Path of Nerfs


Wasn't expecting the team to pick the AoE nerf over damage regarding Dark Pact, as someone threaded here before, seems senseful otherwise.

On the same line, for what it counts, the removal of the Critical Strike Chance on Doomfetch is counterproductive, since it concerns the flat values on weapon - forcing crit-out-ranger Ascendancies to maintain consistency or tree over-reaching.

Vaal Pact decision seems as harsh as the ES nerf last league, which makes it easy to understand how some players might feel - gameplay keystones are too impactful for that kind of expression, you should ease on these. Tho to be expected.

Back to The Melee (Reaving Insight): view-thread/1240462
Fusion Skill Engineering: view-thread/1095291
DrAssclown wrote:
Last sentence is important. I have been looking through tons of pages on this thread. The majority of comments in favor of this have 0-2 supporter titles. The majority of players who dislike this have 3-8 supporter titles. Seems like the player base that dislikes this stuff are the paying consumers. I would start to listen to them fast. I mean unless GGG staff are such haters of the filthy casuals and so hardcore themselves they will develop the game without being paid just to show how hardcore they really are.

What if i dont want to show it off? What if i didnt buy a supporter pack but rather straight 500 premium tabs?

And tbh, this "whine" we can see every single new update. And you know what? playerbase was always getting higher and higher. Also the earnings of GGG went up after each of these whine threads. And most likely you and the other whiners will still play the game and after a while completely forget about what you whined about, just like every1 else who whined about double dipping nerfs, ES nerfs and such.

Imo GGG will just laugh at every little whiner post bcause they know how little it actually matters.

wrong you plebeian
Also the earnings of GGG went up after each of these whine threads.

Each whine thread, the earnings of GGG go up more quickly than the previous ones. We receive overwhelming feedback (including from top whiners) that this process should be made longer. We're going to be careful though, and just adjust it a bit at a time. In 3.1.0, this takes the form of small additional earnings penalties...
Last edited by FNX_Heroes on Dec 5, 2017, 5:06:53 PM
Grinding gear games creates the meta builds that they then nerf by ignoring the many skills that have been left unchanged and terrible by comparison, they use the same excuses every patch that said mechanics are overpowered, blah blah blah and said builds are too overplayed yet diversity through improvements to several skills get ignored each and every patch,,what i find frustrating is a large majority of the player base never abuse the items or skills that get nerfed yet almost without fail their endgame choices continue to shrink because of the 1% crying for the nerfes,,wich by the way is ironic because most of those players can simply buy their way through changes with better gear,most notably the streamers and ultra rich playerbase. All in all the game seems to be balanced around the 1% percentiles who have unlimited resources, positive changes never match up to the negative ones,,cant wait to hear the next (this is a buff) tall tale you guys come up with.
Remember when high end gear was really high end !
Classic Audio all the way,olderthandirt and twice as
Grizzly :)
The problem isn't in nerfing Vaal Pact. The problem is the lack of defensive mechanics in the end-game for the masses. I mean that you can achieve okay armour or evasion numbers for SOME builds, but only for some. Evasion is not crap on its own - it works well when you have lots of it + capped dodge & spelldodge (though I think dodge is a dirty hack dictated by "evasion being crap"). Armour also isn't crap considering the average % of incoming physical damage, it also works when you have 60-80k of it. Block is also OK when it's capped. Even regen is good with a 4k regen trollbuild.

But how many builds can really use something of this? A little. That's why everyone needs VP and that's what should be fixed...
Many of you sound so disappointed with these nerfs as if your boss is cutting your salary in half or somebody burned down your car. I mean this is just a game! FFS! I've spent hundreds of hours in POE and it's a way to relax after work, chill out during weekends. It's not a way of life. And these nerfs certainly don't make the game unplayable. So man up little cry babies!

GGG, thanks for this update. Looking forward to the full patch notes. And can't freakin' wait for the start of Abyss League!

