangients in the comments, but I DO care that everything that is interesting and helps us casuals enjoy the higher level content gets nerfed into tremendous tedium.

Net net, please watch the death figures from 82-92. If they spike as a result of all of this "nerfing", among those of us who don't make a living gaming, you're doing it wrong.

We shouldn't make a statement and conclusion when we know only barely 5% of the upcoming update. Everything changes, so as META. Previous patch, your favourite builds dominated. This patch might dominate other builds, due to upcoming balance changes, that we don't know yet. Don't worry that something won't become meta, that's what theorycrafters are for. Every system have its own weaknes and its matter of time, to find it and exploit it. This is not about "if" but "when".
Last edited by Sixtysan on Dec 5, 2017, 6:08:59 PM
Any non-Duelist, Scion, Marauder, build that was Life based, with a range of life around 4.5-6k, that used leech + potions to sustain itself in a boss fight, and had reasonable damage values of 25k-150k dps (naturally depending on skill and gear), has no more than 40% physical dmg reduction, and no more than 75% evasion with potions up, is dead.

Life Evasion Ranger phys/ele Spectral Throw = DEAD
Life Evasion Witch/Templar Freezing Pulse = DEAD
Life Evasion Ranger/Shadow Blade Flurry = DEAD

Of course GGG and some people will say, "but they're not dead, they can do maps just fine"
No, They stand absolutely and utterly no chance against t15 rare bosses, let alone Uber Atziri's Trio, or a Corrupted 8 mod Morgrants. Any build can clear mob packs, who cares.

Any boss encounter with Chaos dmg, DoT, Beams, things that cannot be mitigated with 75 all res, cwdt Immortal Call, and 75% evasion chance + 40% dodge/spell dodge. Encounters that even with all your potions and accumulated best gear, ended up relying on instant leech to get up from 10-400 hp remaining instead of dieing and ripping the map.

Leech builds with those kinds of experiences, are the ones that just died.
The worst part is that they're not even given an alternative.
"Invest in leech" As a Witch or Shadow? How? What life leech option does a Witch really have? Without Vaal Pact and High Damage: Blasphemy Warlords Mark or a unique item, was utterly insufficient to survive even normal encounters. And even with Vaal Pact a high dmg value was needed to reach some semblance of sustain for t8-11 maps. To "Invest in Leech" to make VP work, is to take away damage or what little life a witch might have, both resulting in insufficient leech and a base pool to survive any boss encounter that isn't a pushover.
Last edited by ಥ_ಥ on Dec 5, 2017, 6:14:34 PM
It's pretty obvious that they don't care about community's feedback. Pls make polls before doing changes where the community and not only 2 or 3 lambda players have to say. Life builds barely reach 6k HP, only 2 high life items in the game (kaoms and belly) available , any random mob can easily hit and one shot that little amount of life.
Having read many of the comments in the 145+ pages and counting, it's quiet clear that most people aren't happy with many of these changes and the nerfing every patch release. Life based builds can barely survive one shots mechanics that should have been fixed but they haven't.
Feel free to say that you are not afraid of continuously nerfing the game, i doubt that the same will be said when most players will be gone.

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