Path of Nerfs

funny how people say sole on nerfs ... the game is getting erasier and easier over the years (funny how thios happens with nerfs only) and this page is about heavy nerfs^^ ofc you don t find buff here. Just read the last sentencve O_O.
i thought the whole point was discovering incredibly over powered builds...
wow, there is a lot of sand in a lot of vaginas
insane in the membrane
TheGreatjon wrote:
i thought the whole point was discovering incredibly over powered builds...

That's why they nuke them. So you can go looking again.
"Into the Labyrinth!
left step, right step, step step, left left.
Into the Labyrinth!"
There is a band called "CryMeARiver". This band made a song - cry baby cry. This song was about meta players after they lost VP.
Tartaros38 wrote:
<...> the game is getting erasier <...>

Nailed it.
Last sentence is important. I have been looking through tons of pages on this thread. The majority of comments in favor of this have 0-2 supporter titles. The majority of players who dislike this have 3-8 supporter titles. Seems like the player base that dislikes this stuff are the paying consumers. I would start to listen to them fast. I mean unless GGG staff are such haters of the filthy casuals and so hardcore themselves they will develop the game without being paid just to show how hardcore they really are.
Sardekar wrote:
When they nerf based only on the 1% and the strongest of the strong builds, they make the game a lot less fun for everyone wanting to play in any other way, while the 1% will simply find the new meta and continue to abuse mechanics as best they can.


Mic drop..

DrAssclown wrote:
Last sentence is important. I have been looking through tons of pages on this thread. The majority of comments in favor of this have 0-2 supporter titles. The majority of players who dislike this have 3-8 supporter titles. Seems like the player base that dislikes this stuff are the paying consumers. I would start to listen to them fast. I mean unless GGG staff are such haters of the filthy casuals and so hardcore themselves they will develop the game without being paid just to show how hardcore they really are.

What if i dont want to show it off? What if i didnt buy a supporter pack but rather straight 500 premium tabs?

And tbh, this "whine" we can see every single new update. And you know what? playerbase was always getting higher and higher. Also the earnings of GGG went up after each of these whine threads. And most likely you and the other whiners will still play the game and after a while completely forget about what you whined about, just like every1 else who whined about double dipping nerfs, ES nerfs and such.

Imo GGG will just laugh at every little whiner post bcause they know how little it actually matters.
This game needs more nerfs. I will be buying another supporter pack after the holidays.

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