Just a game haha.. [Removed by Support] Some people, like myself.. Is actually trying to enojy the experience of the game, while pushing for endgame... imagine sinking a smaller fortune into something that you want to play.. and then see it get nerfed into obvlivion... Not so enjoyable anymore huh.. [Removed by Support]

Some of your text was removed by GGG Support. I'm guessing it was something not very nice. I hope nothing offensive on my behalf!
Yes. This is just a game. It's not the air you breathe, not the water you drink, it doesn't pay your bills, it's not the meaning of life. What makes you think I don't enjoy the experience of the game? I don't have to imagine "sinking a smaller fortune" because I spent quite a lot of money on this game. It could be nothing for you but I highly doubt that. And still this is just a game for me that serves a purpose to make me have fun.
DrAssclown wrote:
Last sentence is important. I have been looking through tons of pages on this thread. The majority of comments in favor of this have 0-2 supporter titles. The majority of players who dislike this have 3-8 supporter titles. Seems like the player base that dislikes this stuff are the paying consumers. I would start to listen to them fast. I mean unless GGG staff are such haters of the filthy casuals and so hardcore themselves they will develop the game without being paid just to show how hardcore they really are.

What if i dont want to show it off? What if i didnt buy a supporter pack but rather straight 500 premium tabs?

And tbh, this "whine" we can see every single new update. And you know what? playerbase was always getting higher and higher. Also the earnings of GGG went up after each of these whine threads. And most likely you and the other whiners will still play the game and after a while completely forget about what you whined about, just like every1 else who whined about double dipping nerfs, ES nerfs and such.

Imo GGG will just laugh at every little whiner post bcause they know how little it actually matters.

Because noone buys 500 straight prem tabs. Noone. You buy supporter pack for nice MTX, for the forum title, bragging right and you also get the points. And THEN you spend points on prem tabs.

But yes - noobs like the nerf because then they are not such noobs anylonger. Anyone who really invested into the game and has few builds with acuity or whatnot - now we all have to see GGG destroy yet another few of our builds.

You put time, money, energy into creating a character over couple months just to see it gutted at a whim by GGG. Yes, I DONT LIKE IT.

Will i buy another support pack? Probably. I was gonna buy the green portal one for 160, and I still prbly will - but not now, at the end. If at all.

And again - i dont understand why some items stay legacy forever like kaoms heart, while other items are nerfed retroactively.... Who decides?

I mean GGG is owner of the game, but it seems that there are many unhappy players. I could care less about nerfs in the upcoming league - that only makes everything and everybody on a same level playing field. It is the destruction of Acuity and other items in standard, destroying already completed builds - that is my problem.
You know how Chris feels about this by the title "Path of Nerfs" instead of "Path of Change" or some other benign title.

Your fan DeMiGodKingLoL (not me) is much more optimistic
I am really interested has Chris ever tried to reach level 100?
I am really interested how a character with 5k hp can survive fight with a boss, who can kill with two blows, without instant leech.
Interesting is also a rise of chances to get challenges, which literally gives a buff only to ego of noobs.
Leech was the last thing, that made my magic characters were able to survive. Earlier ES was broken, beacuse it gave high pool of survivality to magic characters, which have poor elemental leech limited by skills and equipment. This is not truth, that people would resign, when they reach level 100. Normal human beings, who work and play do not have enough time to lost with grinding level 100, but dreams are our last bastion who push us to play the game.
The most dissgusting are those few nerds, who play on cams etc. It is like ggg support tchem more than us, players. This longer 100lvup will let them be on air longer (and beards longer too) for their timeto earn money on commercials. Maybe ggg earn money too. This is a lie, that vaal pact is too strong. Problem is, that too many peoples resigned from playing, and ggg try to do something about it. Problem is, that ggg is fallen into THE ABYSS OF THEIR OWN IGNORANCE.
I should remind one old hack and slash game which CHRIS was into. Dungeon Siege. There was multi there. It was totally impossible, to reach level 100 there, because the amount of time we need to spend was to large, but it was possible. Here situation is other. The time we need to spend is also limited by die rating. When i've played with my Witch on normal i was a noob and my character was weak. The only method for fast lv up was grinding and farming of endgame maps on last act. Why do not play maps? When we die on mercilles we loose 10% of our xp. On higher levels ~95 10% means to finish 20 tier 10 maps. I can't imagine what it mean on level 100?! probably 20 tier 15 maps! I can say this shorter, when i tried to get 96 or 97 i've lost like 1 week of playing on 1 death. 9,5k ES was not enough with small amount of dps to recover it from leech.

