Path of Nerfs

It is pretty funny to see that people who don't have a character above level 95 complain about EXP change after level 95.
You're a fucking liar
I got the next Wormblaster build and I'm not lying >:3
"We receive overwhelming feedback (including from top racers)"

95 to 96: 6.5% more experience needed
96 to 97: 11.5% more experience needed
97 to 98: 18.7% more experience needed
98 to 99: 28.25% more experience needed
99 to 100: 40% more experience needed"

BULLSHIT! who who who??? maTHIL???? Elitist shitness change...

I found this completely unnecessary ...
Only very focused players OR Bots take lvl 100,
I'm a casual player, I like playing and I dreamed of getting 100 lvl, I feel very frustrated. Players like Alkaizerx or Zizarian will take 1 week longer to pick up 100 lvl. I'LL TAKE ... NEVER ...

Oh really? wtf GGG !?

Elitist change of shit ... Very demotivating.

i at least can assume why you would nerf VP and Acuity, never did a lab runner so don't realize the effects of Qotf. But why RotP though? i mean you nerf something when it does not go with the existing game mechanics. as you have already mentioned in the thread. But then why nerf a shield by claiming it can be USEFUL to other build? plz do tell me a single build other than a full/partial RF build that would use the Phoenix shield. there are tons of uniques out there you can nerf and you hold the innocent kid sitting in the front bench in math class?. I wonder if people realizes that the only builds and classes that are super powerful because of these nerfs are necromancer and gladiator, which are also probably gonna get nerf next league because they're going to become new meta.
WizBlizz1994 wrote:
You're a fucking liar
I got the next Wormblaster build and I'm not lying >:3

In terms of memeblasting or in terms of infinite sustainability? You've got my interest.
Toni_ACPC wrote:
"We receive overwhelming feedback (including from top racers)"

95 to 96: 6.5% more experience needed
96 to 97: 11.5% more experience needed
97 to 98: 18.7% more experience needed
98 to 99: 28.25% more experience needed
99 to 100: 40% more experience needed"

BULLSHIT! who who who??? maTHIL???? Elitist shitness change...

I found this completely unnecessary ...
Only very focused players OR Bots take lvl 100,
I'm a casual player, I like playing and I dreamed of getting 100 lvl, I feel very frustrated. Players like Alkaizerx or Zizarian will take 1 week longer to pick up 100 lvl. I'LL TAKE ... NEVER ...

Oh really? wtf GGG !?

Elitist change of shit ... Very demotivating.

Mathil? Mathil has never reached level 100 nor does he ever plan to
Thanks GGG
IGN: iEternity, ___iEternity___

Last edited by iEternity on Aug 31, 2020, 2:31:33 PM
Is the existing Atziri's Acuity gonna be kept as a legacy or the change applies to all current ones also?
LaplaceNoMa wrote:

LaiTash wrote:

No i've seen my girlfriend who just started playing this game this league playing an unkillable 11k EHP 75% block/spell block character who could also kite shit with shield charge while spectres tank and melt everything including shaper into oblivion.

Meanwhile a melle-range skill that uses your health gets a triple nerf. Wow, just wow.

You mean 11k EHP that have literally zero mitigation and provide way less actual EHP than some eva/armour-based character with ~6k HP?

You mean the 'unkillable' character with literally zero leech and only surviving due to block, with pretty much a sneeze from some problematic affix'd mobs killing them in one-shot way before any DD mob can even look their way, if it doesn't get blocked?

You mean 'kite shit with shield charge' with such a great speed that you finish the outer perimeter of Poorjoys when your rotation party is already TPing back to town with their movement skill speeds?

You mean 'melt everything' as in like only bosses, pretty much like many other boss-killing builds (and worse than some of them, especially the lab-running Izaro-oneshotting ones)?

Dude, try actually playing the fucking game instead of watching your girlfriend run white maps and create the illusion of an overpowered build.

Yes, some just don’t get it do they. While summoners, either spectre or flame golem, are strong and can play in end-game, compared to other end-games builds, summoners are slow, both in movement and kill speed, and prone to getting one-shot when something gets by the minions and the block-check fails.

Party play as a summoner is always LOL too. All you get to do is run/shield charge/whirl as fast as you can in an attempt to keep up with the party’s real DPS machines that always kill everything and run/shield charge/whirl faster, all the while your DPS minions lag far behind you, doing nothing the entire time other than warp to your just-left location where everything is already dead, until you portal out having contributed nothing to the run.

There is a reason some don’t like to party with summoners. They cause lag and contribute nothing to full parties. Having said this, there is always the other side of the coin. If you are in party with a bunch of players that are under-geared and/or have crap builds… they will love you for carrying them.

But spectres and/or golems being OP… lol… not.

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