Path of Nerfs

I have been struggling trying to reach lvl 90 and now you make it even harder to lvl, must admit that I am close to give it all up as there is no chance of ever reaching lvl 100 :((
I dont understand GGG.
I play PoE casual so I always read forum for OP builds but when I can finally have character closing to that builds they after patch are nerfed. So after patch I wait for next OP builds on the forum and than I build next char and so on... I'm bored now. I always like to melt down monsters but GGG after each patch takes it away.

Like I said earlier, why always nerfing builds? If not that plenty of nerfs now we would have hundreds of OP builds and thousends needed staff. Each player could find his best build, each player could try all builds, each player could do endgame content of course not deathless but possible.

More OP builds => Esasier playability endgame content => More people who wants invests in that builds => More eqiupment needed on trade => More eqiupment than more stashtabs needed (need to buy) => More currency needed? gamers play more => More people like to play more supporters

Thats of course for SC gamers, but you are doing this game for only HC players. Where are we, low and mid tier players?
Good changes. There are some bold(ish) moves too. I like it. Keep it going.

Don't give in to people. The players of our time got used to getting everything in a week or couple of days even. I remember the good old days where we would play games knowing that we would have to play a lot more to progress. Those were the days to enjoy. I don't have much time to play anymore (not as much anyway) but it doesn't mean that I have the right to expect to have the same gear, same levels, same power level with another players who dedicates much more time than me. The required time and more importantly skill (and knowledge of how to execute) is what makes a content meaningful. Without those people will just keep asking for more buffs, easier content and then they will shamelessly go on to say that "no content in this game".

Make the content even harder. Let it force us to properly play the game, avoid stuff and such. I'm sure there are a lot of players who cleared the Uber-Lab without even learning the boss mechanics! Don't let it be a thing anymore. Make us actually "play" the game, rather than clicking a fake "play" button.

And for the love of Kitava please release the Patch Notes already :)
wow, so many pages.
I never played any build with instant leech so I guess this won't affect me too much.
I did play with one slayer char and had a lot of fun in 2.6. I guess if I use some life flasks (faster recovery at low life and so on) I should still be fine, anyways I can get 29% max life leech rate if I spend a few skill points.

I'm a bit more concerned about the mana nerf after MOM. I respected many of my old caster builds and got through uber lab easily with the help of MOM. Hope this nerf doesn't hurt too much.

I may play a doomfletch char next league, I only had three bow chars, and one of them is a melee range armour based guy. Should be fun to get one more ranged char.
I really dislike those exp changes.
A few weeks ago I switched my Ngamahu Cyclone tree over from Vaal Pact to increased life leech rates. It saved me a lot of nodes from going up to Vaal Pact...but I could no longer do red map bonuses.

I just don't understand the calculations behind this nerf. If you had reduced Vaal Pact to a percentage (like 65% of life leeched is now instant instead of 100%), that would seem well thought-out, but just killing it outright makes it seem like someone jumped the gun.

I guess I await the full patch notes so see if anything is being done to offset this nerf.
Last edited by gotommyg on Dec 5, 2017, 1:34:16 PM
All i can see:


and even more nerf.

Good job
2nd rant just for the sake of doing it! I can do shit like GG does, yey!

For all those stating that hitting 100 is a challenge: NOPE!
(and luck for no disconnect and losing 10%)
At lv90 most builds can steamroll red maps, even with 8mods what should be hard content and when you can clear hard content you should level up fast but noo, it is better to do easier maps just to clear even faster+safer.

Someone earlier wrote this:

We all know and can see via streams, how (a small group of) people can get to 100 this quick. They play (work?) in a very unhealty, absurd and - for me - not enjoyable way.

GGG just encouraged them to do this even more. You are responsible for their bad health, partly at least.

btw lvl98 Ele here, for all those retards saying only low lvls complain. Because of shitty exp rates, the game DISCOURAGED me to play more. YES it backfired harder than a Mesmer (GW maxlvl was 20 and I played it >10k hours).

whats wrong with the ARPG has you maxlv in 20minutes, and there is 1 build per class, the other has so many builds but you can never finish a char to play the next...

risk vs rewards dudes...
what about a "do 20 red 8mod maps to gain one xp shield" that prevents xp loss?
what about high xp for boss kills (it is a joke what they give...) - incentive to kill them, not only for possible map drop
what about just let the people finish a character, so they start next - buy char slots / more trade will be done
what about, map mods give flat xp bonus for really bad mods like -max resistance?
and so on...

TLDR: make game harder (nerf more dps or whatever), but when you can do hard content, give more XP so characters CAN be finished after grinding their gear up to high class.

And now again, put your xp policy where the sun doesn't shine!

You know what? XP cap - so that only after a month 100 is possible in new league -> racers can not complain about too fast leveling. And just remove xp nerf above 90's so the average player can also hit the cap. And then it is about skill, not levels. but that would be interesting so I guess it's declined from the start.
Well, I was hoping that level 100 would be more reachable for everyone in the future, rather than making it even harder. So what if few no-lifes got it in few days? 99% players won't even get to 97, so wtf GGG?
Could you elaborate on what "overwhelming feedback" means regarding experience changes? Top racers are probably a fraction of 1% of players (I'm speculating that amount). So who thinks it's a good idea? I usually lose interest after level 92 because the proverbial carrot on a stick is too far away. Now it's getting extending further. I don't know if the change is good or bad, but I'd like to know what sort of player thinks this is a good idea.
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