I think next time ggg will remove leech.
Next time life regeneration.
Next time potions.
And there will be no next time.
I've met lv 100 characters still playing harbinger league.
Last word. There is a method, to nerf all top cam players. Try do not trade with them. Just made an embargo. If they are destroying your game, just destroy theirs own! This is simple method. They are supported by our ignorance - they sells junk and buy maps to lvup. We - players can stop them and make the game for us. Good proof was last helping hand to Twitch. It is like a business cooperation between ggg and Amazon (earlier was with Purple stuff) and manipulation over us.

The company i work do the same with little more cruel scale! They try to connect our lives (and pockets) with them: food maschines/catering, car and bike leasing, kindergarten, training of students, employment of families, renting houses to employees, office parties and of course tons of propaganda (racism, healthy living, sport, careers, ecology,certifications). Reality is other: cheating with taxes, minimalizing wages, real racism against unconnected peoples, unhealthy workplace, praise of informing, releasing uncomfortable employees. This all is connected with nationalism and greed.

Good, that here we have only greed, but stuff need to hear majority of players, and majority do not play for challenges, which give us ggg, but we have our own goals. My goal is to make such build i do not die often.

We all want to push forward and GGG moves us backwards (this is like the wild capitalism which makes slaves of peoples in modern world)

First promoting builds like emberwake/eye of innocence - then destroing emberwake - first promoting builds with Cospris Malice, then destroing the item, firts promoted in hardbinger witch with life over matter,then destroying high mana bonus - i've tried lom on my hp build with this old good mana bonus - sorry but this failed, better buff hp. So now is even worser.

I can say, that ggg will also loose money. Why? Because i've started to buy microtransactions when i had a strong character. Earlier i would feel stupid to put shiny things on a noob. If we will all feel like weaklings, we will do not want to feel stupid and do not support ggg. My next manifesto can only be saying goodbye to ggg if things will get worts (i will add extra screenshots of scammers who do not sell items or lies they are sold and then rise the price - i will build whole database).

Chris - chaos - PoE is slowely turning from grind, build hack & slash to casino with random sudden death.
DrAssclown wrote:
Last sentence is important. I have been looking through tons of pages on this thread. The majority of comments in favor of this have 0-2 supporter titles. The majority of players who dislike this have 3-8 supporter titles. Seems like the player base that dislikes this stuff are the paying consumers. I would start to listen to them fast. I mean unless GGG staff are such haters of the filthy casuals and so hardcore themselves they will develop the game without being paid just to show how hardcore they really are.

What if i dont want to show it off? What if i didnt buy a supporter pack but rather straight 500 premium tabs?

And tbh, this "whine" we can see every single new update. And you know what? playerbase was always getting higher and higher. Also the earnings of GGG went up after each of these whine threads. And most likely you and the other whiners will still play the game and after a while completely forget about what you whined about, just like every1 else who whined about double dipping nerfs, ES nerfs and such.

Imo GGG will just laugh at every little whiner post bcause they know how little it actually matters.

Are you also hiding the rest of your challenges? Otherwise it looks like you wouldn't care about the endgame content anyway. Are you some special kind who still plays the game hoping their player base and earnings will go up so maybe they will destroy meta builds with every new wave of plebs, maybe maybe you'd catch up?
Last edited by Arctic47 on Dec 5, 2017, 5:51:40 PM

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